I think I have recently developed this condition,not doctor diagnosed, and have ordered some shoe insoles and a pair of special sock things. I’m five years into PMR , steroids 5 mg daily. Does anyone know if this is a common by product of PMR or am I just unlucky. I’ve just read that being overweight can exacerbate so weight loss is my next aim. I’m walking these three later in the morning hope it helps everything! I just thought a nice picture for a Sunday morning might start the day on a cheery note despite my sore feet!
Plantar Fasciitis..is it common in PMR or just co... - PMRGCAuk
Plantar Fasciitis..is it common in PMR or just common?
Lovely photo
Who taking who for a walk
They do a grand job hauling me up the hill! We freewheel down though.
Nothing surprises me when it comes to conditions associated with PMR, I've heard it can make your hair turn red!!??!!
I have it too. A physiotherapist would give you a series of exercises for it. Mine seems to go hand in hand with very dry Psoriasis prone feet. Creams help and putting them up at night. I guess the exercise your lovely dogs require puts a strain on your heels. I didn’t have it prior to PMR, I wouldn’t be surprised if it is connected.
Oh, this is such an adorable picture! I absolutely love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hubby has had plantar fasciitis for the last year or so. He finds it helps to wear firm supportive shoes with extra insoles.
Those little 4-legged friends are really gorgeous. They look sooo cuddly - lucky lucky you!
Well, your beautiful photo has quite made my day- many thanks. Can't help with your foot problem but your dogs are gorgeous!!
Hi Dovelady, as others have said, some pretty impressive dogs
I can certainly sympathize on the Planter front, have had this on and off for 2-3 years, about the same time as PMR. I also suffer with my Achilles tendons, they get very sore and made walking painful, just as well the chronic fatigue hit! at least now I don't moan about not being able to walk, haven't the energy! Oh well, every cloud has a silver lining I suppose Oh a more practical front insoles and exercises (Just Google Planter exercises) certainly help, mine tends to come back after a time when I forget to do the exercises!
Good luck.
My massuse friend told me about using athletic wrap on my plantar faciatis foot.
.... Utube has great video explaining how to apply the tape...easy and cheap.
I spent lots of $$$ for things that did not work then I started using the athletic tape...end of PLantar faciatis.
Check it out...saves u a lot of pain😘
Hello Purple Crow… on the subject of PF that you posted some 5 years ago! Like you, I spent a lotta lolly on treatments, and the only one that cured the PF was Athletic Tape and UTube video!! 😆🌈🌺
Lovely tribe there. Must give you great comfort.ATB
There seems to be no end to the troubles I have acquired since getting PMR. Plantar fasciitis was one of the first. It got so bad that I went to see a podiatrist. The treatment starts with always wearing arch supports in your shoes and never going barefoot. Also stretching your heels and lower legs frequently every day. You can use ice, wear an ankle brace, and try to stay off your feet, and if none of that works they give you a steroid injection in the place where it hurts. Almost everyone recovers with conservative measures. Unfortunately, I’m one of the few who don’t.
Hiya everyone
I have (since diagnosis) worn memory foam etc etc shoes, trainers and slippers by Skechers.
Best footwear I have worn in a long time. Quite fashionable too
Pop into a branch of Skechers and look. Most of their products are so comfortable.
I too have a dodgy foot as I had an ankle fusion in June last year.
Hope everyone is fine