PMR - Influenza Vaccine: Hi I’ve just read this... - PMRGCAuk


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PMR - Influenza Vaccine

Liby57 profile image
77 Replies

Hi I’ve just read this article and wondered if anyone had developed PMR shortly after receiving the flu vaccine? Interesting article now that we are having COVID Vaccine.

Even though the etiology of PMR remains unknown, a number of infectious agents have been suggested to cause PMR. These include Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia (Chlamydophila) pneumoniae, and parvovirus B19. In addition, there are reports of PMR after influenza vaccination

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Liby57 profile image
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77 Replies
PMRpro profile image

There ARE reports of PMR developing soon after a vaccine - but not only the flu one. There are also cases of PMR in people who have never had the flu vaccine or any other vaccine for many years previously.

There is no one single cause of PMR or any other autoimmune disorder, it is most likely the cumulation of years of various things that put strain on the immune system - stress of all sorts, infection/illness/surgery, physical exertion, trauma and emotional/mental stress all have an effect on the immune system and impair how it works. Eventually something is the final straw that breaks its back and it goes haywire, becomes deranged and is unable to recognise your body as self and starts attacking various body tissues by mistake. It might be the flu jab that triggered YOUR PMR, but it could equally well have been the flu you caught because you didn't have the jab.

Liby57 profile image
Liby57 in reply to PMRpro

Good point. I was really quite well and fit prior to having PMR apart from controlled BP. I was quite active swimming, walking, running etc etc and then PMR invaded. Most articles state that there is no known cause but possible causes include a virus, infection, trauma, cancer or stress. Having had a various tests, MRI scans etc which all came back clear, I do suspect that stress was possibly the contributing factor to my PMR onset but wondered if the flu vaccine might have been the trigger for me. 🤔

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Liby57

I did something in the gym every day Mon to Friday - until PMR started when I had to find a different gym with a pool! I just could not keep up with the classes and even aquafit had to be adapted.

TheMoaningViolet profile image
TheMoaningViolet in reply to PMRpro

"There are also cases of PMR in people who have never had the flu vaccine or any other vaccine for many years previously."That would be me for example.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to TheMoaningViolet

Me neither- I wasn't considered worthy despite living with 2 very vulnerable adults!!!

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to TheMoaningViolet

Only flu vaccine I ever had pre-PMR was the year of h1n1, years before my PMR struck. I get the flu shot every year now and it has no effect on anything far as I can tell, but it's not adjuvanted version.

Hunter134 profile image
Hunter134 in reply to HeronNS

I got the hI n1 too and had symptoms of pmr aft it.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Hunter134

That was around 2009, not sure of exact date. Did you actually get PMR then?

Hunter134 profile image
Hunter134 in reply to HeronNS

I started to get achy muscles aft two weeks.Flu like symptoms.Then a few months I got really bad pains all over my body.Dr sent me to phsio but of course made me worse.My sister had pmr so I asked my Dr for a sed count and it came back high.

Hunter134 profile image
Hunter134 in reply to HeronNS

Curious if your crp levels came down?Mine was 18 last blood work and I had blood work yesterday and iam worried bout the results.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Hunter134

Haven't had my covid vaccination yet - but booked my appointment today 😊! Will be on 12th. In answer to CRP level. Are you referring to fact my CRP had been really high earlier this year? I had bloodwork done about a week ago, but I won't get results until my virtual Dr appt in a couple of weeks. I have no access to see results online. Ironically yesterday I quite suddenly realised I was feeling much better, so possibly the blood test is already out of date. They don't like to do routine tests more often than every 3 months. Fortunately my new dr is like the old one and says treat the symptoms!

Hunter134 profile image
Hunter134 in reply to HeronNS

I have a history of bells palsy.Had it twice and the second time was so painful I cried all day.Both vaccines can trigger it so stressing bout that now.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Hunter134

It seems to be Pfizer and Moderna, Moderna more so than Pfizer. Can you get A-Z (its medically significant side effect seems to be very rare and restricted to younger and mid-life persons)? The description of such a patient says that her symptoms began to improve by day 14.

