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Aunty Bees PMR , GCA and Chronic Pain Advent Calendar , Dec 3, the updated guide on Fatigue Friendly , Guilt Free Gift and Food Shopping

Blearyeyed profile image
63 Replies

So, the consensus of opinion in forum members replies , including PMRCanada , Louise Penycraig , Maria40 and Marilyn 1959 to the Festive Pacing post I wrote on Advent Day 1 is Online Shopping is the biggest bit of help you will give your aching joints this Festive Season.

And in the spirit of Pacing , and environmentally friendly recycling , I have decided to include an updated version of my post ( including the results and advice on avoiding Auntie Bees mistakes ) from last year on Fatigue Friendly , Guilt Free Gift and Food Buying for 2019.

Newbies won't have seen it , Brain Fog might mean that Experienced Members want a reminder , and now I can tell you the results , I decided an edit instead of a link , so , here we go!

I have just done all my Christmas shopping ( and wrapping) in the last two days from the comfort of my bed and it was definitely PMR/ GCA Pain Free.

Many of you are like Me. Struggling with Pain in the Cold or Heat , putting off dreaded lists and shopping trips in the hope you might feel better soon and able to get making or go shopping on another day.

Many will be feeling stressed , or guilty , especially if you are in Chronic Pain Year 1 , because you can't shop or make the usual Homemade gifts or Treats as you have always done before. The loss of the " Old Christmas Normal " bringing down your Cheer. But remember Festive Pacing and Fear Not : There is a Star on the Horizon!

Here's a stocking full of guilt free , budget friendly tips from Me to You , because , believe me kids , even if Margot Ledbetter in , ' The Good Life' , needed to learn that , "Christmas does not come in a van , it's about Family and Friends." With PMR, GCA , Fatigue or Chronic Pain the van may be the only way you can deliver Christmas Flare Free.

Buying gifts online , or by phone , is easy , budget friendly and stress free , especially through sites like Etsy , Folksy and Small Producers. Buying from these sites also gives a gift to these producers , often people whom are just like You. They work from Home because they have Health Issues or are Carers and running a Home Business is the only way they can share their Talents.

The foodie producers can even still provide those Homemade goodies you aren't up to making yourself and also cater for Special Dietary needs at a better quality and price than the High Street too.

Even the Big Boys, like Amazon and the Supermarkets , become your festive lifejackets . With more original gifts and the ability to send things gift wrapped direct to your loved ones door they save you the Pain of the shop , wrap and dash that daunts us All.

Christmas at , ' The Asylum' , as Chez Bee is affectionately known, is definitely coming in a van again this year. Including all my Food and Drink essentials booked from Supermarkets and Local Shops all delivered to my door. My Top Tip for food orders is book a slot now , as the delivery times close to Christmas are being snapped up. But don't fear , you can just choose to put a few items in your basket now , then slowly add to your order over a nice brew over the next few weeks, right up until the night before , which does take the stress out if it all.

Last year , I felt that I was getting a gift each day a delivery came . I even received Christmas cards , a free bar of chocolate and a brooch in with my orders as gifts from Sellers for my support so it was a lovely surprise for Me too.

My big mistake , which I want to help you to avoid , was not to be more specific about my delivery slots. I thought I would save time getting three deliveries in one day , but unfortunately all three vans turned up at once , putting on quite an embarrassing spectacle , blocking up the street just as the schools were being let out. My neighbours , and the kids on the bus may have been entertained and amused but it didn't do the job for reducing Stress , so take heed and stagger the times if you can.

The results of my purchases and gift suggestions from last year were a positive success with none of the Pain.

Foodie friends ( and my tummy!) loved the handmade Marshmallows , Vegan Nougat , Dairy Free Chocolates and Gluten Free Turkish Delight I got from Etsy. The producers were also happy to wrap and send my purchases to various addresses for the same cost as it would have been to do it myself but the bonus was without the Fuss.

Teens , Tweens and Inbetweens loved the unique books , games , T-shirts , DVDs and CDs bought from Amazon and eBay , stuff I wouldn't have found in a month of Sundays dragging myself around North Wales . With Prime membership I got it delivered free , and gift wrapped with tags , all in budget , much for a tenner , some for a £5 note all in! Even a last minute purchase on 20th December arrived on time.

