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Currently taking Prednisolone 5 mg daily and Methotrexate 10 mg weekly injections, Can I lose Weight?

RoomsonFire profile image
53 Replies

2 years now with PMR - And 3 stone heavier! I’m exhausted and still experiencing Pain and Muscle weakness , Fatigue , For example Holding a Book feels like a Brick 😊

Top of my Misery though is being size 20 ! I’m 63 and feel really unhappy with my Body - Anyone lost weight whilst still on Steroids ?

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RoomsonFire profile image
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53 Replies
Koalajane profile image

yes, many of us have by cutting our carbs, so cut down on bread, potatoes, pasta etc, berries are the best fruit to eat. I also walk which helps. I try to do at least 10,000 steps a day

RoomsonFire profile image
RoomsonFire in reply to Koalajane

Thanks very much for your reply 🙏 I will look up advice on low Carbs I’m Vegetarian so have a normal diet a bit Pasta heavy - I can only manage 10 minutes of Walking , my Legs get tired very quickly 🙁 Best wishes

Koalajane profile image
Koalajane in reply to RoomsonFire

I did lose over 3 stones in weight on the low carb diet and started off on short walks. I do about 4 10 minute walks each day

PMRpro profile image

I lost 35 lbs of PMR and pred-related weight by cutting carbs drastically, especially processed carbs and added sugar and limit fruit - lots of sugar hiding there and it soon mounts up. Pred alters how your body deals with carbs which is why cutting them is the best way to go

This is a very useful site:

the second link has lovely, easy to understand pictures of how much carb in various foods.

RoomsonFire profile image
RoomsonFire in reply to PMRpro

Thanks , Well done on your Weight loss , admire your discipline ! I’ll go Low Carb and report back on my Progress, was it a very slow loss ? Thanks 🙏

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to RoomsonFire

Mine was yes. It is next to impossible to get into ketosis when you are on pred so that slows things down.

RoomsonFire profile image
RoomsonFire in reply to PMRpro

Yes ! Well I’ve been trying to lose the weight since Christmas small portions , it hasn’t budged ! ☹️ So I will have to get more disciplined I guess - no Bread or Pasta - Thanks for sharing your Experience- 🥰

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to RoomsonFire

Some of us have to cut more than others - both Snazzy and I needed to be down to just about a keto diet to be able to lose. Maintaining is easier though.

PMR2011 profile image
PMR2011 in reply to RoomsonFire

“Fast 800” worked well for me. Those recipes are mostly low carb too.

Nextoneplease profile image
Nextoneplease in reply to RoomsonFire

Hopefully we’ll be in this together RoomsonFire 😊

I have gained about a stone, not a huge amount, but I was a bit overweight before that! I think the weight is definitely contributing to my fatigue so I really need to tackle it. Trouble is, I’m hungry all the time 😟 So will have to find low carb snacks (like nuts) to keep me going.

Good luck, I know how frustrating it is ☘️xx

AshPen9 profile image
AshPen9 in reply to Nextoneplease

Me too, I've put on about 3/4 of a stone and just decided to brace myself and cut the carbs. Cheese and nuts seem to be a good option for something satisfying. Good luck.

RoomsonFire profile image
RoomsonFire in reply to Nextoneplease

Thank you for your Empathy , I thought the Steroid weight would stop increasing … it hasn’t ! So I will have to go seriously low Carb it seems 😇

RoomsonFire profile image
RoomsonFire in reply to Nextoneplease

Thank you for your encouragement and understanding, Summer is coming and that’s motivation , I will have to come out of Baggy Jumpers ! Best wishes 🥰

AliDeJ profile image

Hello. Its miserable feeling overweight, unhealthy and totally unlike yourself. Like many on this site I have been there. But you can overcome this. One nugget to encourage you is that after about 3 days of seriously cutting carbs I found the cycle of hunger craving stopped. All was calm. No more sugar fatigue and insulin surges. So hold on in there and be strong. Your body is a precious, wonderfully designed gift to take care of. We know its unkind to give inappropriate food to animals ( eg chocolate to dogs, too much food to fish) but we have a topsy-turvy attitude to our own diets and consider unhealthy choices as treats when they are actually doing us harm. As previous posts have said, invest time in walking. 10 minute walks do a lot of good. If you make that investment you will feel more in charge of the situation. Thinking of you.