Hunter134 profile image
Hunter134 in reply to HeronNS

I also have a family history of blood clots.My mom,sister and daughter had them.So iam trying to figure out what chance is better.Stressful.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Hunter134

Oh, great 🤔. Maybe this is the moment to let the Universe decide. Whatever is offered is what you take and trust it is the right one. Then go have a long nap and be extra kind to yourself. I've timed my vaccination appointment for when the large bookstore next to the clinic is open. So after my 15 minutes observation time is up I shall walk over to the bookstore and browse for a while. Maybe there will be a new Alexander McCall Smith book out in paperback. :)

ling profile image
ling in reply to Hunter134

Did your mom, sister, daughter have any symptoms for the blood clots?

Liby57 profile image
Liby57 in reply to Hunter134

I am so sorry I didn’t mean to cause any stress to anyone, as I said in my previous post I am stilling trying to get to grips with PMR and have read many posts on this forum and others that suggest a possible link to flu vaccine as ONE of the possible triggers but as yet this isn’t proven.

Hunter134 profile image
Hunter134 in reply to Liby57

You didn t stress me lol.I ve been worrying bout the covid vaccine for months because of my history.It doesn t help we can t get a hold of a Dr. to discuss it.Stay safe!!!

dogwork123 profile image
dogwork123 in reply to Liby57

Hi Liby.Reading about the cases of PMR after the flu jab. (I had to google what PMR meant by the way.

Anyway now i had the flu jab in November last and straight after apart from the usual tenderness at the jab site I started to get pain travelling up my arm to my shoulder. This has now spread down the rest of my arm. It is constantly sore and restricts my arm movement. I googled the symptoms and found a site which said that an incorrect needle inserting of the vaccine can cause bursitis . If the needle is inserted into the bursa it can cause inflammation in the tendons. I spoke to my doc by phone about it and his reply was that it was highly unlikely that this was the cause and told me to take pain medications. 5 months later I'm still in pain with this. What to do?

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to dogwork123

Find a less ignorant GP!!!!

borednow profile image
borednow in reply to TheMoaningViolet

And me.

Koalajane profile image

I didn’t have the flu jab until I had been diagnosed with PMR

Susiquew profile image

I’d had flu jabs for the previous 5 years but a few months after the adjuvanted Fluad jab in 2018 developed a mystery illness first diagnosed as sepsis (no source found) and then as PMR/GCA (which is how I I came to be on this forum) and treated with 40mg prednisolone. Turned out to be none of those things but obviously some sort of autoimmune response which I am convinced (but can’t prove) was as a result of the adjuvant in the Fluad jab. Took me several months to taper off the prednisolone and no explanation ever given for any of my ill health during most of 2019. I won’t have another adjuvanted flu jab, but have had the first dose of OAZ covid jab, so far with no ill effects.

Rache profile image
Rache in reply to Susiquew

Same here. Have refused the adjuvanted vaccine for this past two years as I suspect the new immune booster addition may have precipitated my PMR. My GP has allowed me to have the non adjuvanted version usually reserved for under 65s in the UK. I too have had the first AZ covid vaccine without any ill effects. I don’t think it has any ‘booster’.

Susiquew profile image
Susiquew in reply to Rache

You're lucky with your GP, for me it was the over 65s or nothing, so I had to choose nothing.

Rache profile image
Rache in reply to Susiquew

That’s so unfair. I tried to get it in Boots but they said they had to stick to the NHS guidelines. Fortunately my GP agreed I could have it on the basis that I’m immune-suppressed. I wouldn’t have had it otherwise.

Pollynolongerinagony profile image
Pollynolongerinagony in reply to Rache

Hi Rache, sorry to hear the new immune booster may have triggered PMR. Might you considr reporting this reaction to the Yellow Card scheme as it is vital we all help one another practically, by arming them with knowledge of our experience. I've has second Pfizer. I truly wish you well, Polly.

Pollynolongerinagony profile image
Pollynolongerinagony in reply to Susiquew

hi Susiquew, nice name, what a nightmare to sort out but very well done for tracking down the trigger as the adjuvanted flu jab. It is never too late to register your reaction to the flu jab, to the Yellow Card system as it is our best tool in recording side affects, diseases and infections etc following vaccinations to protect us all and arm us with knowldege. Keep safe best wishes Polly xx and thankyou for sharing and helping us all.

