Having spent 9 months since July 2020 moving from 5megs to 4 megs of Pred. I felt good and settled at 4megs. With life's ups and downs, each time I thought of trying another SLOW reduction. Something would change, not feeling great, Covid and it's after effects even though it was slight.
I then settled for 4megs and carried on with life i'm currently 78. 4 months ago I strained my right arm/shoulder, this has slowly got worse. Then 7 weeks ago or there about, I accidentally took 5meg tablets instead of 1meg, making my daily dose 20 megs, split 10 in the morning 10 at night.
It wasn't until about the forth day I found myself say "Wow I feel good" a minute later it struck me I'm taking too much Pred and checked my tablets and found the error. The boxes look so alike, I always carry a box of 5's just in case. My error, I thought for a while and then decided to cut straight back to my old regime. 2megs in the morning , 2 in the evening. Slowly I went back to normal.
Over the last two weeks my hand pains have returned, first my right finger, then my left. My shoulder is difficult to sleep with but 2 paracetamol help out. Other aches and pains are starting to arrive.
Am I just getting older, blood test test last week (Annual) all shows O.K. CPR not tested, but would it show?
Should I try 5 or 6 megs for a couple of days ?
Don't feel like burdening the Dr, even if they could understand.
Anybody else experienced this ?