Dear Dorset Lady,
I developed PMR at New Year 2020. I was put on 15 mg Pred and I have 'stuck to the script' since then. I was warned that I was border line diabetes when I started on the Pred and sure enough, I soon became diabetic, probably because of the steroids. I also had AF (Atrial Fibrillation) and a liver imbalance.
I went to see a diabetic consultant who advised me to see a diabetic dietician. I was then 12 stone 1 lb. and 5'7" but I was beginning to look large. She advised me to go on an 800 calories a day diet and to cut out all carbs and sugar asap. In |April this year, my husband died of Covid, following a long illness. Besides my grief, I did find it easier to diet living on my own and I am pleased to say that I now weight 11stone.
I am pleased to tell you that my diabetes has now gone, my liver imbalance has been corrected, and my AF has been cured by having a cardio version (stopping and starting the heart.) I am also down to 1 mg every other day with no problems and I can see that it will be exactly two years almost to the day that I have been hopefully cured as predicted.
I hope this gives encouragement to others that given time you will all get better. I am approaching 80 now and have never felt better or younger.
So thank you Dorset Lady and all the other contributors who have helped me on my PMR journey. I do appreciate your wise advice very much indeed. I hope this letter gives encouragement to other sufferers too.
'Silver Babe'