Susiquew profile image
Susiquew in reply to Pollynolongerinagony

Hi Polly...thank you for your kind response....I hope you remain 'nolongerinagony'😊

I have no proof that the adjuvant was to blame for what followed, just tracking it back I realised that that was when things started to go wrong....just gradually downhill physically without me realising at first, until I ended up being taken to hospital. I wouldn't want to put people off having the flu jab (or any other jab), just maybe to be wary of adjuvants. The main nightmare was no one knowing what was wrong with me, and my psychotic reaction to the 40mg of pred, especially as I didn't have GCA (or PMR) so didn't need to take such a high dose. Still...water under the bridge now, and no lasting damage done...just an even greater mistrust of medication in general. Best wishes to you too, Sue

Pollynolongerinagony profile image
Pollynolongerinagony in reply to Susiquew

dear Sue your response is totally understandable after all you have suffered, I was not listened to for year an half till crippled before being diagnosed with PMR and since been on the nightmare rolercoaster that is Prednisalone. Like you I am not anti vac and only ever post to share, care and not ever scare. The more we record our reactions to the Yellow Card Scheme, even if it is month's later when the mist rises and we finally figure out what our gut instinct tells us triggered our horrific diseases like PMR GCA MG even Shingles, we will never be able to help all of the people around the world in the fight we have viruses and disease. Three things work for me, Love, Kindness and Truth. I feel better knowing there are good kind people like you on this journey, keep safe sue, best wishes Polly

Pamsdaughter profile image

My Mum aged 82 has just been diagnosed with PMR. It started 2 days after the Pfizer COVID vaccine. I saw the flu vaccine link to PMR in an article too when I was searching to see if there was anyone else who had experienced a similar thing.

bussell profile image
bussell in reply to Pamsdaughter

Your mum is not alone. I am 81 and had much the same experience, as have a few others on this site. The general view seems to be that the covid vaccine was the last straw in a build up to developing PMR. And looking back I can see there were some warning signs along the way. My GP, an otherwise sensible man, insists it is pure coincidence.....

Please tell your mother that 3 months on, she will be feeling heaps better, sleeping better, but to get plenty of rest (siesta every day) and pace herself. Strictly no gardening or housework for a couple of months, other than deadheading or dusting! It is a slow road and that takes a bit of getting used to. Good luck to both of you.

Pollynolongerinagony profile image
Pollynolongerinagony in reply to bussell

hi bussell, very sad your PMR was triggered by vaccine, and wonder if you reported this outome to the Yellow Card Scheme as it helps us all to have these ractions recorded officially. They don't mind if youre not certain, they value everyone's input and feedback. I've had my 2nd pfizer and look fwd to the booster in sept. keep safe best wishes Polly

bussell profile image
bussell in reply to Pollynolongerinagony

Don't worry, Polly... I certainly did report to Yellow Card. And they followed up for more information. They make all their findings public eventually so it will be interesting to see the whole range of reactions to the vaccine.

Pollynolongerinagony profile image
Pollynolongerinagony in reply to bussell

bless you and keep safe, with thanks for sharing, Polly

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Pamsdaughter

There are people who have developed PMR shortly after vaccines - but not just the Covid ones, shingles and flu usually get the blame. But any one is not likely to be the direct cause and many people who have never had a vaccine or not recently also develop PMR - PMR is thought to happen as a result of years of stress on the immune system and eventually something is the final straw and breaks the system's back. It could be a vaccine or it could be illness you got because you didn't have the vaccine or it could be other illness, stress, injury, something environmental/chemical. It is a great unknown.

Susiquew profile image
Susiquew in reply to PMRpro

I think the one difference is that you choose to have a (flu) vaccine which could be the last straw...whereas with other life situations...stress, illness, injury etc... they are thrust upon you and you have no choice. It seems ironic if you chose to have a vaccine to protect you from an illness you may never get and it turns out to be the last straw that plunges you into chronic long term illness. With Covid the risk and unknown effects seem so much greater and for that reason I feel the risk is worth taking and I was happy to take the vaccine which, as far as I know, does not contain an adjuvant.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Susiquew

Yes - but my point is that it may NOT be the final straw, I had never had a flu jab pre-PMR and no other vaccine for umpteen years and there are a lot of people on the forum the same. Whatever the cause of mine it was life events and there are no two histories that are identical. There are people with PMR after a shingles vaccine - and after shingles itself. People with PMR that appeared shortly after a flu jab, and those where it appeared after the flu they had having chosen not to have the flu vaccine. It's a game of Russian roulette if you like - but you can't stop living in case you might get PMR. Nor can you alter your genetic history which does have a lot to do with whether you are pre-disposed to developing it or not.

