I trust. Been told the scrip has been issued. With my luck the chemist's will mislay it. No, I didn't say that. I took on board Body_bonkers' point about their receiving many letters and at the weekend opened a second front, sending the following through their messaging system
I shall run out of Prednisolone entirely on the 25th. I have no wish to end up in A+E with adrenal crisis. Please would you prescribe the next issue due 22nd by this coming Thursday, 18th, so that there is a good margin.
Please let me know the prescription has been issued.
To be exact I have a total of 112 x 1 mg tab. I am now on 9 mg. That will last 12 days.
This situation has arisen because of hiccups with the last two scrips. I have written a long letter to Dr xxxxxxxxx detailing what has happened. If the letter has not been received, please let me know how I can email it to you.
Briefly, in March when I was flaring badly and on 15 mg I was prescribed a repeat weaning dose, which averages out at 11 mg/day. Clearly on 15, 14, 13, 12 mg I have been getting through that with at best a very narrow margin for running out. The situation was made critical by April’s prescription, which should have covered 10 April to 8 May, with a further scrip on 8 May. Instead I got issue date 24 April, next issue 22 May.
Thank you for your help with this matter.
I gather the scrip was issued Monday morning, though of course they didn't let me know and I had to ring to find out. I am the last person in the world to create more work for receptionists but really an automated message could be sent. But the effect on my poor little mental elf of all this. What's an acceptable expostulation, jumping juniper beans! How about that? Stress straight to my legs, headache, tearful. I am lucky in leading a possibly rather boring but calm life and I really did not realize disquiet would affect me that badly.
Huge thank yous to all for support in the original thread.