need sun advice Iam tapering down was on 15mg prednisone go down to 12.5mg then last tow weeks down to 10mg pain in my right shoulder so intense shall I go back up to 12.5mg
sunshine : need sun advice Iam tapering down was on... - PMRGCAuk

I'm sorry - I don't follow the logic of your title and question.
If you have severe pain in just one shoulder, I would be inclined to say it is possibly another problem - bursitis or rotator cuff damage. I think you need to speak to a doctor about the specific shoulder problem as you can have that without it being directly the PMR. It is possible - it isn't always "just" the PMR. You could try going back up - and then reducing in smaller steps if it works.
Thank you for advice I was doing so good it seems when I when to 10mg steroids this is when problem started few days ago I don’t understand why from 12.5mg hospital said go down to bit of jump
It is a fairly standard reduction regimen - unfortunately, some people cannot tolerate that size of reduction step. We keep telling them - but it isn't generally suggested in the literature. Prof Mackie tries it and if it doesn't work then she goes back and changes the approach. Unfortunately, most doctors don't register the caveat in the guidelines saying that the reduction plans often need to be adjusted for the individual patient and then just go back, repeating the same concept and getting the patient into a yoyo pattern which in the long term just makes it all worse. Her face was a picture when I said not all doctors do reassess!!!
As PMRpro says some can manage that drop, many cannot. Smaller steps -can you get 1mg tablets in BVI -if not then halve the 2.5mg - provided they are plain white ones.
But one sided pain may not be a flare -any other cause?
Just to pick up on another point, I see you give your posts similar titles -if you tried a more appropriate title you would get a list of related posts which may give you more information -
Just need to ask with PMR do Doctor put udon any other medication or is just steroids
Sometimes they add in a DMARD (usually Methotrexate) as a steroid sparer, and in some countries a biological - Actemra/Tocilizumab (not UK). But usually only if you’ve flared a few times or cannot reduce steroids..
I am a perfect example of the description within the post by PMRpro. Twice my rheumy put me on a reduction from 12.5mg to 10mg and twice I hit an almighty flare up.Eventually my rheumy accepted that I needed a slower reduction and so far it's working. I now realise that it didn't mean she was wrong ............... just that it didn't work for me.
Morning I read message that it could be bursitis or rotate cuff damage it just one shoulder it different kind of pain what I have had do I let shoulder heal on its own
It is a good idea to get a proper examination and imaging if you can - some things will eventually heal on their own but proper management may make it faster or less painful in the process. And for a few things there are treatments that will make the longterm outcome far better - the lastthing you want to develop is a frozen shoulder and limited movement of that shoulder.
Hi I have had PMR since March been on steroids 15mg tapering down to 8mg now had blood test done last week hospital rang me to day to say I have TB it sleeping so got go for X-rays Doctor said once he’s got X-rays back he get in touch with me and said medication it was surprise to me he said TB I feel good maybe because I am on steroids 💗
Hospital said I caught it from places like London can are you more prone to catch viruses when on Steroids
TB isn't a viral infection - it is bacterial. Steroids are immunosuppressive and can either make you more likely to catch infections, including TB, but also reactivate latent TB where you have been exposed to it in the past but never developed full blown infection. I'd have thought it was more likely to meet TB in the USA - my husband caught his from Americans, it was rife in the US army at the time.
Thank you for information it just understand TB how we’re have I got this from at moment it sleeping have X-rays on Monday then hospital will get in touch with me he did Say medication so I no more once Doctor get in touch with me would hospital give me medication before it wakes up
I struggled from 12.5 to 10 so went up to 11 and stayed there for a month before going to 10 with no issues . Maybe give that a go
I have also struggled to get from 12.5 to 10 so have gone down very slowly in 0.5mg drops. Have got to 11 now, and so far, so good 🤞
We’re all different. Good luck xx
A 10% reduction may have been better. There is no way I could have managed that sort of drop. As the others say it may not be the PMR causing you the shoulder pain. Have you tried taking painkillers? If they don’t work you may be able to blame the PMR!