Susiquew profile image
Susiquew in reply to PMRpro

I had actually paid to have the under 65 flu jab before I was eligible because of being a carer for my parents so I'm not an anti vaxer, although I am definitely a believer in not interfering with nature unless it is absolutely necessary, and after my experiences in 2019 have a distrust of any medication...whilst at the same time accepting that of course it can be a life saver.

I do feel there should be more research into why some peoples immune systems become 'deranged' and what the avoidable triggers could be. I feel this may become clearer in the light of why some people respond so badly to Covid whilst others are hardly affected .

It's as the posted article says

'There is individual variation in immune responses to vaccines and adjuvants, and rare AEs are important to individuals. Patient choice needs to be respected; the approach should not be “one size fits all” for those aged >65 years.'

I'm sure most people will have the flu vaccine with no issues at all, but people often have a pretty good instinct about what it is that has made them ill, and also, as you say, some people have a genetic predisposition towards autoimmune responses, and it would be helpful if we knew who those people are. Currently it is just dismissed by the medical profession and if some people fall by the wayside so be it. I can understand that because, especially in a pandemic like this, they have to act toward the greater good, but long term I hope things may become clearer.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Susiquew

"and what the avoidable triggers could be" - bascially, life! Even natural environmental factors are thought to be implicated. And the genetic factors are extremely complex, having Scandinavian genes increases your risk of developing PMR and GCA but not all Scandinavians suffer - it is a large mix of factors that bring you to the point where it happens and is so complex there is unlikely to ever be a list of do this/don't do this that would lead to it not happening.

And as for Long Covid - it is nothing new, post-viral autoimmune syndromes have been recognised for many years. Polio has a post-polio syndrome version which is similar in symptoms to Long Covid. We are probably all old enough to remember the sequalae of polio and the pictures of massive wards with loads of children in iron lungs.

Susiquew profile image
Susiquew in reply to PMRpro

Yes, I agree completely...but we all take steps to avoid things that we know or suspect could do us harm, and we follow guidance about 'healthy' ways to live. Covid is a perfect example of how normal life has been suspended for over 12 months 'just in case'. We do like to feel that we have some control over health issues, even if in the end it is just 'life' that determines our fate.🙂

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to PMRpro

And lots of non-Scandinavians do. And I do remember the women, then middle aged, who walked with leg braces, that kind of thing, because they'd had polio as children. The summer before vaccine arrived in our town they closed the swimming pools and told people not to eat lettuce as either might harbour polio virus. Don't know if that was true. But after we all got our vaccinations these restrictions vanished never to return. Can you imagine if we'd been infected with antivaxx back then???

Miserere profile image
Miserere in reply to Pamsdaughter

My PMR started just after the first Pfizer vaccine, eased off just before the second shot and came back with a vengeance the day after it. No doubt in my mind the two are connected. I have reported on the yellow card scheme. I'm sure it was the last straw for me. Drs always say it is coincidence.

123mossie profile image

Interesting, I had a flu vaccine in Sept 17 & developed pmr in the December. I don’t know what type I was given though.

Pollynolongerinagony profile image
Pollynolongerinagony in reply to 123mossie

hi 123mossie, I wonder if you might consder reporting your concerns of the flu vaccine triggering PMR as they would value your input how ever long ago it occurred. recorded Knowledge and being aware of triggers puts us all in the otimum position to form educated choices about our medical paths. I truly wish you well, Polly

Meggsy profile image

I went to the gym, cycled and bushwalked. In September 17 I started coughing and coughed night and day for about 5 weeks. PMR symptoms started soon after and slowly accumulated for about 5 months until I woke one morning and couldn’t move. I had not previously had the flu vaccine. I have had it each year since. I’ve also had the pneumonia vaccine. Presently dealing with shingles so the COVID one will have to wait.

Bcol profile image

I've had the flu vaccine for many years and have never had a reaction or illness afterwards. Was PMR diagnosed about 5 months before my last flu jab.

