Hope you are all doing well as can be. If I was ever in any doubt about the impact of anger and stress on my condition, I was given a timely reminder. I have been trying to convert a van into a campervan. Progress was slow until I found a really good joiner to frame it out. Progress has sped up and I'm delighted. However, I was throwing away some debris in the waste recycling centre. I had to remove two tool holders to access the debris. Nearly ended myself emptying the stuff. Huffing and puffing so much I forgot to reload the tool holders. I drove away and only remembered while driving I had forgotten them. I returned to the centre and in that small space of time, the tool holders had been removed. I spoke to the operators and they saw nothing. So I've no idea whether some well-meaning samaritan threw them away or someone thought "I'll have that". There were valuable tools, materials for the van, a tracker, a cctv camera, yada yada yada. I was so peeved and disheartened. With the onset of the anger, upset and frustration my energy just left me, I was like a zombie, muddled thoughts, unable to form sentences and in pain. I had to go to my bed was also shattered the following morning and have been in a flare for nearly a week now. A timely reminder that stress costs in physical and mental symptoms.
Confirming symptoms: Hope you are all doing well as... - PMRGCAuk
Confirming symptoms

ouch!.. on many counts.
You can't do anything about the "missing" tools et al, but you can do something about the flare. Hope you soon get it under control...and enjoy your campervan when you can.
Oh poor you,Try not to upset yourself too much, these thing happen to everyone now and again.
Are you insured, maybe you can make a claim, also put ad out for anyone who may have taken it and maybe they will return it.
Good luck.
Sending you a big hug
Oh gosh poor you! How infuriating. No wonder you are flaring. I bet the fate of them is on CCTV 😡. Perhaps you can claim on insurance ? You are right , the ill effects of stress are almost instantaneous, as if it has nowhere to go.
I’ve just read what you’ve done, fury is energy! Good luck.
Absolutely. I hadn't felt that level of pain in every muscle for a while.
I'm a teeth gnasher by habit. Doesn't take much to set me off and in your place I'd be steaming too. Like you, can't afford to do it anymore - and that makes me more frustrated. Good luck with the flare. I'm having a flare too and it's gonna take ages to get back where I was with the Pred. Another cause for teeth gnashing. 😡
Oh dear. That's so upsetting and stressful. Maybe you could put your 'story' out on social media and as already suggested, the missing items may possibly be returned anonymously or you may get an account of what happened to them if they've been thrown away. We've all experienced frustrating moments like these and they can be most disheartening, but if you can, try and look at the bigger picture...you're suffering a flare as a result of the stress, but you are actually ok. As DL said, you can get that under control again. Your family are ok and as annoying as it is, those items can eventually be replaced over time. I'm a strong believer that everything happens for a reason and something positive always emerges out of something negative. I know that from personal experience many, many times over. You don't always see the positive consequence straight away but it does always happen...I promise you.
In the meantime, focus on your own health for a while and recovering from the flare and don't waste precious energy on something you can't change. Work on how you'll move forward from this. Wishing you all the best.

I hear you - relatively minor in comparison but I discovered yesterday I am being "accused" of rejecting help I was offered to deal with a health problem. I was never offered it in the first place. Nor was my husband for whom it would be needed. I am absolutely fizzing and I can feel it. He doesn't see it as a big deal - but it DOES impinge me relating to the doctor that wrote it who is effectively calling me a liar. Not a happy bunny at all.
I do hope some toe-rag is identified and brought to book.
How frustrating. I’ve been told various things about my care and because I didn’t record it it did not exist. Aaaaaand relax 😡😡😡😡 😁
Sounds like someone is covering his back because he or she has not offered something they should have done.......sadly lots of toe-rags about now......
Could well be - but things are sorting themselves out and the needs are being filled ...
Dear Singr— Big loss and aggravating circumstances. So sorry for you! But I wonder if you were already on the verge of a flare (or already flaring) when you arrived at the recycling center, accounting for your forgetting to reload the tool holders and experiencing immediate exhaustion and a zombie-like state of mind when you returned home? Maybe the flare had been underway for several days, exacerbated by the hard work you were doing on your camper, and the recycling center was the final step? What a mysterious illness! I wish you well!
I'm so so impressed! Converting a van into a camper, Wow! But so sorry you're having a flare. Mine responded immediately to the upping to 7mg as it did last week.....but I forgot how hyper I become at this dose 😏. I'm looking forward to reducing and calming down somewhat. Do let us know what results, if any are found on CCTV footage.....and on progress with camper, I can understand in your situation how beneficial it will be to escape in it ❤️
Oh Singr, I so understand your pain...as a fellow motorhomer! I feel this is a lesson for you to put things into perspective - so easily said but so hard to do. I hope you manage to get your wagon on the road and live the life you dream of whilst still being kind to yourself. If you're in the UK, there's something call ManShed where people might help you finish your project. I don't know a lot about these Sheds but I believe they might help you. I wish you luck and healing!