Mr Bees Sister and Kids loved the ' Santa versus Jesus ' board game which meant Auntie Bee could still add a bit of humour and originality into the festivities. I was there in spirit , if not in body , post dinner japes , as in days Pre PMR/ GCA still provided by Yours Truly!

Beauty Queens raved about their smellies , purchased in the Black Friday Sales from Catch Kidston and Lush . All packed in quickly fillable baubles and gift bags for them to grab from the tree with no back aching sticky tape marathon required.

And Waitrose did it again for my hard to buy for Mother in Law , sending a top quality Poinsettia and Rose and Violet Creams , fresh , in perfect condition , and on a time that suited her. She apparently , even smiled!!!!

The whole Family literally cheered , entertained and fed in just two days without the Stress and Hell of shops , sticky tape , and the mile long Post Office Queue. And importantly , good old Mr. Bee enjoyed the break too from doing the torturous gift run and got to start the holiday early cuddled down with a mince pie and a DVD , a treat deserved now that he takes on more tasks my Pain just won't let me do.

I did go to the shops !!! The Llandudno Christmas Market but I did it for Fun not because I 'Had To'. Enjoying a stress free stroll around the stalls with hot chocolate breaks and noting the envious glares of those that dashed around bags hanging around them , shuddering in their wake. Looking probably they way I have done many times before.

I won't say I don't still have a pang for the " Old Christmas Normal" , I still sometimes miss being Santa's most energetic little helper , but I can honestly say the " New Christmas Normal' is now definitely Guilt Free. And , most importantly , the Smiles on people's Faces , including my own, under the new regime , is the Greatest Gift of All.

It might be Shop Bought but it is full of care and thought .

So Bring on the Van ! Margot had some sense after all!

Got any tips for shops or extra stress free shopping ideas forum friends , please add them in the replies below.

And today's photo is another kindly donated crochet cutie from the girl you know as Grandma xx

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Blearyeyed profile image
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63 Replies
Louisepenygraig profile image

Ooh, I got a mention! Seriously good advice though. I'm still dithering over whether to get stuff from Amazon or trek down to the coast to support 'local shops like Currys and Tesco (!). I suspect Amazon will win. Pity they don't do proper gift wrap any more but use gift bags that I really don't like the look of. OTOH my husband does most of the gift wrapping because he's really good at it and I'm terrible.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Louisepenygraig

I've got used to the gift bag over time and at least it can be recycled on another gift.😋

Waitrose actually did wrap the choccies last year and put a nice card and bow and bag on the plant.

I actually got some of my Etsy purchases from Welsh Producers so that made me feel happy that I could still buy local and one of the food makers had amazing gift wrap , something I'd have been jealous of even before PMR/ GCA.

I will say the one shop I do not use unless it's an absolute emergency , or the pharmacy , is Tesco as they have lost their quality over the years.

If you choose a bit of ordering by phone though , be careful if you know your shop owner is a talker and sit with a coffee , just in case.

I spent 45 minutes in a chat with my local butcher yesterday because I hadn't been in for so long , goodness knows who was taking care of the queue , but at least I'm getting one of their homemade pork pies !😋😘😘😘😍

in reply to Louisepenygraig

Amazon is easy but I have had better service sometimes looking at the vendor's name and visit their website so you get a sense of the range of things that you may like the style of. I get some online and since I have started going rogue and just getting little things that remind me of people it's been a nice surprise as they have no idea what trash I will give them. We usually have a guest present that is very bad and see if a face gets pulled by the victim. I am always polite then get laughed at.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to

I may have to give you a laugh at some of the wackier mini gifts I have purchased this year and last later .

A little taste , for last two years we gave the winners of our Spronkers Competition their air dried winning sprout all prettily packaged in a jewellery box with a certificate and badge. They were cock a hoop !

That is a good idea about contacting the smaller sellers on Amazon and getting it from them direct with better packaging , I've done that before too , and most are happy to wrap, or improve the wrap , because they get the sale direct so no commission.

They do that on eBay too , and I was able to get some custom design t-shirts slightly different to the one on the listing just by a quick message and a nice hello.

