Does anyone get coloured lights in the eye associated with GCA? I'm not talking about the "scintillating scotoma" or visual migraine (have had several of those over the past 15 years) but rather a large yellow blob which runs up the side of the eye on the side towards the nose. Most noticeable in the dark - I usually get it on turning off the light at night just as I'm closing my eyes. I've never been diagnosed with GCA, just PMR which I've had for 18 years although my consultant now calls it PMR onset RA. Any thoughts welcomed.
Coloured lights in eye: Does anyone get coloured... - PMRGCAuk
Coloured lights in eye

A few months ago I experienced tiny, moving specks in my eye after switching the lamp off and told the specialist nurse during one of those 'hurried' telephone calls. She said it was normal but didn't elaborate before moving on to something else. The link may shed some light (no pun intended), but do check with your doctor if you are concerned.

Please get it checked - and if it gets any worse either see if it’s possible to get appointment pulled forward (yes, I know!) - or appointment with local optician/optometrist.
As requested, please let us know. S
I had a vitreous detachment a number of months ago. I saw bright lights at night to side of eye, worse when I moved eye rapidly from side to side. Not visual migraine, different, as also have had those.Optician said one of those things which just happen when getting older and will sort itself out, which it has done.
Was told to return to optician if developed into spiders web or curtain as may have developed into retina detachment, which needs urgent treatment.
Presumably an opthalmologist has examined you? If not, I recommend that they do. It may further explain your 18 years with PMR in that you may also have GCA/LVV.I went through a phase of seeing a kind of blooming effect in the dark, hard to describe, but possibly the effect of the change from light to dark on the eye. It lasted a long time. I have my eyes thoroughly checked every few months.
I do have yearly reviews, both with optician & glaucoma clinic. My Rheumie said many years ago that I may have had some LVV involvement in my PMR which he called "refractory" but his latest thoughts are RA. I'll have a chat with him after my eye clinic appointment on 15th Nov.
I have a kind of blooming effect too, I’d say it’s a bit like a dandelion when the flower has gone to seed and you can blow it. Thankfully less of it currently- it used to bother me quite a bit prior to going on 40mg pred
I've had this for 20 years. Ophthalmologist says it's not a problem. It gets worse when my blood pressure is high. Rheumy also doesn't think it's a problem.
If I turn my head swiftly from right to left in the dark I have yellowish lights that travel up and down on both sides. My rheumie has requested an appointments with the ophthalmologist but that’s not for a while. I’m on a list! They say it’s not to do with the GCA and are not too concerned.
haven't had that but have had a circular diamond ring refracting all the colours of the rainbow on a few occasions when the condition was bad pre the diagnosis. Was told it was onset migraine.
In GCA ,main concern is eye , my wife had no eye problem before GCA Now she have to wear simple glasses continually, without it, pain and pressure start
Hi. Funny you should mention this as I have just experienced my first, after having GCA for over two years. I had a very geometrical pattern in one eye which lasted for about 10 minutes. As blindness is associated with GCA if it is not treated, I suppose this sort of thing is to be expected? I am still on 5mg pred. Good luck.