Hi has anyone had high blood pressure with GCA my blood pressure goes really high, when have a relapse ,its usually the first sign.
High Blood Pressure : Hi has anyone had high blood... - PMRGCAuk
High Blood Pressure

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further to jinasc comment -see this re profile/bio -
BP can be raised by the steroids, so bit more info would be useful….
i have been on steroids for 8yrs slowly coming down from 70mg had one relapse 3yrs ago when got down to 2mg so went back up to40mg slowly coming down to 2mg ,then 2mths ago started having high blood pressure followed by temple and face pain.I have gone up to 20mg but still high blood pressure,which is concerning has didnt have it when on higher dose.
“2mths ago started having high blood pressure followed by temple and face pain”…
that may put a different light on things -sounds as if it could be more illness related than steroids related -think you need to consult your doctor-any new headache/issue needs to be checked out.
Please do that, and let us know.

It is likely to be a common effect as the vasculitis will narrow the diameter of the arteries - increasing the resistance and raising your BP. In fact - if it happens every time you flare- how very useful!!!
Thank you feel better knowing its related to GCA .
butting in - sorry - does the narrowing of arteries apply to PMR as well? I’ve heard it said it’s a form of vasculitis.
They don't really know. It probably is in PMR that is a symptom of GCA or LVV. PMR as just PMR - difficult to say. I suspect it is narrowing of the capillaries but I'm not sure you can show that. The expert in that field in this house died last autumn so I can't ask him! I have a suspicion that the mitochondria are involved but difficult to get a study on that.
I have Kate Gilbert’s book, I’ll have a look again. I could be imagining but I thought LVV was implicated. (Would you believe my wife bought it for me - for my birthday!)
Prednisone gets blamed for high blood pressure, which it does cause, but GCA is a vascular illness, and can cause a lot of vascular issues. High blood pressure has a lot of different causes. A lot of stuff can contribute to it. In my case, prednisone, on it for 12 years. At 5mg. now, not a high dose, but on it long enough for it to have caused permanent vascular damage. Actemra, raises blood pressure. Genetics, my Mom had high blood pressure, and I have small blood vessels. Big mouth, small vessels, go figure! Age, I am 67. Sex, I had a total hysterectomy for cancer in 2004, so no estrogen. No estrogen equals a boatload of health comorbidities. Stress, I am a worrier. And last, but not least is the PMR/GCA. I have had it at least a decade, probably longer. Science is just beginning to understand the depths of this illness and what it truly does. I am guess one reason it is no longer called Temporal Arteritis. The illness is not contained simply in the temporal region. It is a systemic illness. jrheum.org/content/jrheum/4...
I am on a low sodium diet. I try not to overeat. ht 5,8" , wt. 160# in my undies. So a tad overweight, but not enough to define it as a cause of my issues with high BP. I exercise; walking a mile a day. I really struggle with it with leg pain, but I do it. Every doctor I tell that I am walking a mile a day tells me to struggle through the pain. It really does help, especially my mental health. I wear compression stockings and start vein procedures in two months. I have bad leg veins.
So, I am doing everything right, and still having BP issues. I was sent to see a kidney/bp specialist. he put me on a calcium channel blocker, took me off the water pills. So relieved as swelling not an issue with me. Calcium blocker slowly taking down high morning bp, like very slowly, one or two numbers each morning.
The point is you can be doing everything right and still have problems. that is just the nature of the beast. Hang in there, pay attention to diet and environment. Don't fool around with high BP. It can damage your kidneys. I now have mild chronic kidney disease from my BP.
"Actemra, raises blood pressure"
It seems to be a variable item - I haven't changed my BP meds but my BP hasn't budged, bumping along at 115/65 most of the time. Hardly ever above 120 systolic.
You are describing claudication pain - and they are telling you to walk through the pain which is the standard first approach. But you are wearing compression stockings? They did check that before telling you to do so? Claudication is an arterial issue.
Prednisone can raise blood pressure( one of many side effects)
I have been drinking hibiscus tea for the past week as my GP asked me to monitor my BP and not wanting any more meds.
So far, so good. Pressure coming down nicely. I had upped my pred due to increased jaw pain at 8.5 mg
Returned to 20 mg today and now will continue to taper
Good luck