I have been on prednisone for 30 months. In December 2020 I contracted Covid-19 and was hospitalized for 44 days. My doctor and others that saw me in hospital reckons its a miracle that I am alive. After I was discharged from hospital I stayed on the 10 mg prednisone I was on before Covid till a month ago. I then went down in one step to 5 mg. Post Covid I get tired easily and other than that continuing, I had no negative effects. Two weeks ago I went to 5 gm every day. I since then have been suffering somewhat with body aches and headaches, in addition to the tiring, especially on the days I do not take any prednisone. I have as from this morning taking 2,5 gm every day. I intend to keep at it for two weeks and then get off it totally.
My view is that once you start weaning yourself off prednisone or alike you must accept that your both will respond and you may not feel that well until it has adjusted. "No pain, no gain" may be an appropriate slogan.