Hi everyone. I thought I’d drop in on the forum , I haven’t been on for a while but I am still interested to know how people are getting on. It’s now 15 months since I stopped taking Prednisolone and thankfully I am still doing well and haven’t had a relapse. I just happened to read this article which I thought might be of interest to some of you. I do believe that my onset was due to a period of high stress. I haven’t ever tested positive for CoVid but my symptoms of polymyalgia started shortly after Covid arrived, and at the time my husband had tested positive for CoVid and was quite poorly for 3 weeks. I have had the vaccinations
The article states: Infections, traumatic injuries or sudden shocks such as bereavement or a period of high stress can trigger the onset of polymyalgia rheumatica. There have now been reported cases of polymyalgia rheumatica occurring after a COVID-19 infection or, in some cases, after a COVID-19 vaccination. Despite this, polymyalgia rheumatica will usually arise without a clear trigger being identifiabletopdoctors.co.uk/medical-ar...