Hi everyone. I have started a new post as wasn’t sure update would show if I responded to original thread.
I saw Rod Hughes yesterday. Lovely man, bit condescending but at least he listened. Agreed it’s possible I have GCA as well as PMR but wasn’t interested in pursuing further diagnostics for this as in his view he wouldn’t treat any differently? I explained my ESR was only ever raised slightly and no elevated CRP. He said that with PMR 25% of people show no markers but with GCA 100% of people have raised levels. This is different to what I have understood from the forum, I thought it was 20% of people show no elevated ESR/CRP but didn’t challenge further as he also stated that whilst on pred results are often misleading. He believes my flare is as a result of COVID fallout, or I have long Covid (which he said doesn’t fit the current criteria as it’s not diagnosed until post 3 months of the infection), or a bit of post covid fatigue and PMr. He was concerned I am still on 25mg pred with no improvement and was reluctant to go up further (as am I). So he offered a steroid injection 120mm dexamethasone immediately as this would help to identify if my main issue is flare or if there is something else going on. I have not read this as a treatment for flare so wondered if any you have been offered this? He said this will be more effective than increasing tablets as works slightly differently and should kick the inflammation enough to allow me to stay on 25mg and slowly taper down if my symptoms are purely as a result of a flare!
So, I had the injection and will see what happens, I have a follow up in 2 weeks to see where things are. This morning I do feel slightly more flexible and little less pain but no amazing change 🤨
Interestingly he spoke a lot about the impact on the bodies of people like us who have autoimmune disorders of the Covid vaccines, how it has probably been a lot for our systems to cope with on top of our illness. I have reacted to each vaccine and recently declined my 4th as I was feeling so rough I didn’t want to add anything else to the mix!
I’ll let you know if the injection helps and be interested to hear if any of you have been offered this as a treatment and your views on his treatment approach in general.
I have made a request to my GP to make an NHS referral for Rod Hughes so be interested in how he responds to that!