I used to get Vitamin D on prescription. Not anymore. Since then, I have been buying from anywhere really. I had blood test for Vitamin D and Vitamin D Count came back as low as 46 instead of between 61 to 250. Do you know the best brand I can buy. Daily recommended unit or intake is 2000???
Vitamin D Best Brand: I used to get Vitamin D on... - PMRGCAuk
Vitamin D Best Brand

Don't know about brands, but I think D in an oily capsule is better absorbed than a tablet. Also you can get some from oily fish, egg yolks and fortified foods. In many countries milk and milk substitutes are fortified. Mushrooms make D, I think D2, so you could put your mushrooms into sunlight for a little while before cooking.
Thank you HeroNS. I will try boots store/chemist. I would have gone to Holland and Barrett but I am not so sure.
You can buy the I calD3 online as far as I know . It’s the same one that my Dr prescribed if that’s any help 😊
You want D3 not D2
I know, that's why I noted that it may be D2 we get from mushrooms! It is less effective than D3 but not totally useless.
Why can’t you get d3 on prescription. I was prescribed it before my PMR diagnosis due to low levels of Vit d shown in a blood test. After diagnosis of PMR it was amended to Accrete D3
I used to until 2018 when I was told by my GP that there no longer allowed to put this on prescription. You know why, it is a money saving issue, because I am eligible for a free prescription. two of my friends are still getting this on prescription. I have moved since from my previous GP and after my blood test on Sunday a nurse called me yesterday and told me that it is a no no. If I want I can email the GP and request for the Vit D to be added on the prescription. I said no I'd rather speak to the Dr. Instead of sending an email. So I have a slot at 10am to speak to a GP.
HiI’ve been diagnosed with PMR about 6 weeks now and was given calD3 on prescription by my gp. It shouldn’t be a postcode lottery so good luck. at your appointment.
Really grateful for all your posts everyone as I’m learning lots about this condition. Hopefully will be down to 10mg prednisone myself by feb, fingers crossed will feel ok.
My appointment with my GP it was a waste of time. She was shouting down the phone from start to finish. She wasn't listening to me at all. In the end she said if I prescribe for something that you can get over the counter NHS won't pay for it. Then she slammed the phone on me. It doesn't matter i got the best advise on here and I am so grateful. Thank you to all who contributed on the subject. Thank you 💖 💗 you are 🌟 keep shining.
Do you mean you can’t get a prescription for Vit D on its own, or for the VitD/Calcium supplement recommended for PMR/GCA patients?
Zipvit online are good suppliers…….if required, but as others have said you should be prescribed combined supplement (such as Adcal-D3) unless you cannot take calcium for some reason.
HelloI m just taking mine now,and it’s from the doctor.
Why can’t you get it off your doctor?
I take evacal D3,chewable tablets,twice a day.
I think you can buy them over the counter.
I would look online.
Take care and hope you can find some soon.
Yes it seems strange that it isn’t available on prescription. I take mine at lunchtime and in the evening as it shouldn’t be taken with prednisolone
D3 alone isn't covered by prescription unless you are specifically in need of it because of extreme deficiency - because the official line is that the combined calcium/vit D supplement covers the guidelines. The amount in the combined tablets is very low - nowadays considered lower than it really ideal. It isn't that expensive though.
Better You Dlux 3000 , you spray it under your tongue or in your cheek, absorbed better I'm told. Been using it for years and have good Vit D status now.
I've often wondered how the dose of a vitamin is controlled with a spray. How does that work? I know people also use a K2 spray, or magnesium, because the skin can absorb substances.
You can have 4000iu per day if your count is low. And, as Heron suggested, try eating diet rich in vitamin D as well. I quite like a brand called Viridian, but I am sure many other brands are good as well.
Actually, I think with the exception of oily fish I don't know if there are any readily available significant sources of Vitamin D in our diet. Other than whatever may be in fortified food, and some countries place more emphasis on fortification than others. But every little helps....
Thank you HeroNS, I have started eating cornflakes as well. I have gone off mushrooms a bit but I will make mushrooms soup instead. I have a bottle of Cod liver oil and I will start taking that too with a spoonful of squeezed fresh orange juice. I love oily fish as well so I will give it a go. Thank you.
My GP told me that they have a duty to prescribe Calcium/ Vit D ( I have Accrete) tablets to protect bones of PMR patients who don’t / won’t on Alendronic Acid . I asked for a dexa scan which came back with good result on my bone density so it was agreed that he prescribed the accrete tablets .
Your GP is negligent if he does not prescribe some form of bone protection
I use Nature's Best Vitamins D3 and K2 capsules, plus their Mega Mineral Complex for the calcium:
I use BetterYou D3 + K2 in a spray.
I get mine heretimehealth.co.uk/product/vi...
Yes I believe it's true about mushrooms-expose them to any natural light prior to eating as they produce vit D. Also I read somewhere you need to take vit D with some kind of oily/fatty food, preferably omega 3, for better adsorption.
Hi Megbird. I get Super Strength Vitamin D3 from a company called Healthspan. 240 tablets cost £11.95 and they are sent by post. I have been using this company for some years now and find them excellent. You can telephone them Freephone 0800 73 123 77 or website : healthspan.co.uk Hope this is helpful.
The Pharmanord brand is, without a doubt, the best brand for supplements available for purchase online. They run a discounted supscription service which can be cancelled at any time or if you prefer to pay more, some wholefood shops also stock. They also have a helpline.
I use Vit D3 as a spray. This is 3000iu. I also take a calcium supplement which has 1000iu in it. So I take 4000iu which I believe is the max Vit D you should take. I seriously believe it is of great benefit especially during this pandemic.
I have a D3 with K2,as it works better together.Got it off amazon at a reasonable price.Hope you find some soon,as it is very important.☺️
I buy Vitamin D3 micro tablets 4000iu by Swiss BioEnergetics. 1years supply from Amazon. Just pop online and have a look. This was brought to my attention by the doctor who gave me my covid jab.
Hi. I have started taking a D3 in olive oil by a company called Nature’s Answer. Each small drop is 2,000 iu and i have 2 drops a day. I liked the spray but it contains xylitol which I don’t get on with. All the best 🤗
Yes, 2,000 is recommended as we are all likely deficient. This was my doctor. Because D is oil soluble, you need to get it in gel capsules, not tablets and take it with a meal that has fat.Good luck.
Apologies, I did post earlier but forgot to mention the brand name 🙄. It is called BetterYou. D3000 Vitamin D. Daily Oral Spray.
Hi I get mine in droplet form as I have a sensitive stomach
We buy D3+K2 online, Naka Platinum brand, organic coconut oil base for optimal absorption. GMO free, non-irradiated, gluten free.
Im in the US. My physician provides this in her office, and you can also get it on Amazon and elsewhere online. It works. I have had chronically low vitamin D levels for years and this will raise it quite quickly. Reputable brand.
Biotics Research Bio D Mulsion Forte Vitamin D3 Liquid Drops
If you want fast recovery from D deficiency , as I did , you can get vit d 3 injection , normally given once a week . For 4 week . They are safe and very effective Ask advice and prescription from your doctor .
These are soft gel so easy to swallow and last a year. From Amazon.