RoomsonFire profile image
RoomsonFire in reply to AliDeJ

Thank you Ali , yes I’m not actually more Hungry than usual but the weight has piled on with me eating my normal high Carb diet unfortunately- I’m a Pasta , Bread , Noodles lover - 😂 But have reached my limit on coping with being so Heavy , 14 stone ! The PMR has made moving this Weight around really hard ! Especially climbing up Stairs to the Loo ! I really didn’t expect to have this condition and Medication for 2 years plus .. my GP did warn me about Weight gain , I was so glad that the Prednisolone gave me some Pain relief I thought it a tolerable side effect .. I’m going to bite the Bullet now and go Low Carb , which I should have done from the start of this Story 🥰 Best wishes with your Journey 🙏

Artnmusiclover profile image

I was exactly the same. Just couldn't budge it! Then found I was eating what I thought was healthy (fruit) and PMRpro gave sound advice ...bananas are a shocker! I now look at carb amount and allow between 20g and 30g a day (though I suppose this is different for everyone) I found this worked for me and I've shed 2 stone ..Good does make real difference especially with mobility 💐

RoomsonFire profile image
RoomsonFire in reply to Artnmusiclover

Thank you for your Empathy AML , I’m Veggie , 40 years , and all my usual Meals are Carb heavy ! So Cauliflower rice will have to Substitute, I resent it .. but guess no use being negative about it .. Low Carb it has to be , Good Luck with your Health journey 🙏

Artnmusiclover profile image
Artnmusiclover in reply to RoomsonFire

Thank you ...and yes I'm now accustomed to cauli rice...I have to trick my mind int thinking its real rice lol wishes to you too 🙏

Swdai profile image


I was diagnosed just over three years ago - a month before lockdown . Started out on 30mgs and tapered quite well down to 10mgs about a year ago - it has taken me a year of ups & downs but have now been on 7mgs for just over a month .

I put on over two stone in 2 yrs on pred but took bull by horn last August and joined Slimming World . I have lost 3 stone now and although am still fatigued I am sleeping better . I am in the unfortunate position of not being able to undertake exercise due to various hip / ankle and shoulder problems but find the Food Optimising view of slimming world has worked well for me although I don’t tend to follow the carb intake . I know it costs about £6 pw but for me it has been worth it .

I still have the aches and pains of PMR and OA and many mornings don’t want to get out of bed , however I AM 70 next week and still working in excess of 60 hrs pw in our family business and with the help of this site I can now see a brighter future as a direct result losing the weight as I am in a better mind set .

I have always been sceptical of these slimming groups but for me it has worked

Wishing you luck in your weight battle .x

RoomsonFire profile image
RoomsonFire in reply to Swdai

🙏 Thank you Swdai for your helpful reply , I agree it’s good to have some Encouragement from others in when trying to Diet 🥰 you have done brilliantly! Best wishes

Swdai profile image
Swdai in reply to RoomsonFire

Just to add - it does not feel like a diet as you can eat large amounts of 'speed' foods ie : veggies / fruit / pasta / rice / potatoes . I have cut cream out and now use creme fraiche as a substitute / 0% fatfree greek yoghurt and you are allowed daily syns ie a kit kat is worth 3 syns ( if you are over 16stone you are allowed between 15-20 syns a day . Once you get down under 16st it drops to 5 - 15 syns . My daughter has been on the 'journey' with me and she has lost over 3stone which obviously can only extend her life .

I really wish you well - it is a battle and one that can be won if you set a realistic target and do not worry if some weeks you do not lose - pred plays a big part in water retention so just take it steady .

