I was very interested to read the discussion about the effects of prednisone in making a PET scan ineffective in detecting LVV and PMR. Is this the same problem when using PET scan in looking for cancer? Unfortunately, in addition to the GCA and MS, there is a possibility that I also have cancer. I had two MRI’s on two areas of my spine because of increasing bowel and bladder problems, and they visualized two lesions in different places that have characteristics that are “worrisome for possible metasteses” so the radiologist recommends workup to find out if there is a primary cancer somewhere. My primary care physician is getting me an appointment with an oncologist (I seem to be collecting “ologists like baseball cards — rheumatologist, urologist, neurologist, cardiologist!) I was thinking that a PET scan might be the easiest way to go about things but I am still on a highish dose of prednisone, about to reduce from 15 to 12.5. I am also wondering if the possibility of cancer might interfere with the Actrema infusions. Hope not! As you can imagine this is not a happy development. 😟
Does anyone know if prednisone affects the result... - PMRGCAuk
Does anyone know if prednisone affects the results of PET scan to detect cancer as well as affecting results of PET scan to detect LVV

I don't think it would. In cancer the uptake of the radioactive glucose would be enhanced because cancer cells are metabolising big time and are greedy for glucose. I don't think pred would calm that down. In PMR the inflammation is the cause for the greater uptake - and pred would calm down that inflammation and so it wouldn't take up as much, I might be wrong but if pred stopped the cancer cells metabolising at those sort of levels, they use it more.
That’s a scary time you’re having, do so hope it doesn’t turn out to be mets. Sounds as if you’re being well looked after though which is reassuring & they’ll be ready to deal promptly with any treatment needed.
Hi Kt1943 😊
I’m afraid I don’t know the answer to your specific question about PET scans and pred, but I just wanted to send you a supportive hug and hope very much that it turns out to be a false alarm and that it isn’t cancer. But as 123mossie says, if it is, at least it sounds as if your doctors are on the ball and that you’re in good hands. All the best xx
Just to say best of luck and let us know how you get on with your tests. A lot for you to be dealing with.
Thank you. I will let you know what I find out. Of course, as with everything else the most difficult part is the uncertainty about what to do next and what is going on but I am fortunate to have access to good doctors and I think it will be easier once we have figured out the next step. I appreciate the help I have received from all you good people. 😀😀
Sorry to hear you’re having a rough time at the moment. I hope it all works out well for you 🌸
Thank you so much.
Just reading you comments and hope you end up with a positive prognosis and diagnosis after all your “ologists”. Just sending you healing wishes your way and return to better health real soon.
Stay strong Kt1942, so sorry to read about all you are dealing with. Hoping for the best outcome for you. Just a little word to say that when I had my initial PET scan, the pred wasn't reduced but they still detected LVV. I know nothing about cancer but PMRpro's thoughts make sense. 🌹