Still battling with Thrush following 2 lots of antibiotics and having temporary increased my steroids I need to get stable again first .
However returning to the site has inspired me to have another go at getting down a bit lower.
I had a virtual consultation with an Endocrinologist at the end of last year at the request of my new Rheumatologist ( my third ) The former who was pretty charmless said I was unlikely to get off steroids ever but I could try to reduce. Years ago I got to 3mg but 5 seems to be my limit without flaring. He did say it was worth a try as even a small reduction helps. I then got Covid and other life events kicked in and on the, if it isn’t broken don’t try to fix it decided not to bother. Now, the experience of others have encouraged me to try and I have contacted Dr Charmless for a report of the consultation which I never received and then the battle with the the GP practice for some 2.5 mgms begins. Wish me luck