Second visit to endocrinology today. I originally went to the endocrinologist because of low blood sugar. She put on a continuous glucose monitor and gave me instructions about managing this problem. At the same time I was on the Diflucan. As time went on my hypoglycemia seem to get worse and worse and so matter what I did. I was up half the night trying to eat based on the results of the continuous glucose monitor which is the drop down to 60. Alarms would go off and I’m walking into the kitchen staring in the refrigerator trying to figure out what to eat. I did join a Facebook hypoglycemia foundation which gave very good ideas about how to eat. So I have incorporated this thing but it turned my life topsy-turvy. Interestingly I felt absolutely terrible on Mother’s Day even though my blood sugar my fingerstick and my monitor was adequate. Sounds like cortisol doesn’t it? The doctor on call told me to take additional prednisone based on how I feel keeping in mind I will be having an appointment in a few days. I begin to research that fluconazole/hypoglycemia/cortisol interaction problem at the in the medical literature. And it turns that drug decreases the natural formation of cortisol in the adrenals. This one has a long half life; I saw two cases reports where cortisol production returned to normal after9 and 11 days based on the synthacten test. So for me it’s just about 11 days since my last dose. The endo suggested I reduce as comfortable realizing my long tapering history. I feel creepy having take. 10 mgm on Mother’s Day; tried 9 mgm the next day but felt ill so took another 5(14total) and yesterday, having had a removal of a long term dental implant(might be allergic to the metal/or PMR?) so I took 10 yesterday amd today. Yikes, I don’t want to be here!
My question is should I try9 tomorrow, then, 8, then 7 decreasing 1mgm daily until I get to 5 where I started? If I feel terrible where do I go/dose?
I think this is unknown territory. I mean can my adrenals accept 5 mgm after this circus?