Daisyfield profile image

Hadn’t had any vaccines for years prior to my PMR.

sampete profile image

I had the flu jab in 2019. After a couple of days my arm became inflamed at the injection site. Then my other arm started to hurt thought I had pulled muscle. But at the same time I was caring for my 99 year old mum and I never knew when she was going to call me anytime day or night so could never relax .So it could have been the injection or stress.

Pollynolongerinagony profile image
Pollynolongerinagony in reply to sampete

hello sampete, I just wanted to say how wonderful I think you are for caring for your lovely mother, she's blessed to have you, I do hope you can rest and care for yourself too and am sorry to hear you have been struggling, I wish you well, Polly

sail26 profile image

Hi Liby57. I was a very fit 76yr male except for a pain in the shoulder and arm which I put down to having moved furniture 2 weeks previously in January this year. I had the pfizer first vaccine on 31st January and a within days symptoms of PMR were showing in my back, legs and arms. I saw my GP. Walked into his surgery like a crab and he instantly diagnosed PMR and I am now on 15mg pred. I didn't connect the vaccine with PMR as i knew nothing about it but since reading posts on this site I am sure it triggered an underlying immune problem.

Pollynolongerinagony profile image
Pollynolongerinagony in reply to sail26

hi sail26, I am so very sorry to hear you have contracted PMR through the trigger of the Pfizer vaccine. I myself have had both doses of the Pfizer. Have you registered this information on the Yellow Card system as it is vital people record after affects from the Covid vaccines. This Forum will give you endless help and support on this PMR and Steroid collatoral damage journey, I wish you well and a speedy road to recovery, although sadly it is a marathon not a sprint, Polly

Sandradsn profile image

I had never had a flu jab prior to Pmr .Stress and a trauma I'm convinced brought mine on.

I think stress plays a big part in living with Pmr,when things are getting to me and ongoing issues worry me.....I physically ache.

LloydB profile image

Around 7 or so years ago, I had, due to pressure from a friend, my first and only flu jab. I now wish I had lied about having it. Within a matter of weeks I developed PMR. At the time I didn't connect the two but of late I have been wondering whether the two were connected.

After a course of steroids for 12 mths. I managed to see it off but wouldn't like to have it again. At the time I remember my local doctor saying he didn't know what causes it but it was getting more common (probably because many people had the same flu injection?).

Liby57 profile image
Liby57 in reply to LloydB

I appreciate that there are other factors that may contribute to PMR but it is interesting that quite a lot of the responses indicate that PMR onset was following the adjuvanted flu vaccine. 🤔

Pollynolongerinagony profile image
Pollynolongerinagony in reply to LloydB

hi LloydB, very sorry to hear of your flu vaccine triggered PMR and delighted you have reovered so brilliantly, well done. It is never too late to register a reaction on the Yelow Card system Lloyd as it helps everyone to be aware of the fact that vaccines can trigger diseases and infections in people, be they healthy or immunosupressed. It's vital to make people aware of the side affects and conditions that vaccines can trigger and the Yellow Card system is our vital tool in arming ourselves with knowledge. I have had my two Pfizer vaccinations and look forward to my booseter in September, but I have armed myself with as much knowledge as possible. before I commit to any vacicnations. best wishes Polly, no idea how I switched to italic, sorry.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

I’ve had the flu vaccine for nearly 20 years well before I was in age range (carer for hubby who had serious coronary issues).

Before, during and after GCA (which came on prior to that year’s vaccine) with no adverse reacations apart from the expected sore arm.

Norski1 profile image

Hi Libby, I was diagnosed with GCA in May 2017 and with Pmr in Feb 2018 and have always taken the Flu vaccine every year with no problems. Last October when I had the vaccine I was in the middle of a DSNS taper going from 8.5 to 8 prednisolone. About 3 hours after the vaccine the Pmr pains started arms, shoulders & neck. I checked an online site that stated this would be temporary so I stopped the taper and stuck at 8.5mg. Things weren't too bad for a few weeks and the pains got worse so upped the dose to 13mg which improved it but not enough. Dose increased then to 15mg which was fine. Had first covid vaccine in late January and had few niggles for a few days but not feeling too bad then late March pains coming back, went up to 17.5 pred which didn't do the trick so I am now back on 20mg which is where I started 3 years ago. Been on this dose 10 days now and it's working. Had to be the adjuvanted flu vaccine that started this flare as it happened the same day and was not a temporary flare at all as was said, N xx

