good morning fellow PMR friends. I’ve been reading some posts this morning and it makes me feel not so alone. I’m finding my mental state hard,trying to be positive is difficult, I have started doing some exercises I’ve found on you tube for PMR I do them everyday now,has anyone else seen them.
exercise : good morning fellow PMR friends. I’ve... - PMRGCAuk

Might be helpful if you can give a bit more information even if you cannot link the video…for example can you give name of the therapist?

There is an awful lot of stuff on YouTube!!!! Tell us more ...
PMR is life changing. Start to pamper yourself and relax.
Never been much of a pamper lady always to busy, but I must try. I think many women just concentrate on our husbands needs and the children and forget about ourselves .
It is quite a shock as you say. I always said yes I could help all the time, it is quite difficult to say no. Also asking for help is always difficult to start with.
I find it hard to ask for any help as I’ve been so use to being the one who got on with everything. I feel sad that all this is happening to not just me but to my husband as well as he is on this journey with me and has been my rock
Versus Arthritis also has good advice for strengthening, stretching, balance and fitness exercises.
If you wish, you can sign up to their 'lets move' campaign to receive emails giving ongoing support and information.
The NHS has a site called 'every mind matters' with wellbeing tips, a quiz to assess your mental health, you can sign up for regular emails with tips for easing anxiety ...and more.
I hope things improve for you soon x
thank you