Thanks Poops.

The delivery and wrap is so much cheaper if it is a heavier gift as well , even if I have it delivered here to take elsewhere . It would have cost a fortune to have Eric's birthday drill set sent to me from Amazon and then on to her wrapped by me this year.

in reply to Blearyeyed

I send the Dutch bit of my family a game every year online from amazon or other sellers wrapped. Its for their Dec 5th Xmas celebrations. I bought my neice a law book one year and the box was fantastic.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to

That's the great thing about all the quick sellers whom deliver worldwide , you can send a Holiday appropriate gift in time for a person's ' Actual Christmas' in their Country .

Local shops sometimes haven't put the most interesting stuff out by the time you need to get presents to Europe or Russia on their way , or have taken down the stock for those places that celebrate in January or February.

Highlandtiger profile image

Ah! It would never have occurred to me to use Etsy for foodie stuff. I’ve bought jewellery there before but never food. Onto it now. Great tip!

And I’ll be going to the local farmers market on Saturday to pick some things up there too.

With some friends we decided a few years ago to stop buying presents for each other but to make sure we meet up for lunch instead. So, to beat the last minute rush (and avoid the overpriced Christmas menus) we all jumped (or hobbled) onto trains and buses on Sunday and went to Perth (centre of Scotland so relatively easy for everyone to get to) for a lovely lunch. A nice day out, a good catch up and fewer presents for everyone to buy. Win win all round!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Highlandtiger

I love a good Farmers Market , another foodie shopping tip , because I had the details of a bunch of stall holders that I liked and tested with over the years , I have used their cards and websites ( or a chat on the phone to the local smokery ) and ordered for delivery from them as well , just in case I can't get out.

Then I can just have a chat and a sample with no bags to carry if I get out. Dave the Smoke even promised me a special treat in my package , the Mind boggles!!!

Your tip about an early , budget friendly , lunch out instead of gifts is a great one too , I will be giving a nod to you behind a door very soon , thanks , hugs xxx

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Highlandtiger

Extra tip , if you don't see a combo of foods or flavours you like use the Sellers message service and customise your order . I have done it two years running meaning gifts were cheaper but more personalized , I got to remove mint marshmallows from a selection I bought and put in lemon meringue instead for someone whom hates mint !

It feels like buying at a market .

in reply to Blearyeyed

I should have read this before I suggested similar at amazon.

jinasc profile image

Done it all and have the pre-Christmas day for the cards.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to jinasc

Drop in tomorrow , it's card idea day !

Taster .... No writing !!!😋😁

Well done on that Pre Christmas booking , but being an experienced Chronic Pain and PMR/ GCA expert like yourself , I wouldn't expect anything else , you could have written the tips and know the tricks !😋😁😘😘😍

jinasc profile image
jinasc in reply to Blearyeyed

Remember NO SHINY WRAPPING PAPER, it cannot be re-cycled.

I am using the bags from last year - although I did give the charity shop quite a few last week. I cut pieces out of last years cards, before I re-cycle, so free tags.

BTW I love Etsy.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to jinasc

Yeah!! another bag recycler !!!

And yes , no shiny paper .

I was going to add the tip to people to keep any bags they get to use next year , and help other people be able to reuse gift bags you give to them by tying a removable tag on the handle and not writing on , or using sellotape on , the bag itself.

Just a staple or a butterfly clip instead.

A Christmas gift to the environment , as many Councils just throw full bags of recycled Christmas paper and cards away because they don't have time to sort through to get rid of waxed or shiny stuff , or remove tags , plastic decorations , bows and sellotape.

Thanks for the reminder , I might quote you in a door dedicated to Eco Friendly Christmas Tips , if that's ok.

Thanks so much Jinasc xx😘

jinasc profile image
jinasc in reply to Blearyeyed

No problem at all......................

I was born when things were not easy to get and so............make do and mend, again and again. I still cannot throw any food leftovers away - blender now makes it easier, used a masher till hands were not so friendly. Variety 'special' soups in fridge. I have to laugh when asked, 'where did you buy that soup'.

I am now smiling, you started this thread and I am grateful for it.........learning more stuff and a rest from PMR & GCA. Most of all, friendly. 🤗👍

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to jinasc

Thanks for that.

