4 mgs has been manageable for last year, really hoping those adrenals are getting their act together. Am moving house now as 99 year old mother needs more care than I can give her as also caring for autistic son. Feeling increasing aches so have upped pred to 5mgs. Will this send my adrenals backwards. Hopefully it will only be for a month or so. What a time to chose with Covid in the mix as well.
Am I undoing any good I may have done?: 4 mgs has... - PMRGCAuk
Am I undoing any good I may have done?

To be honest PD it’s wiser to be on the slightly increased dose now through all this additional ‘stress’; house moving on its own is the ‘Number One Stressor’ for anyone.
No one can predict either way what will or not affect our adrenal glands (l think they have minds of their own) especially at this dose.
The most important thing is You & being able to manage everything, you can review the situation once you have moved & settled in.
Good Luck 🍀
Thank you mrs n, my nails are atrocious at the moment, first thing to attend to when 'me' time arrives back in my life. Reply very reassuring - onwards and up?wards!
I did a couple of replies on Nails last week (maybe l should do a Post?) treat yourself to some Solar Oil & massage those cuticles once a day, it’ll help get them started for when you get your Me Time again! Good Luck & Take Care
Cube of jelly, every day for nails. 💅💅
Eat it or massage it into nails, or both) can see the benefits of both!
Raw - but then you have to like jelly.
This was a tip when I worked aged 17 and could not afford Carnate.........my Mam used to go mad as I just kept taking a cube and when she went to make a jelly - gone........happy days.
Will have a go with strawberry flavour! Thank you😋 hope emoji means licking my lips, not very good with these!
Every day and no, that is what your beautiful nails will look like sometime - not saying when.
BTW healthline.com/nutrition/ke...
and if you put jelly+nails+keratin in your search engine - you have about three hours on the net grrrrrr
I don’t think you can do both things as in challenge your adrenals with a low dose and do something that’s incredibly stressful and strenuous. Do what you have to do with the Pred dose to survive this and then deal with the adrenal issue when the dust has settled.

5mg should still be low enough to continue to tickle the adrenal function into wakefulness. No-one absorbs all their oral pred so you do need to take what you need to function - especially when doing something as stressful as a house move.
Thank you! Most of the stress is coming from my mother but the skip people won't remove her! This is meant as a joke so hope moderators don't form too bad an opinion of me.
This moderator-type FULLY understands where you are coming from ...
It’s dark humour that keeps us going 😉
I know of a skip supply company local to me who ask no questions as to the content.😂