Just an update on my dry eye situation. Optician recommended Hycosan night gel and drops during the day. The gel has certainly relieved my gritty eyes, thank goodness. But still have the problem. Went to hospital last week, am now down to 8mg steroids a day from the initial 40g. Consultant pleased and an appointment for 6 months time. I have GCA as well as PMR and asked if I would always have to take steroids, he said no, unless a flare up occurs. But still worried about GCA and vision. Can someone give me confidence please???? Thanks
DRY EYES: Just an update on my dry eye situation... - PMRGCAuk

I was told by the Optician to take Flax Seed Capsules and they increased the viscosity by 100% After I had my cataracts done I asked the Opthamologist whether I should continue and he was ambivalent so I have kept taking them. No problems with my eyes.
My daughter has been told to use HyloForte drops prior to her cataract surgery.
It seems that there are several choices.
Take care
I was advised to use the red bottle of Hycosan, is that the one you have?
hi. yes the red one. Extra. Will I have to use these forever, how long have you used these drops please.
The Optician started me on them about three years ago and I do get relief from them. I use the drops first thing in the morning and last thing at night and anytime in between when my eyes feel itchy and dry. I also have blepharitis which is an inflammation of the eyelid and I get dry crusty flakes on my lashes.

The vast majority of people with GCA get off pred more easily than those with PMR and I know very few who have had a relapse of GCA. It can happen - but it is very unusual.
Dry eyes is quite common - and unfortunately there is no real cure though if it is due to the autoimmune part of GCA, it may improve once the underlying cause of the GCA has burned out and gone into remission.
Hi, I was diagnosed with GCA in 2019 and developed dry eyes. Each eye was like a blooming sand pit, I swear. At their 'grittiest,' I used Xiidra drops once in the morning and a gel at night; I can't recall the name of it now. Once they had improved considerably, my opthalmologist recommended stopping the gel and continuing with Xiidra at night.
However, he added the use of Systane. This is an over-the-counter lubricant I use freely. It keeps your eyes comfortable. I live in the states and am not sure you have that in the UK, but someone will hop on and let you know. It makes quite a difference because you don't get to the point of the sandy feeling. I'll probably do this for some time, but I feel it could be worse.
After 3 years, I'm at 5 mg and SO happy. We'll be fine~!!💞
Thank you so much for info. I have reduced to 8mg which I am pleased about. Aches and pains but am taking omega 3 fingers crossed Julie