A couple of points: First off I was interested to see a comment by Cranberryt yesterday that: “Oh and PMR is absolutely felt in the larger joints as well as muscles”. This I wasn’t aware of and could explain the ache is my right hip. On Wednesday I think I must have somewhat overdone the walking because afterwards my right hip started aching. Now I didn’t connect it to PMR so when I couldn’t get back to sleep I took Paracetamol. Not sure if this worked or I just fell asleep anyhow. So maybe eased by upping the Pred back to 6Mg.
I am currently tapering down to 5.5Mg, but may have to go back up as the pain in my arms has returned. Also at 5,5Mg l find myself nodding off quite frequently mostly when sitting at the computer. Now this is worrying me as next week I have a 200 mile drive up to N Wales. And whilst nodding off at the computer screen is one thing, nodding of at the windscreen is something else. How do other people cope with this problem? I am thinking of upping the Pred to 7 or 8 on the days that I’m driving. But other suggestions welcome. Unfortunately I cannot delegate the driving.