Historically, have had a small spot of Psoriasis on nape of neck. After a year of Prednisone, it did disappear. Yippeee I thought. Now, after being off Pred, the wee spot is back. Is it possible or coincidence, that the Actemra/TCZ injections are causing the psoriasis to make its reappearance? I have reported to the company that over the 2yrs of using TCZ, have noticed a few skin blotches. Just curious if anyone has noticed similar? My Rheumy has no thoughts on that reaction but just figures my immune system is "back at it"! It seems that some things just don't change unless on drugs.............and obviously TCZ doesn't prevent the recurrence. Thanks for your comments,
TCZ and Psoriasis: Historically, have had a small... - PMRGCAuk
TCZ and Psoriasis

Maybe because TCZ only targets interleukin-6 (IL-6)?
Apparently high levels of IL-6 have been found in psoriasis - I found that quite easily but am still cogitating on the question!
Interesting. Following your lead had a quick look, and there are other cytokines involved also. The things you learn from this forum!
I'll have a look tomorrow ...
I had reoccurring, pretty severe ear infections, swollen closed with dry peeling skin and no production of ear wax. This cleared up completely over the years of Pred treatment but as I reduce Pred below 6 mgs, I notice itching. I sincerely hope that won’t return.
You always have such informed answers and I do appreciate it. Thanks for replying and do think with all the shared replies, there will be many kernels of truth.
Also, thanks for the referencce to the psoriasis site
Wow, you go my attention. I'm down to 5 mg of pred and on Actemra. I noticed, or felt a patch by my hair line that is slightly itchy and 'feels' like there is a weeping or blistering spot. I've just had it a few months. At the moment it is going to have to take a back seat to a few other issues.💞
Neither my husband or myself can see it ~ 👵🏻👴🏻👀
Well, am glad on one hand that it isn't only me experiencing this, but sorry if it happens to you as well. However, Grammy80, it certainly is not the worst that could happen. Psoriasis does itch and can feel like scalp is tightening, but not the worst of ill effects. Just strange how one drug can upset the body's rhythms. Initially, it did feel a bit "weepy" before it dried out. As long as we keep shampooing/washing the area, it does control it somewhat. But just strange that a drug can do all this!! Thanks for sharing
Good morning, Psoriasis came first for me, in my case inherited & started in my teens. Generally it eased as I got older & on Pred it almost disappeared. I remember my GP making the comment that she wasn’t surprised it was reappearing as I dropped down the dose. She also happened to have Psoriasis. Now on 3.5mg it really only appears on my upper arms, annoyingly, & I keep an eye on my scalp which can get sore & itchy. So, yes, another autoimmune disorder I’ve learnt to live with 🙄
my GP said the Lichen Sclerosis and Interstitial Cystitis I suffer from are both AI diseases and likely due to having Still’s which is too. I think drs like to say that as it lets them off the hook a bit - “well you already have an AI”
Hi Jarn, yes Acterma seems to have given me some strange patches of skin I’ve never had before on my forearms. I’m on prednisone and Acterma infusions for 7 months now (GCA) I think I remember readings it can give you areas of skin roughness but mine doesn’t itch.
You are a fountain of info. Thank you. At the moment have applied Tea Tree Oil for its cooling effect more than anything; don't think there is much to control the plaque except shampooing. As long as I can control it in a single area, will be content.
interesting reading your question, as prior to Gca days, I had a very itchy, flaky scalp which dermatologist thought was psoriasis, and prescribed a topical steroid solution, to help control the symptoms. Fast forward to GCA and high dose of prednisone, and my scalp too cleared up. But as I reduce, the flaky, itching seems to increase. I had read about a patient that had extracranial GCA and psoriasis and had a good outcome being treated with a biological(can’t recall name), that blocks the IL17. Today I asked doctor if they couldn’t run a cytokine panel test to find out what was causing the inflammation, as possibly I should be on a different biologic than Actemra. She did not think we would get good test results, since currently on prednisone and Actemra. But does make one wonder!
Hmmmm. Really appreciating everyone's input. So am thinking that TCZ is truly the cause for the psoriasis to return. If you discover which biologique is the good guy.......would love to check with my rheumy. I honestly don't feel that any topical ointment does the job. Shampooing regularly (3x a week) does keep the itch in check. Thank you for responding.