I'm just hoping with enough tips and the odd bit of humour we can all get a break from our PMR / GCA and manage a Flare free Christmas. Let's hope Santa's listening!😋😂😂😂

Right off to have my BP monitor switched to the other arm ( the winter nights just fly by around here , you know) and then onto Day 4 , cards , stress and ache free!

Hugs xx

in reply to Blearyeyed

It is giving people a chance to be more relaxed in terms of Xmas concerns. I am sure some newbies in particular are mithering about how they will cope. For me it's always the drive and the staying up and at them for more than a few hours. Since the girls in my sisters family are grown up we have all put pajamas on during Xmas eve and exchanged a couple of presents then get up as we get up. Much more restful than the 5am starts when they were young! The imagination can be much worse than the realities!! 🌻🌈

Yellowbluebell profile image

I booked christmas deliveries at both asda and sainsburys for a choice and will just cancel one nearer the day or just go for min order on both!!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Yellowbluebell

That is a really good tip with booking Supermarkets , I forgot that one , thanks YB!

Yes I did the same as you don't pay for your order until the day you can just put a few things in the basket then choose to remove them and cancel that supermarket delivery for free altogether if you don't end up needing them.

I don't think it's unfair to do it either , because it actually means that poor people who didn't think to book a slot early on , or are having to do things last minute , can still get a chance of finding your cancellation , which is a little gift to them .

in reply to Blearyeyed

I love the spin.

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to

So do i!! Not sure of the logic behind it but then again it is bees logic!!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Yellowbluebell

It works , I rang my stressed out friend last year because I was cancelling a delivery slot I had on the 23 rd from Sainsbury's and she hadn't been able to get one until the 5 the January!

I waited until she had filled her basket , and just before she went to checkout cancelled my slot , we crossed fingers , but it worked , she pressed back and forth into delivery times a couple of times and my time slot suddenly popped up , she was able to grab it and not have to do the shop of Hell in store herself. She sent me some flowers after Christmas.

I also forgot to say for anybody on a budget that may live alone or don't need the variety of the bigger supermarkets , Iceland Deliveries over £35 are still free over Christmas , unlike the other shops.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Yellowbluebell

Over the last 6 years since my husband died I’ve got the Christmas lunch sorted -

either go to son’s- he’s a demon chef (I can prepare veggies with other grandparents if I wish) & daughter-in-law sorts the table (stay a week or so) or

go to daughter’s - New Zealand, much more casual affair also with a demon chef in the guise of son in law (and stay much longer)!😉

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to DorsetLady

Best of both worldsxx

in reply to DorsetLady

I presume its the UK this year or you would be off already wouldn't you. 😉

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to


Slight problem though, son due to move house soon (before/after Christmas ?) so not where Christmas lunch will be - apart from “somewhere in Dorset”! Still, it adds to the fun. 🤣😂🤣

in reply to DorsetLady

A mystery Christmas!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to DorsetLady

Awesome , there is meant to be a few surprises and a Christmas mystery , do let us know where you end up xxx

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to DorsetLady

You are awash with Demon Chefs , you must feel very lucky .

My crew are just getting used to doing more big roasts following my carefully penned instructions , and I know that by keeping the gathering to just Us ( or the odd parent) if I'm not up to the kitchen at all they have begun to have fun with it themselves or we all muck in together in a very laid back way and don't care about the time we sit to eat it.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Blearyeyed

Yes I am, having cooked Christmas lunch for 45years I’m quite happy for someone else to do it nowadays!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to DorsetLady

A very well earned retirement from the stove x

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Blearyeyed

Can't remember - did an xmas meal on the 25th the first year we were back in the UK. 1991??? Sheer hell. Another 25 years ago - hardly worth it (OH was recovering from chemo and surgery). Now we go out for pizza - only place open in the village on the 25th ... Last xmas he was in hospital - I had a ham sandwich (his ham he didn't want/couldn't eat) and a spoonful of brandy butter. Hospital has figured several times on Dec 25th - quite an aversion therapy ;)

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to PMRpro

To be honest , your tales of eating burgers up a mountain are something that has always tempted me , it's just I couldn't get up there at the moment.

