Sorry to keep being a pain,but have had dry eyes for a long time.but my right eye seem to hurt on the eye lid and they seem to very heavily all the time.would it be cause I am tired,don't sleep well.thanks.
Eyes: Sorry to keep being a pain,but have had dry... - PMRGCAuk

This may well be tiredness - or too much screen time?
However where eyes are concerned it’s probably good to have an examination. A local optician should be able to tell you whether you need further follow up.
Many are part of the Minor Eye Conditions Service network - see under FAQs to the right of this page, or Google it if you need to.
All the best, hope you get sorted soon x
PS I note that this service is for recently developed eye conditions, so if they feel you don’t fit the criteria, try your GP
Hi Flosys. First of all it's always a good idea to get your eyes checked out thoroughly if you're experiencing any new symptoms.
I have had a few episodes with dry eyes and have also experienced a kind of achey discomfort and heaviness on the eyelids. Too much TV, screen time, reading, close work etc will aggravate the situation as will poor sleep or no sleep.
Cool cotton wool pads over each eye and eye drops have both helped ease my own symptoms but I did have a full comprehensive eye test to rule out anything more serious first.

I don't know - I have a similar problem but the eye specialist made no comments a few weeks ago. Dry eyes can cause that sort of discomfort . Pretty sure too much screen time doesn't help!!!
I have dry eyes too. Always feel like there is something in my eye. I use artificial tears when it's really bad. But when we use screens we are not blinking enough. Couple that with lower tear production and then we get uncomfortable. 😥😪😭
I also have problems with my eyes. However it started back in 2018 so not sure I can put it down to PMR which I've only had since 2021. If I watch TV or my computer for longer than about 20 minutes it feels like I have a brick under my top eyelid (there are also red spidery veins on the whites of my eyes at the top). This swaps eye from left to right and back again. Went to optician and he said it was eye strain and prescribed distance glasses. These helped for the TV but not so much for the computer. Also I've been getting quite a bit of gunk in the eyes in the morning. I thought it was from the creams I put on my face, but it was still a problem after I stopped using them. I have found that if I stay on the computer I need to blink overtime, but this doesn't seem to help at all. I end up closing the effected eye and that seems to relieve it. Going to bed is the only thing that really helps. Seems to be a common problem. PMR or not
Like lots of things I think it probably gets worse as your body ages.
Certainly looking at a screen doesn’t help because you are looking at same distance for a long time… our eyes weren’t designed for that, but to look at close objects one minute (or second) and then longer distances the next…
Centrally heated, double glazed offices and homes aren’t good either, atmosphere too dry.
We might live in the 21st century, but much of our body wasn’t designed to!
You are not being a pain. This is exactly what we are here for, to share symptoms, experience and knowledge. I also have had the same symptoms. My eyelids become red and thickened, sometimes with a small pimple in the middle of the edge. I have dry eyes and experience an awful bursting sensation in my eyeballs occasionally. I agree with the advice that you have already been given, screen time etc. I have preservative free eyedrops on prescription, I use an appropriate, gloopy eye ointment to coat my eyes during sleep. I have recently bought a heated eye mask to aid the draining of my tear ducts. These issues keep the condition under control but never clear it completely. I suspect that until I am able to quit my immunosuppressant drugs, I will be stuck with it, simmering under the surface ie Prednisalone and Tocilizumab.
I use Thealoz Duo for dry eyes - can be painful at times - drops might help
I have them, too! Rheumy said to just keep on using eye drops, as often as needed. She had a bottle of eye drops on her desk, & the way she picked up the bottle & said it made me think most rheumy patients ‘moan’ about dry eyes!! Mine probably come from tablets I take for other issues. I have blepharitis, too, which is something my optician diagnosed.
My optician diagnosed Blepharitis for my dry eyes and recommended bathing them in Micellar Water (available from any chemist). No trouble since.
I suffer with dry eyes too , it seems to be common as we age. I use Theoloz duo drops too and occasionally cream through the night. The optician told me the same , using screens too much. She said to look away and focus on something else every 20 mins, this makes you blink and moistens the eye. She said they are seeing more children with this condition , sadly.
Hi I have this problem too - try and rest your eyes where possible. Audio books have been a lifesaver as can enjoy a good novel whilst giving my eyes a rest
Hi, I had dry eyes for a while. My eye doctor put dissolvable plugs in my tear ducts and problem solved. You do have to have them replaced every 6 months.
It’s not a ‘cure’ but a slice of cucumber over each eye is incredibly soothing. Also moist used teabags! Blephoritis can cause little crusts to form and the recommendation is to use a warm eye mask for ten minutes then use blepharitis pads to wipe the eye socket and inside the upper and lower inside of the eye. Twice a day to start with.