Coped on 1 mg for about 3 weeks but feeling very light headed no energy, and have difficulty getting up from my chair and walking.Thinking I should go back to 2 mg I easily managed my joint pains but feel I’m getting no where fast.Going for a bone scan in September haven’t had one for 10 years so as surprised to get an appointment,
Tapering from 2mg to 1 Mg : Coped on 1 mg for about... - PMRGCAuk
Tapering from 2mg to 1 Mg

2mg to 1mg is a fifty per cent drop, so it can affect you. Have you tried adding on a few mg for say a week to see if you feel better, you can drop back again then?
Thanks for your valued advise I’ve taken 2 mg hoping it eases the pain

Sounds more like combination of too low a dose of Pred and adrenals still stuttering a bit to me ..if you haven’t read this please do -
Probably a good idea to go back to 2mg -and see if that helps - stay there for a good while and then when you reduce try only 0.5mg rather than 1mg and a slow tapering plan ….helps both reductions and adrenals.
Examples here -

DL has said what I would say too. Take a lot longer to get from 2 to 1mg.
My rheumatologist said I am to stay on 3mg more or less indefinitely, until she's convinced PMR/GCA are really in remission. Good luck.
At such a low dose, why not try 0.25 reductions. Use a pill cutter to cut 1mg tabs in quarters. This much slower taper has been working for me. No big rush.