I've had GCA twice so far, and I think I'm going down with it again at present.
I've had PMR since October 2009, when I began to get a constant and increasingly painful backache after having a very bad case of the flu. The backache soon spread to my shoulders and by the end of 2009, I had to use a walking stick in order to walk anywhere. My whole body became stiff and painful, and I was living on powerful Solpadine painkillers with Codeine that I had to take every day in order to be able to go to work, let alone do anything else.
In February 2010 my GP referred me to a specialist, and after he tried me on several different tablets he eventually gave up and reluctantly put me on Prednisolone in July 2010. The effect was almost instant. The third day after starting on the medication I was leaping around like a teenager, and couldn't believe how quickly the pain and stiffness had gone. It was as though my life had just been given back to me again after the suffering I'd endured since the previous October. The only downside was tinnitus. It started the second day after I began the medication and it's with me still, 13 years later.
For me the tinnitus consists of loud jet engines in both ears, but louder in the left ear than in the right. Most of the time I'm able to ignore it, but when I'm tired or run down, the tinnitus gets louder and much more intrusive than when I'm feeling well, or I'm very busy. My hope is that if/when I finally do come off Prednisolone, the tinnitus will fade away. I hope it does because over the last two years my hearing has deteriorated quite markedly, and the tinnitus does actually get in the way of me being able to hear what people say.
As for my Prednisolone dosage, I started on 15mg per day, and gradually reduced that over the next 18 months to 11mg. However, when I started to reduce the dosage to 10mg per day I began to get a very bad headache that seemed to be along one side of my head. As well as the pain I noticed that the skin on my scalp also seemed to be very sensitive to the touch. Furthermore, painkillers appeared to have no effect on either the pain or the sensitivity.
I went to see my GP to see if he could advise me on what to do about this constant pain that couldn't be controlled with painkillers. He thankfully realised that my symptoms were those of GCA and immediately put me on 60mg of Prednisolone per day. Happily this overcame the symptoms very quickly and within a couple of days the pain had faded away altogether. However, this left me with the problem of taking a vast amount of Prednisolone each day.
I began to reduce the dosage after two weeks, and over the next two years reduced it down to 11mg once more. As you can imagine, I was apprehensive about reducing the dosage to 10mg in case the GCA returned. However, I was able to slowly reduce the dosage by taking 10mg once every three days, then once every two days, then every other day, then twice every three days, etc.
With me now taking 10mg per day I stayed at that dosage for a couple of months to stabilise my system, then tentatively began to reduce the dosage to 9mg per day. Unfortunately this triggered the GCA to return, and my GP had to increase my Prednisolone to 50mg per day to overcome it.
Since then, over the last 9 years or so I've successfully reduced my Prednisolone dosage down to 3mg per day without any further complications. Each time I reduced the dosage I found that I temporarily had to take increased amounts of Solpadine Max tablets to control the pain, but over time my system stabilised and after several months on each dosage I've gradually reduced it once more.
Up until this week that is! It's now Sunday Nov 20th, 2022, and I'm sitting here writing this because since yesterday I've been experiencing the same symptoms that I've had twice before. The sudden onset of a powerful headache along one side of my head (left side), the inability of painkillers to control the pain, and an increased sensitivity in the skin of my scalp along the left side. So I think I may be experiencing the onset of another bout of GCA, and if it doesn't subside by Monday I'll have to arrange an emergency appointment with my GP to discuss the problem, and possibly increase my Prednisolone dosage once more.
I must admit it's not something I'm looking forward to. I had hoped to be able to come off the Prednisolone altogether by the end of 2023, but if I have to revert to massive doses of the drug to overcome GCA again then it'll probably mean I'll be stuck on the drug till I die, as I'm 72 years old now, and don't expect to last much more than another 10 years at most, before shuffling off this mortal coil. However, I am intrigued by the mention of a new drug, Tocilizumab (TCZ), which seems to have been effective for others with PMR/GCA, and if I am having a flare up then I may suggest to my GP that I'd be willing to try the new drug instead of increasing the Prednisolone.
Wish me luck!