Pixix profile image

Yes, I lost a stone on the Keto diet, in six weeks, & kept it off. However, I put on 3 stone since 2016 (when I had a lot of short steroid courses, then past 3 years on pred). I re-started the keto diet yesterday, as a (hopefully) quick way to remove a stone, then I will do the now old fashioned 5:2 diet! I don’t eat much compared to most people, haven’t eaten out for over four years now, & eat healthily…but then the winter puddings, biscuits making & Christmas arrived! Good luck, think there’s quite a lot about weight loss on the FAQs, but realise you may have already read that!

RoomsonFire profile image
RoomsonFire in reply to Pixix

Thank you Pixix for sharing , I didn’t expect to be poorly with this blight for Years ! 😂 and on Prednisolone, but realised I’m not the only one , when I found this support site , I will try hard with the low Carb approach, I sort of resent the restrictions but it has to be done ! Best wishes to you 🙏

Pixix profile image
Pixix in reply to RoomsonFire

I totally, absolutely, completely resent changing my diet…but I’ve been fighting overweight since I was about 12. I’m really fedup at having to diet yet again, when I don’t eat badly ‘normally’! When I see what other, mainly thin, people eat it makes me savage!! Having taken quite a few short doses of steroids & had over ten bad chest infections, the first thing I said when diagnosed with PMR was ‘I am NOT taking any more steroids’! Then I was faced with either being virtually bed bound or having a life (steroids plus the awful side effects I get) it had to be go with the steroids!! I walked with my hubby & dog in the sunshine in the forest today, & it was perfect. Pred is worth it!!!!!! S xx

RoomsonFire profile image
RoomsonFire in reply to Pixix

Yes ! We are of the same Cloth - Pred has been worth it- I felt so unwell before treatment I thought it must be the awful C 👹 - Take care dear 🙏

Pixix profile image
Pixix in reply to RoomsonFire

Exactly! Each time when my chest infections got worse, the doctor would talk about steroids & id say no, that I’d had enough, coukd I have a few more days! Then, when it as no better, they’d say to me ‘it’s hospital or steroids’, so I’d say bring on the steroids!! There’s somethings in life you just have to accept, however hard you don’t want to…for me, it’s steroids & overweight!!!!! Take care, & yes, I’m sue a lot of folk think they have something dreadful, like the big C! For me, I was lucky, my doctor diagnosed it after a thirty minutes examination! But I also have fibromyalgia & so I delayed going because I thought it must be that getting worse!! S x

Frewen1 profile image

my sympathy to you… I read here people say they do lose weight ( drop carbs from diet, etc… how??) but I’m down to 4 1/2 mgs, and still one and a half stones heavier than when the Great Adventure began…I genuinely find it impossible to eat fish and vegetables for three meals a day… apologies for any perceived facetiousness! And awed admiration for those who do lose weight. Just off to pick up my brick, sorry, book… x

RoomsonFire profile image
RoomsonFire in reply to Frewen1

Hello and Thank you Frewen , I like your sense of Humour 😄 Yes everything is Heavy isn’t it ! Especially me ! I’m going to try low Carb , Soups , Salads and Cottage cheese - very Austere - I’m going to miss my Toast and Marmalade badly - But hopefully returning to normal size will feel like getting back to feeling well again , Best wishes ❤️

Frewen1 profile image
Frewen1 in reply to RoomsonFire

You too x

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to RoomsonFire

There is no reason why you can't have it as a treat - a small portion and very occasionally. It is easier when you allow yourself the things you love but you have to count them into your carb allowance for the day.

RoomsonFire profile image
RoomsonFire in reply to PMRpro

Yes , I’ll have some on Sunday mornings , I make my own Seville bitter Marmalade , and it Lush , But interesting thing is since I’ve cut down on the Carbs .. I’m not Sweating when Eating as much ? Tested myself for Diabetes, I’m not , Thank fully 🙏 So that’s a Plus effect 👏👏

Maxgate2 profile image

Try having a strict structure to your day. Eat three meals a day so you have no need to snack. If you do feel hungry drink water or black coffee/tea. Try to take your mind off food. Meet your friends for a walk and not for a meal. Don’t get obsessed with scales and avoid mirrors. Years ago when I was at ante natal classes the teacher told us to think thin and would chant, “Think light, think thin, think feather!” Lastly, try and take up something new and challenge yourself. Enough sleep is important too. Good luck!