I did enjoy seeing sunrise on Snowdon one New Year with my cousin all dressed up as Vikings and eating sausage and bacon sandwiches cooked on a fire. Magic!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to PMRpro

Yes , the sadder stuff and hospital emergencies of Christmas play on my mind too , I think that's why I try to divert myself from thinking if the sadder times at this time of year , to blot out the sadder stuff.

I hope you didn't combine the Ham with brandy butter in your sandwich , that sounds like the weird combo of Marmite and Marmalade on toast that some one mentioned last week.

Bridge31 profile image
Bridge31 in reply to Blearyeyed

Did you know you can get peanut butter marmite now ?

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Bridge31

I know Marmite has gone into everything! My daughter got a Marmite Easter Egg a few years ago , even the smell was bad enough.

We both love Marmite , and it can go with nuts , but the chocolate was definitely a step too far.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Blearyeyed

Don't be silly - a 2-course xmas meal to go with the glass of wine I so desperately needed by then!

Yellowbluebell profile image

I have had to pull my etsy shop due to people doing all their shopping online!! I am holding you partially responible bee!! I still have 4 quilts to finish by the 22nd!!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Yellowbluebell

Its good to be popular though isn't it!😋

I know , although it's not just via Etsy .

Scats put her order in just in time with Grandma as when she came back from her weekend away she had received another 12 orders from local word of mouth , repeat buyers from her craft stall last year , and people on the blog. So luckily Scats git ahead if the queue.

She has just been asked for a pair of antler and Santa hat wearing flamingos instead of llamas as a Christmas Housewarming gift to a new couple.

Can't wait to see them , she's over the moon though .

I don't know how you fit it all in , YB! There's no way I could sit and sew like that in a time limit anymore , and it's so precise too , I am amazed at how you do it.

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to Blearyeyed

Even when i feel rubbish i actually find quilting relaxing!! Mind you i have had the whole day to myself and ian is out again this evening and i have only finished my mums quilt. Plus i came to bed at 7!! Now i do need to get my head down and finish the last ones of the year. Luckily 3 are baby quilts!!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Yellowbluebell

Still sometimes smaller things are more hard work than big ones.

My back couldn't have coped with it even before GCA/ PMR , just goes to show that what starts as relaxation can blossom into a successful little business.

And you and Grandma are two of those Etsy sellers I was talking about whom still manage to make an income from their talents despite being Carers or having Health Issues because they can still run a shop from home and do the amount of work that they can cope with , with the help of an online forum.

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to Blearyeyed

I started quilting when ian broke his back and i had to give up the court work. I was going mental just being his carer!! It was either find something constructive to do or i would be up for murder!! doing really wellx

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Yellowbluebell

It is good when you can make an income from the thing you also love to do , stress free way to making money , even if it can be twice the work.

Bridge31 profile image

Have I missed the answer to the snowman/bridge location ?

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Bridge31

No , my fault , I added it into the replies in the Snowman post and forget to include it on this post , blooming brain fog!😋

The winner was Highland Tiger , and the answer was The Latin Bridge in Sarajevo .

It was famous for being the place where Archduke Ferdinand was shot sparking World War 1.

There should be another mini spot it quiz in a few days look out for it x

Bridge31 profile image
Bridge31 in reply to Blearyeyed

Oh thank you . I’ve never been 👍

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Bridge31

It is an amazing and beautiful place , great scenery , where East meets West. Plus , it isn't busy yet so a great place to have a quiet holiday experience without the Fatigue of crowds.

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to Blearyeyed

I would never have got it!!

Marijo1951 profile image

Another great website, which I don't think has been mentioned yet, is which sells custom printed t-shirts and other clothing as well as many accessories and household products. They provide a valuable outlet for designers from all over the world who create the prints.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Marijo1951

Yes, I have had things from them, and a company called Society6 do the same . Both are good quality and ship worldwide , plus if you are a person with Health issues it is easy to sell your own designs from Society6 , as although the profit to you is less , they do all the printing and delivery for you .

Artfinder , is also an amazing spot to find "one off" art pieces and hand created prints from new and established artists of all types around the World at a full range of prices. I used to sell commissions via them until my current state of Health.

