In the past few weeks, while finishing my DSNS taper from 5 to 4.5 mg, I've noticed some of the original PMR symptoms I had - painful neck and a pulsing in my head to the beat of my heart. When I went to a GP within a week of getting these symptoms back in January 2021, they ruled out having a tumour and other such things and said to go to a massage therapist. Things got progressively worse, but the pulsatile tinnitus (I ask the GP at that first appointment if I had that and he said no) sort of went away, or at least didn't sound like someone was hammering outside of my house.
This past Tuesday, I went up to 4.75 mg and things settled down. However, I also had my 6th Covid Booster that day. I continued taking 4.75 mg and realized that I still would notice my neck bothering me, or would hear my heartbeat in my head. I decided to take 10 mg this morning.
How long do you think I need to stay at 10 mg? I am booking an appointment with a GP to ask about the pulsatile tinnitus, but hopefully it will go away. (I could try to talk to my rheumy, but I really don't want to...they'll be annoyed that I'm not down lower and will think I'm a wimp for not toughing it out!) I think I will then need to stay at 5 mg and stay there for at least a month, maybe longer.