RoomsonFire profile image
RoomsonFire in reply to Maxgate2

Thank you Max for your advice 🙏 I am guilty of Snacks in the late Evening , Cheese and Biscuits type nibbling - so that’s got to stop , Early night is a good Solution 😂 Best wishes

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to RoomsonFire

It's the biccys that are the problem!

Bramble2000 profile image

Hi, if you cut carbs to less than 20g per day, you will see significant results. X

RoomsonFire profile image
RoomsonFire in reply to Bramble2000

❤️ Thanks I will need some self control to do it I know ! But I’m going to try 🙏 Crikey other Peeps have to gone on all manner of restrictions -

PMRCanada profile image

Yes, I’ve managed to lose 40 pounds since being on pred (started at 20mg, now tapering to 7mg). When first diagnosed I was obese and had high blood pressure. My daughter, a nutritionist, came up with a low carb/sugar/salt eating plan that was sustainable (I did not totally cut out any food groups). Then I started deep water exercises in the pool. I lost the first 30 pounds in the first year or so. I started MTX on Jan/22 (25mg for a year, currently 15mg), and have lost another 10 pounds despite not being as active last year. Also managed to get off my high blood pressure meds after the first year.

To be honest, I think my latest weight loss was due in part to diverticulitis flares and being sick a lot over the winter. My diet was more restricted or I just wasn’t as hungry.

Looking forward to dropping more weight, hopefully before my son’s wedding in Sept. I wish you all the best with your efforts. I find losing weight for health reasons was different than for aesthetic ones.

Below a pic of me and my daughter at a local food and drink event last Friday. If you click in the top right corner a full view of pic is showed.

Me and my daughter.
Frewen1 profile image
Frewen1 in reply to PMRCanada

Great photo! Have fun

PMRCanada profile image
PMRCanada in reply to Frewen1

Thank you!

RoomsonFire profile image
RoomsonFire in reply to PMRCanada

You do look well 👏👏 Curvy rather than Chubby I think , Well done for your Efforts , thanks for sharing 🙏 x

PMRCanada profile image
PMRCanada in reply to RoomsonFire

Thanks so much. I feel quite well most of the time. That evening I had to leave after 2.5 hours as it was a stand up event (no seating), and my quads had enough after that amount of time.

Sharitone profile image

I'm also vegetarian. I put on nearly all the weight I lost with PMR and GCA in a few weeks...but have manged to lose it again. The good news is that you don't have to stint on cheese, and nuts are a more filling substitute for biscuits. A little bit of dark choccie is good for you. Also, you MAY find that you can eat some carbs and still lose weight. I have continues to eat a slice of bread per day throughout. It'll be worth it because it's one less thing to feel miserable about. Good luck!

RoomsonFire profile image
RoomsonFire in reply to Sharitone

🙏 Thanks for sharing Sharitone , Yes if I can get a grip on my Weight I will feel less like PMR is Dominating my Life ! I will at least look like my previous Self 🥰 Best wishes x

Nextoneplease profile image

I was thinking about you all this afternoon. Picked six year old grandson up from school, had a bit of a play (draughts followed by football - don’t ask! - he’s very considerate). Then as I was making his garlic bread for tea I was soooo tempted to eat some 😳 Thought of you all though and limited myself to a portion of his raspberries and yoghurt. Had salmon and peas for my own dinner.

Now I just have to keep it up! Good luck everyone ☘️xx

RoomsonFire profile image
RoomsonFire in reply to Nextoneplease

That’s kind of you ❤️ I’ve always liked cooking and socialising with Food so cutting Carbs out really is a wrench , I love Pasta and Cake Get togethers - But a Friend has recently been diagnosed with Diabetes type 2 , So I have someone close to talk through the “ How to “ adjust 🙏 Best wishes

Wizards profile image

Hi RoomsI too gained alot of weight and I got rid of carbs and the whole bit. So can't imagine if I did eat carbs.