Thanks for another great tip.

LemonZest11 profile image

So many helpful, hilarious and healthy tips here Bee, I just love it! I have one tip to share ... remember when we all used to make those lovely rum balls, choc truffles, cheese biscuits, rocky road and other treats, and bag them up in lovely cellophane bags and tie them with beautiful ribbons to hand out to neighbours and friends? Well I have found the shortcut to all of that. No more hours spent buying the ingredients, organising grandkids to roll the balls, bake the bics and cut the rocky road. Drama everywhere and then finally a look of distain on the ungrateful faces of those specially chosen recipients. No more! Aldi to the rescue!!! As cheap as chips, Aldi sell packets of almond butter balls (delicious by the way, lucky if they make it into the cellophane), florentines and other gorgeous little specialties. Buy them and then bag them up and present as your own. How’s that? A winner from Downunder! Xx

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to LemonZest11

Exactly , I'm very honest with the homemade or handmade stuff I buy and repackage though , and write a label saying , " Not Homemade by Me!"😋😂😂😂

Aldi and Lidl are great for quality Euro foods , it's just so annoying that they don't deliver then I wouldn't need to walk in a big shop at all!😋

Thanks for the tip x

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Blearyeyed

I was in an Austrian Aldi the other day and saw an ad for home delivery! Which I found strange since Austrian Aldi is called Hofer ...

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to PMRpro

Wow! I wish Lidl delivered in Bad Sassendorf. I've never heard of them delivering anywhere near here.

HeronNS profile image

Over the years I've cut my list. Small family, so never very long to begin with. Now I buy as much as I can of locally produced goods, from craft beer to art, and try to focus on things which people can really use, or use up, having spent so much energy on decluttering my own possessions. But the single thing which made Christmas wrapping much easier and less stressful, just gifts for the immediate family, is using many scarves inherited from my stepmother for furoshiki to wrap gifts. Nowadays I usually buy a new reusable grocery bag for each individual's loot, so not even any tags needed. In the Christmas context I get the scarves, and other square cloths, back for next time, but for other occasions, like a baby shower, the wrapping cloth will be new, and part of the gift. No piles of paper, constantly losing the scissors and the tape, no leftover scraps. No waste on Christmas morning. :)

There are books on how to do this, but this link gives you all the info one needs, and colourful scarves can be bought for a song at used clothing shops.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to HeronNS

Another easy gift is a donation on line to a worthy cause you and the honoured recipient both approve of.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to HeronNS

Like PMR/ GCA UK of course , that's a gift to the whole forum too!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to HeronNS

Yes! I was hoping someone would come up with the tip of using scarves to wrap their presents.

I've done it before after seeing it done in Lush Cosmetics , it's a great way of making part of the gift the wrapping paper. It can be unisex too as I made one for my Uncle using giant men's hankerchieves.

Fabric tote bags also fit the bill , you can print on them , and your friend gets a very handy new shopping bag into the bargain.

Thanks Heron x

in reply to Blearyeyed

I was going to do that but I found the nicer scarves cost more that the pressies! I will have to be organised and get one a month next year., 🤪

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to

Like Heron , I get mine from charity shops or sales and fetes. The girls or even Mr Bee have got very skilled at finding quality , new vintage ones at Car boot sales so they can cost as little as 25 p. You definitely know for next year now.

Perfect gift for a PMR / GCA sufferer for hot days as you can use them to make those chilled bandana neck ties we were discussing in summer , or to wipe your face after a cool spritz of water.

Jackoh profile image

Lots of good tips and on line suppliers. Have ordered and received most of my presents now and have got Christmas slot booked. Will have a look though at the on line suppliers mentioned- thanks a lot x

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Jackoh

Only if you need too , you are well prepared so you might find saving the post , and maybe the post on cards or other posts with ideas or addresses in that could come in handy for you to look up next year.

You can follow or save any of my posts or helpful posts from all the Forum members by pressing the ,' More' button at the bottom of the post , it makes it easier to find as you don't need to search for it again later.

Have a Merry one x

Jackoh profile image
Jackoh in reply to Blearyeyed

Thanks Bee

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