Can so identify. Different situation but same reaction. Constantly in search of peace but it all seems such hard work finding it! Not the cause of flare , rather seeking the way out - latest thought is kayaking, drifting peacefully down a beautiful river but the club tells me I have to complete a roll. Good heavens I am 73 with polymyalgia - thoughts please and speedy recovery. You didn't deserve this. X
I did kayaking at loch Lomond before lockdown. Weather and conditions were superb. I loved it. Did not have to do a roll. Have to admit my arms were knackered after it. Good luck
That sounds wonderful, I shall hold on to that thought. (Not the knackered arm bit)!
We kayaked to a small island in the middle of loch Lomond and at our lunch. The level of peace I felt was indescribable. Get out there and grab some of it
I hope you get under control ASAP rest rest rest and return to you. Xxx
Wishing you justice and recovery!
What we all need is a packet of plasticine and a box of pins.
Oh your poor darling! I can empathise entirely, with absolutely everything you say 😔😔😔 How perfectly VILE!!Unfortunately, these ghastly things happen when we are at our most vulnerable.
'Letting go' can be one of the hardest things, but let go you must.
I was only just having this discussion the other day, with somebody who understands the situation.
I was making the distinction between 'stress' and 'distress'. Both are bad and extremely toxic, but of the two distress, in my own experience is the worst of the two.
I find in situations similar to your 'loss' when one 'grieves', trying to step back and still think 'how lucky' you've been... Because it could have been so much worse...
Somebody I know escaped death in the Twin Towers on 9/11. He was obviously immensely lucky and saved his boss, though he sustained injury himself. However, a fellow colleague had purchased a fabulous camera during their business trip. On the morning of the attack still jet lagged he left the hotel and headed for the office, only to realise half way there, he'd left the camera in his hotel room and so he turned back for it. It probably saved his life.
I know it's not the same, but there is a certain similarly...
Let it pass.
In all our misfortunes, we can still find reasons to feel lucky.
Focus on your achievements so far, step back and rest, properly. Put yourself first. Everything else will follow, one step at a time, one day at a time. Rome was not built in a Day!
Picture the wonderful scenery you will wake up to when your wonderful project is completed.
Take Care,
Poppy the 🐱
Whenever my stress level goes through the roof over something some toe rag has done I remind myself that there are far more good people in the world quietly doing nice things for others every day. We just don’t notice them enough❤️
Oh I am so sorry this happened. Good thought to get CCTV footage and amazing anyone will do something about it. We are all curious to the result! Glad you are aware of the STRESS you have. I have made a relaxation stress management track which you can find on my profile ! Feel free to lie down and listen. I wish I could take my own advice...I have been so so so angry and galled at the world ..the US in particular that I now have gall bladder disease which yes, is probably old age etc.. but I suspect it is my ANGER spewing out bile! Let us all take your advice and watch out for STRESS! (gallbladder coming out in 12 days!)
Hello there Singr, your message really hit me. My BIG condolences to you on the flare up and, of course, the knock back on your conversion work.I hope you can borrow the tools you need for to continue the work and that your flare up subsides quickly.
Loosing things as you described is soooo frustrating. We just need to stop for a bit of reflection ( of which I am no expert!) and consider things in perspective.
The lost stuff can be replaced somehow, the work will be finished, just not as soon as was thought.
We still have the people we trust, enjoy and love so, yes, be calm and you will carry on to your goal soon.
Best regards from me.
Cheese n good people
any updates? interested in result of police search. You can't help being stressed and it's a reminder to try and not let bad events take over when you can't change something. Hoping for a positive eventual outcome.
Was hoping for an update today but Constable Reid didn't call as promised. I will need to chib him tomorrow.
do so and here's hoping.
I'm so sorry to hear your story. So upsetting. I find that I'm not as on to it and often forget things that I normally wouldn't have pre pmr. The brain doesn't function like it did. It's like it downgraded itself. And yes an experience like what you have just been through will definitely bring on a flare. I hope it goes soon and you can focus on holiday's in the campervan.
Oh you poor thing - so upsetting. I hope you complete the project soon.I am not sure what brought on my recent flare - my first ever in three years - but I always thought PMR was caused by an unknown infection. It never occurred to me that stress could make it worse.
No - they haven't found any evidence of an infection common to all - but the consensus is that it is an accumulation of stresses on the immune system over time and finally something is the straw that breaks the camel's back and trigger the immune system to become deranged and attack the body in error. The "something" can be an infection (of any sort), a vaccine (of any sort), trauma, physical or emotional/psychological stress, environmental, chemical ... I suppose you could liken it to wearing an item of clothing repeatedly - but eventually you look at it and decide it is now dirty/marked enough to need cleaning!