When I got down to about 5mg I started feeling a bit better and started walking which I got terrible shin splints and yes I had great shoes. The moral is I walked all winter into spring and I started loosing weight. I lost 30 lbs but gained close to 70lbs, and when I got off prednisone I'm starting to loose again.

I understand how you feel about yourself and know that you can work on it. Some easier than others.

RoomsonFire profile image
RoomsonFire in reply to Wizards

🙏 Thanks for your kind reply Wizards , I am cutting Carbs drastically and hoping to see some weight loss , keeping my Calories to 1000 daily , Walking is a great idea , I can manage 10 minutes bursts , my Thigh muscles ache with my Hips joining in - At 14 stone it’s a Struggle ! My Rhuemy says it’s Bursitis - I’ve gained 3 stone in 2 years 😢 I like to meat Friends for Lunch , Tea and Cake too , I’m at a loss to know what to order now ! I’m Vegetarian, my usual diet is rather Bread and Pasta based ! This week it’s been Broccoli and Tofu 😂 Best wishes

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to RoomsonFire

The calories are less of a concern if you are low carb - it has to be a sustainable way of eating and too low a calorie count may make you struggle.

RoomsonFire profile image
RoomsonFire in reply to PMRpro

🙏 Thanks for your advice , yes it’s a bit Austere! I’m going to enjoy my Week end piece of Toast as a Luxury ! 😋

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to RoomsonFire

Of course, Michael Mosely does support the 800 calorie approach short term to kick start weight loss and carefully chosen, 800 calories can feel quite luxurious!

Wizards profile image
Wizards in reply to RoomsonFire

As I said I was a keto diet and still gained however being a vegetarian can't you have eggs and cheeses? I would make a nice roasted red pepper sauce and put it over spaghetti squash . Instead of pasta I used spaghetti squash. If I felt like bread I made keto bread and crackers which I liked the Parmigiano crackers.

I was fortunate because I was always a meat lover and never big in breads but you do need sometimes.

I had hamburgers with no buns etc same with sandwiches I'd wrap in lettuce leaves.

I read alot of no carb recipes and I'm sure you will too.

Good luck

HeronNS profile image

I have a theory. It worked for me although I wasn't intending anything in particular except to not gain weight when I started pred. I also developed high blood sugar with pred so added incentive. I gave up ALL white carbs. It was a shock to realize how much wheat I used to consume. A bowl of cereal at breakfast. Bread at lunch, often pasta at supper, and another bowl of cereal at bedtime. All that gone. I also limited myself to a small serving of brown rice if we were having rice, and although I ate root vegetables like carrots, potatoes were off the table for some time. Instead I would make huge salads for supper and ate a high protein breakfast which really got my day off on the right foot: an orange, 1/3 cup pumpkin seeds and two eggs. And a mug of tea of course.

Although I've started to eat more bread products and pasta again as my pred dose is low, I'm still careful. That's one meal in the day, still avoid at breakfast and lunch, and bedtime is usually kefir with a couple of calcium capsules.

I weigh slightly less than I did when starting pred in 2015, but more than I did a couple of years ago when I think I got dangerously thin. Eating cereal at bedtime around then put the pounds back on very quickly. So quickly I gave that up!

My theory is that if you really give up ALL the starchy food, especially white grains and sweet food, within a few weeks your gut microbiome will start to adjust. When we crave sweets or bread and butter it's really the gut microbiome's craving we are feeding. The first winter I was on pred, which I'd started taking in June, around February I discovered I was craving -----kale! Now there's always some sort of brassica in the fridge. 🥗🥦

RoomsonFire profile image

Hello Heron , Thanks for sharing 🙏 , like you were , I’m a Cereal , Bread and Pasta Fan 😊 But coming round to the fact they have got to be replaced with more Green stuffs and Proteins - I had noticed my Toast and Marmalade was followed by a Hot Flush effect .. maybe a sign of Heat/ Inflammation increased by the sugar surge - but I chose to ignore it .. But the Weight gain of 3 stone is making PMR disability and tiredness worse I think - I am Vegetarian and my diet is tricky to adjust to low carb and remain tasty - But yes more Greens and Exercise , is going to help I hope , Best wishes from the UK 💐

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