Hi any knowledge please What do they do if you get eye disturbance my Gp says go A&E
Eyes: Hi any knowledge please What do they do if... - PMRGCAuk

What sort of eye disturbance? Whilst Pred can cause trouble with general focussing other strange things can occur like spots (not floaters), blank areas, flashes of light, zig zags, greying out of sight, double vision. If they occur even for a minute, you need someone to urgently and properly examine your eyes which is why A&E is suggested. before or after that you may be given a higher dose of steroid and a general check for other symptoms suggestive of GCA. I was given 60mg Pred after bloods were taken before anything else happened, just in case. If you are getting strange eyesight features go immediately.

It really depends what sort of issues - your GP is obviously thinking about GCA, which can be flashing lights, sudden loss of sight for a few seconds, consistent blurriness, a whole myriad of things really.
However, the Pred itself can cause a slight blurry in eyes, which although harmless is obviously worrying.
So if you do get anything then it is wise to go to A&E unless you know why your eyes are affected - tiredness etc.
Don’t get yourself in a tizz about it, but just be aware.
Follow your GP's advice, regardless of what the symptoms are. There are dozens of causes for sight issues. Get it checked out, and don't wait for it to get worse before you do.
Hi Uglow, you should have your eye pressure checked regularly (every 3 months if possible) as well. I don't know where you are, but in London I would go to Moorfields which is an eye hospital with an A&E department and currently a Green Site (no Covid). If you go to any regular A&E, they would end up calling an ophthalmologist to see you anyway. Good luck. Vx