I was diagnosed with PMR exactly 2 years ago and apart from heading towards non-diabetic hyperglycaemia (which I avoided through diet) I've had a very easy ride thus far compared with many. DSNS tapering and being given control of my steroid dosage by my GP have been key factors. I'm now down to 5mg prednisolone daily without any real pain anywhere.
I've had occasional ectopic heart beats for many years mainly when training for marathons in my 30's and 40's but also when I've drunk a little more alcohol than I really should have. About 6 weeks after PMR diagnosis, when my PMR was still poorly controlled with pred I experienced my first bout of atrial fibrillation which may also have a stress component.
I spoke to 111 after 20 minutes of rapid heart beat and while I was on the phone the heart gradually returned to normal so any trip to the local ED was no longer discussed. Over the past 2 years I have had several episodes of ectopic beats usually only lasting a minute or so and not particularly fast, only irregular. 10 days ago in the evening after a meal I began to have irregular rapid beats which did not disappear and after an hour of these I spoke to 111 and paid a visit to my local ED where they diagnosed atrial fibrillation, gave me medication and when the rate came down to 100 bpm I was discharged with a hospital script for anticoagulants.
So I've done some research and now find myself between a rock and a hard place, it seems that steroids and inflammation both have a relationship with cardiovascular disease in respect of steroids and atrial fibrillation in respect of inflammation.
So having reached 5mg what is my next step? Do I continue with my DSNS tapering and run the risk of a flare with it's attendant inflammation or stick with my present dose, keep the inflammation under control but increase my risk of CVD because of my steroid medication.
Given that my previous AF episode was at 15mg pred and poorly controlled PMR inflammation then that episode could be due to either. But what caused this latest and more serious episode of AF with low dosage of pred and being pain free? I'm minded to stick with 5mg pred for the time being to keep the inflammation under control as I believe a flare could be more serious.
My hypertension is well controlled at about 117/76 with a resting heart rate of about 50 and my blood lipid profile is very good probably due to Dr.Michael Mosleys work on cider vinegar! I have been given a non-urgent appointment with the arrhythmia nurse at my local hospital in January.
Apologies for the long post.