Hi everyone,
I'm having a hard time with this. My thighs ache, but not in the morning. It's usually in the evening, long after I took my dose of prednisone, and also after I walk or garden or exert them in any way. (I'm not doing major exercises. Just normal, routine stuff.)
How do I know if these pains are PMR-related or prednisone-related? I have read that prednisone, itself, can cause muscle aches.
I'm three months in to this and my rheumy had me taper too quickly twice now, so I'm still trying to figure out what my correct dose is. I'm on 25mg but I still feel these aches in my thighs as described above.
Also, I have a really strange symptom in my legs I have not heard anyone else talk about. Basically I am having continual, long lasting small muscle spasms ("fasciculations") in my legs. You can literally see them happening--everywhere; in my calves, thighs, hamstrings. Again, this usually happens in the evenings as well as after I walk. It can last for hours.
Does anyone else experience this? And is this from PMR or from prednisone?
Lastly and relatedly, if prednisone slows down healing while simultaneously reducing pain, and I have small tears in my hamstring tendon insertions (revealed in an MRI), then I assume I should interpret my minor hamstring pain as injury pain rather than PMR pain. Is this correct? My hamstring pain is a sharp pain. It comes intermittently. It is totally different from my the generalized achiness in my thighs.
I think it's important that I know the difference between PMR inflammation pain and pain resulting from something else, like an injury or prednisone-induced mylagia. It's kind of crazy to me that prednisone can induce myalgia. Talk about complicating the situation!
Thank you in advance for anyone who can help shed light on this for me.