Pred and insect bites: I live in the Mediterranean... - PMRGCAuk


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Pred and insect bites

Kalacik profile image
19 Replies

I live in the Mediterranean and there are mosquitoes and other biting insects. I have never suffered with bites and never taken precautions. Whereas my husband had to take antihistamines and still got bitten. I sorted taking steroids last autumn after being diagnosed with PMR and this year I’ve been bitten to shreds despite taking every spray, antihistamine available.

Just wondering if anyone else has had this sort of reaction

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Kalacik profile image
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19 Replies
PMRpro profile image

I don't live on the Med - up an Italian mountain instead - but have never had any problems when further south on holiday. If anything, the odd bite was less of a bother because the pred suppressed the reaction.

One thing a few people have noted in the past is an apparent change in body odour with PMR. I had it too but stopped using soap and deodorant as it seemed rather a waste when I still smelt after a bit of exercise and I wondered if it was a skin biome imbalance. I haven't used soap or deo since - 15 years and counting! I know others who did the same - and no, we don't smell!

I also NEVER use perfume in the summer - if I do, wasps appear like magic!

autumnlass profile image

Hello Kalacik.. I was diagnosed with PMR last summer, and was bitten to bits by mosquitoes 🦟. They’ve always liked my ‘sweet blood’! A nightmare... really big juicy bites they took from the middle of my back and it was impossible to slap on cream there ... had to use a a spatula loaded with antihistamine cream!! About 30 bites in all. 😩 I know how you feel and they’re painful for quite a while.I use citronella from local herbalist and mix it with non perfumed cream and apply it. They also sell wrist bands in funky colours which are impregnated with citronella too. It’s really good I find and keeps them away. I don’t drink or wear perfume as it is attractive to mosquitoes as well and they will pounce! Non drowsy hay fever tablets help the itching and pain too. All the best. 🙂

musicality profile image
musicality in reply to autumnlass

Thanks 4 tip!

123-go profile image

I don't live in the Med 😩but I have nasty reactions to stings and bites. Antihistamines sent me to sleep but a dab of lavender essential oil is miraculous. Vinegar neutralises any venom from wasps, etc and reduces swelling and inflammation and is effective. The only effective spray I've come across for prevention is Jungle Formula...may be found in Europe but who knows?Whatever, bites are a bugbear -sorry for pun- especially during the night.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to 123-go

It appears to be listed by Amazon Italy ... In fact - I'm sure I have bought it since we've lived here for a real foreign trip but it COULD have been in the UK

123-go profile image
123-go in reply to PMRpro

That's good for anyone who wants to give it a try.

We used to apply it to pupils' limbs - when we were on residential trips, especially to areas with ponds and woods. That was before the powers that be came along with 'elf and safety rools'. Parents were allowed to send children with their own sprays and creams marked with name as long as teachers didn't apply it, but it was a nightmare supervising them to make sure that (a) they didn't use it near eyes or mouths or (b) sprayed accidentally at others (c) they washed their hands afterwards, orifices often being targets for little fingers, or that (c) it was actually applied at all.

As you have probably learned, it's not difficult for me to go off tangent!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to 123-go

Ah, the Elves, from Safety ...

piglette profile image

There just has to be one mosquito in the middle of nowhere and I will attract it. I obviously have special skin for mosquitos not skin ordinaire!

Kalacik profile image

Thanks everyone for your tips. Soooo hot here so I use an odourless roll on deodorant. Lemon is what all the locals use as a deterrent so I use that and the local spray called ‘off’. I’m now also using lavender oil so fingers crossed

Daffodilia profile image

I use an insect repellant even when hanging washing in the garden - have had less reaction to bites since taking pred - assumed it was because it suppresses the immune response

Emmanyel profile image

Taking a vitamin B1 everyday during summer months really helps.

S4ndy profile image

I saw research that showed that mosquitoes are attracted to people with O negative blood group. Have looked but can't find the paper now but it seemed to indicate that mossies liked our blood best! I have O neg blood and have always been a mossie target. I do find that now I am on Pred the bites are less angry and inflamed. My hubby is B+ and he hardly ever gets bitten! Maybe something in it.

Pon12 profile image

I have this week suffered from an infected bite, usually one dose of antihistamine and a dab of cream have sorted the problem but not this time. The area around the bite was very red and hard, about 3" diameter around the bite and my ankle was very swollen. I was diagnosed with PMR in September 2020 initially on 60mg of Prednisolone daily, reduced to 15mg and now slow tapering on my way to 12mg. I googled the problem with the bite and it took me to a Sepsis site. It noted that bites could cause cellulitis in patients taking corticosteroids and that in extreme cases could result in sepsis! very frightening. I contacted my GP who prescribed anti-biotics and different antihistamines which thankfully seem to be doing the trick but will definitely be investing in insect repellent and love the idea of the lavender oil

Nora-B profile image
Nora-B in reply to Pon12

OMG. How scarey! How long did it take for your bites to eventually go? I arrived at your post after coming on site and using search button. HU is a fantastic place to search when worried. A few days ago , after just getting over a kidney infection I noticed one feet was swollen and there were a few hard red lumps on and around it. I had no idea what it was but assumed it was to do with a circulatory problem I have. Long story but found myself blubbing down the phone half way through the night with call to 111. Walk in Centre said insect bites. Have been using steroid cream for a couple of days but still have red lumpy patches that hurt.. Maybe I should ring again. Scared witless. I am O Neg blood group.

Kalacik profile image
Kalacik in reply to Nora-B

That sounds really scary. My bites have suddenly stopped so I think it must have beeb a particularly nasty insect that was around at that time. Do hope your swelling goes down soon

Nora-B profile image
Nora-B in reply to Kalacik

Thank you Kalacik. I live in Dear Old Blighty so my bite could have been anything from a house fly to a Lady Bird. Yes I was bitten bby one of thos I have had bee stings and one night I was woken by something tickling me. When I went to brush the offender awsy it stung me in the chest. It was a wasp.. Yet when I have been abroad on holiday...nothing.. I have taken note of all the tips that I found on here; in fact some I have used before. Just didn't realise I had been bitten. I am pleaseed your bites have stopped. X

musicality profile image

Yes - they love our steroid fuelled blood! Drives me mad with the constant itching. They don't bother hubby!

Pon12 profile image

Hi KalacikWith antibiotics it only took about 3 days but was worrying at the time particularly as it's currently so difficult to get through to a Doctor, my practice is very hit and miss some respond quickly and some not so, recently it took 5 weeks for me to get a phone call for a medication review. I also managed to get a blood test but no surprise not to hear anything about the result good or bad. I have totally relied on this site for up to date and really useful information but not managing to find anything about bites I resorted to google and received the information from the Sepsis site. As we know the steroids thin the skin and the lower legs being vulnerable to all kinds of issues so now always have to hand some insect repellent spray although would prefer a more natural product if anyone has anything tried and tested.

Broseley profile image

I never used to get bitten at all. But 3 years ago I started being attractive to the little b****s and only just developed PMR this year. I tried researching the reasons but got nowhere. Maybe something changes in your blood as I started getting inflammatory problems in my joints back then too. A friend gave me Avon Skin So Soft which works a treat to keep them away, as long as I remember to use it! It's not sold as an anti mossie spray but works really well and doesn't smell horrible.

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