Hi All,
I was diagnosed with PMR December 2018, I turn 67 soon and had been healthy otherwise playing golf and tennis on a regular basis, I considered my diet to be reasonably good and healthy so was quite surprised to be diagnosed with PMR.
In trying to identify what diet changes I may have made prior to the problem I could only identify imported dried apricots from Turkey which I added to my oats in the morning along with a banana and mixed nuts and seeds as the only significant change.
After blood test confirming PMR my doctor prescribed 15mg daily of Prednisolone for a month and the result was pretty well instant no more pain and stiffness. After the first month the doctor brought me down to 12.5mg daily and today I have started on 10mg and so far so good.
Needless to say the only change to my diet has been the dried apricots, not sure if they were the cause or trigger but currently all well except that three days ago I ate some dried pineapple rings and woke up in the middle of the night with extreme pain in shoulders, hips, knees, feet and hands, originally I only had pains in the shoulders and hands.
The sulphites/sulphides used in dried fruits appear to be at least one trigger that causes my PMR, the amounts of sulphites/des are not controlled in overseas foods, I am in Australia and although the disease causes and effects are different for everyone I would consider lowering any foods or drinks high in sulphites/des.
When I am finally off the medication and hopefully free of PMR I will be able to update results and any diet changes, forgot to mention I have also cut down on my vice of dark chocolate.
Oatley Park