hi need sum advice Doctor at hospital to start taper from 15.mg to 12.5mg 10mg 9mg 8mg every for 4weeks as not said once I get down to 8 mg what to do from then so do I stop at 8mg or shall I contact Doctor just before I taper down to 8mg it just A bit confusing what to do
sunshine : hi need sum advice Doctor at hospital... - PMRGCAuk

From the recognised guidelines-
The suggested regimen is:
Daily prednisolone 15 mg for 3 weeks
Then 12.5 mg for 3 weeks
Then 10 mg for 4–6 weeks
Then reduction by 1 mg every 4–8 weeks
(which unfortunately some Rheumies don’t seem to read)
However, there is no consistent evidence for an ideal steroid regimen suitable for all patients. Therefore, the approach to treatment must be flexible and tailored to the individual as there is heterogeneity in disease course. Some benefit from a more gradual steroid taper. Dose adjustment may be required for disease severity, comorbidity, side effects and patient wishes.

I imagine he is waiting to see how you get on with that - it is 4 months down the line and there's many a slip twixt cup and lip!! If you get any return of symptoms at any point you will need to get back to them anyway. Cross that bridge when you get to it.
I would follow your doctor’s recommended reduction plan, but if you find any niggles or pain, STOP, don’t try and fight the PMR, you will discover it is boss!