Has anybody else experienced a sudden increased allergy to foods you’ve eaten/ drunk all your life and are wondering why?
I’m wondering if my very lazy, hardly working after 8 years of steroids , adrenal glands are responsible for my sudden food allergies.
Dried apricots, chocolate, concentrated orange juice all gave me a pretty nasty oral allergy within the last month. I was using the apricots to increase my iron as have been diagnosed as very anemic( poor iron absorption not anything else). The orange juice( from concentrate) I was taking with the iron to help absorption) and the chocolate? Well- because I do 😂
My rheumatologist has kept me on a dose of 5 mgs of Prednisilone to keep my aches and pains under control. Have tried many times to get below this amount but it doesn’t work. My cortisol levels are low and she did have the option of hydrocortisone but decided in my case, a maintenance dose of 5mgs was best for now.
I’ve booked in for an allergy test but that will take some time to happen. In the meantime I’m avoiding suspect foods but keep getting caught out ( chocolate was a surprise!) Sulphites could be the culprit. Present in all of my allergy foods.
But I’m interested in why now? Any help or advice would be really appreciated.
My diet is becoming very safe and bland 🤣