Pollynolongerinagony profile image
Pollynolongerinagony in reply to Norski1

hello Norski1, devastated for you to have gone through so much. It's good you have nailed down the trigger for your flare as being the adjuvanted flu vaccine, is it ok to ask if you have recorded this reaction to the Yellow Card Scheme as it helps everyone to note these reactions. I've had my second Pfizer. I truly wish you well, kind regards Polly

Norski1 profile image
Norski1 in reply to Pollynolongerinagony

Hi Polly, Thanks for your reply. I didn't record it to the Yellow Card scheme as I didn't know it was going to be as troublesome as it has been, it's been absolutely awful and feel it has taken me back to the very beginning as it was 3 years ago. I asked my Gp if it was because it was the adjuvant in the vaccine he didn't think so as it had been added to it for a number of years. From now on it's either no flu vaccine or no adjuvant for me! I will find the Yellow Card Scheme online and record it and many thanks for you reply, wishing you well, Noirin

Pollynolongerinagony profile image
Pollynolongerinagony in reply to Norski1

well Norski you are a complete and utter star, and thankyou for sahring and caring. It is no wonder most of us don't know what the heck is happening to us when we are devasted, in pain, and bewildered at to what is happening to us,often until months or years later when the disease's veil lift a bit and we get our gut instainct as to what the trigger was. The Yellow Card is our best weapong in informing the planet as to our vaccne reactions, and none of us are safe until we are all safe, then there is hope we can give these viruses the big Red Card! once and for all. Keep safe Norski1 and many thanks again for your feedback, Polly

Norski1 profile image
Norski1 in reply to Pollynolongerinagony

All recorded to the Yellow Card Scheme Polly. Why this all happened with the flu vaccine in year 2020 and never before I will never know but methinks too much of a coincidence, Take care, Noirin

DeepThought2 profile image

Hi Liby57. I had a flu jab (adjuvanted vaccine) last October and the first symptoms of my GCA/LVV started 4 days later (from one day to the other). There are quite some scientific papers that link flu vaccination with PRM or GCA but they are all based on a very low number of cases/patients. It is pretty likely that vaccines can be one of many other triggers for autoimmune diseases but as mentioned already before other environmental and genetic factors need to contribute. In my case it was a very stressful year (mother for many months in hospital, stressful job) that most likely also contributed.

Pollynolongerinagony profile image
Pollynolongerinagony in reply to DeepThought2

hello DeepThought2, sorry to hear of your struggles with stress caused by your job and your Mother being in hospital for months, and I do hope that all resolves for you. Is it ok to say it might be worth recording your GCA/LVV symptoms which were triggered 4 days after your adjuvanted flu vaccine, to the Yellow Card Scheme. Yes I totally agree there are clearly many triggers for us to have these diseases, infections, conditions. It vitally helps us all to note our reactions to vaccinations, tthrough the Yellow Card Scheme, then perhaps the numbers recorded might not be so small, and this would inform everyone on the Planet of the risks as well as the clear life saving benefits, so we are best placed to make informed choices. I feel this should be done worldwide, as none of us are safe, until we are all safe. sincerest best wishes Polly

DeepThought2 profile image
DeepThought2 in reply to Pollynolongerinagony

Dear Pollynolongerinagony. I have recorded that already via the German "adverse effect recording system" at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut as I live in Germany.

Pollynolongerinagony profile image
Pollynolongerinagony in reply to DeepThought2

sehr gut!!! ich bedanke dich/mich . viel gluck, und ein schnell gutte besserung, frohe Oestern, von Oma Polly

DeepThought2 profile image
DeepThought2 in reply to Pollynolongerinagony

Thanks a lot - happy Easter, too.

Singr profile image

I have never had the flu vaccine, had no big infection. Think I'm fairly certain mine was triggered by stressful events.

