Good morning all, update to a post I made a few weeks ago. I had severe and excruciating pain in my right thigh spreading through my knee into my shins. Spoke with my doctors, immediate knee x-ray in case my replacement knee was starting to fail and upped my Pred just in case it was AI related. X-ray came back fine, extra Pred made no difference. Case referred up the system to a musculoskeletal specialist who reviewed all my notes and then referred me to a knee revision specialist in the Orthopaedic trauma team at Oldham hospital. During this time I had decided it was probably a muscle, ligament or tendon problem and as I could hardly walk anyway that resting the leg was all I could do. The pain and problem improved and pretty much disappeared after 3-4 weeks. My doctor and I also decided that even though out of pain it would be sensible to see the specialist, in case he picked up something we hadn't. Appointment at15:00 last Monday, in to see him at 15:20. I talked him through everything and he examined knee and leg etc. He agreed that as it had got better it probably was as I suspected, but he also said that with my history, if it hadn't recovered so quickly it could have been a something Vasculitis (I missed/forgot the first word). He seemed very clued in about AI and PMR, thought I was doing well and was very happy with both my OA and PMR and sent me for a hip x-ray just to check there was no problem there. He also said, any return of the pain however small within the next six months, then to ring his secretary for an immediate appointment. All this has happened over a time span of less than two months. Very impressed with the NHS up here once again. Take care and stay safe.
Update to Unexplained Thigh, Knee and Leg Pain - PMRGCAuk
Update to Unexplained Thigh, Knee and Leg Pain

That’s pretty positive outcome that you can ring if any issues…..Hope it’s not necessary though 🙏🏼

PVD?? Peripheral vascular disease?
That sounds about right, although I couldn't swear to it. I should have asked him to repeat it!!!
It is a longterm risk after any vasculitis.
Thank you. I'll bear that in mind, perhaps that is why he said he'd see me straight away if I get any slight twinges or pains.
Could well be - GPs are often a bit dilatory in recognising it and the sooner it is seen the more options they have. My husband ran a vascular lab and I worked there briefly - long time ago now though!

Good to hear all worked out okay - snd fingers crossed no hip issues
Well, no one can say that the specialist was less than thorough! Some good news for a change and it's no surprise that you are are reassured. Stay positive!