Over the weekend (2/3 days) I felt so unwell, in pain (bilateral, shoulders) neck etc. head felt like it was in a vice and my energy levels plummeted. I thought I was having a flare.
My blood test was due this morning but I went yesterday with a view increasing my steroids as soon as poss to get on top of my symptoms but not before getting a true reading of my CRP. By the time I left the nurses office I was beginning to feel better and this continued through the day and evening. Slept like a log last night (pain free ish) Today I feel back to normal (my normal)
I had a phone call just now from my Dr who wanted to know how I was. By this time I was able to tell him I think I might have missed steroids on Thursday or Friday!
My CRP is/was 55! It's normally less than 9. I hope he was reassured I am okay (he didn't sound it). I am reassured but need to come up with a fool proof system.
I used a Dossete dispenser labelled Mon thru Sunday. I have a vague memory of looking and wondering why all the doors were closed. I cannot think of anything better than a Dossete system. Maybe someone here can. Having a poor memory is not helpful.