As you know, recently, I've had a few 'other-unrelated' health issues; nothing to do with GCA. Since February, I've had some help at home, a few hours twice a week. The gal I have, Janice, is really great.
Some of my meds are bottled, and some are in pill packs. I always makeup two weeks of pill boxes and usually add the pred myself before I give it to Janice. I reached 2.5 on March 26. On March 28, when I gave the pillboxes to Janice, I wrote a note that said, "Add 2.5 mg prednisone and Gabapentin AM and PM."
Three nights ago, when I flipped my night-time meds out, a half-pill dropped on the vanity. ?? I checked, and you guessed it, there was 2.5 mg pred, morning and night--which I had been taking since March 28, 5mg per day.😏Totally my own doing. Well, I took the nighttime pred out, but by yesterday morn, I was shaking like a leaf. I took 1 mg and added 1mg for five days. I will drop by .5mg starting next week. Now I feel fine! I shared my error with Janice; she forgave me after feeling terrible. It was my own fault.
So, now I am taking 3.5mg per day. My question to the experts this point, do you think it is necessary for me to drop by .5 every three weeks or could I drop at a faster rate...I haven't had a hitch. Thanks in advance and DUH~! 💞