Moon_beam profile image

Hi Liby57,I, too, have been wondering if the flu jab was one of the triggers to my PMR. I have had the flu jab at work as a healthcare worker, and has been ‘flu champion’ for many years. In Sept 2020, I had the trivalent flu vaccination and about 2 weeks later I developed severe pelvic girdle pain and muscular symptoms. It may have been other stressors that I was experiencing at that time that may have impacted in developing PMR as well . Having queried this with a scientific immunologist, I was informed that I would have a greater immunological response with a trivalent vaccine compared that of a single vaccine like covid (which I have had x 2 doses of). I know from the past that I have a tendency to higher immunological response (from titre levels). I’m rarely ill in general. I have intention to report via the yellow card, but wasn’t sure 🤔 if justified.

Best wishes, Moon_beam.

Liby57 profile image
Liby57 in reply to Moon_beam

Thanks very much for your response, I’m certainly finding the responses on here very interesting re flu vaccine. I think any suspected side affect should be reported via yellow card as it will certainly help with research, diagnosis and treatment.

Hosers2 profile image

Liby57; I have always refused getting the flu vaccinations over the years. But I don’t get the flu. My wife has the vaccination every year, and she gets the flu every year. The doctors explanation is always, “It was a different flu variant” than what she was inoculated for.

That said, I firmly believe my taking Simvastatin (for high cholesterol for three years) was the main reason I ended up with PMR. I try and warn as many people I can about the evils of useless statins, especially Simvastatin.

Liby57 profile image

HI Hosers2, thank you for your reply, I do have concerns regarding flu vaccine and for that matter statins, I try to resist meds as much as possible, I gave in to the flu vaccine after a lot of persuasion, not sure I will have it again. Unfortunately I have been forced down the route of steroids and desperately trying to be freed from them, before joining this site I did know of anyone who’d had polymyalgia and hadn’t even heard of it.

sjbeck profile image

Thanks for sharing. It's interesting that the article calls PMR a joint disease as I thought it was only related to muscles. I had no joint pain initially only the severe muscle pain. It also talks about a bursitis -which I think I had when trying to titrate down my Prednisone dose. I just had my 2nd COVID vaccine and also titrating down Prednisone so I'm a little worried about a flare up.

Musiclady18 profile image

Well I have to say that one week after my flu shot was when my body ailments began! Exactly one week after, I had a hard time walking, sore upper arms on both sides of my body, couldn't get out of bed, I felt so stiff. So of course I think my flu shot was the trigger that had PMR visit with me and its been here ever since that was October 2018. I am currently down to 3 mgs of prednisone having started at 20 mg and methotrexate on Saturdays. I am feeling pretty good these days and I am not really sure I want to reduce the prednisone any lower as I am now able to teach kindergarten virtually full time! I am curious about the Vaccine shot however ? I found today's comment about the connection between the flu shot and PMR very relative, as that has been my thought all along. Maybe I was destined to get PMR in my late 60's however I did get it at 60! Btw I was getting the flu shot every year but in 2018, something must have been different?

Liby57 profile image
Liby57 in reply to Musiclady18

Thanks for your reply, and well done on getting down to 3mg. Although there are a number of possible PMR triggers,I have read on this and other forums that for quite a large number of people the onset of PMR followed the flu vaccine. Whether it is an actual trigger or coincidence is unknown but worth consideration.

AtopicGuy profile image

I'd be amazed if vaccines didn't sometimes cause symptoms like PMR. The aim of the vaccine is promote an immune response and, in some people, that won't feel good. After my first AZ jab I had a sorer arm than usual for a few days. For 36 hours after my second AZ jab, I felt like I'd got full-blown flu. Many years ago I read in New Scientist that vaccines often don't work very well unless they contain an adjuvant. This is a mix of ingredients solely there to stir up an immune response that the viral-components alone won't do. It's as if the immune system is too clever to be fooled by a few bits of broken spike protein and will only believe it's dealing with a real infection (which it isn't) if several types of cells start to react spontaneously. The soreness after a jab may well be down to the effectiveness of the adjuvant as to the virus-specific ingredient. In the vast majority of people, it will pass. BTW, it is looking more likely that my PMR is merely the most obvious symptom of chronic, widespread, life-long, mild, eosinophilic vasculitis, but trying to get a definitive diagnosis seems impossible. With my two jabs out of the way, I expect to be back on high-level prednisolone and at work before May.

Miserere profile image

I began to stiffen up in February, after my first Pfizer vaccine shot. Didn't think much about it but then stiffness didn't go and struggled to turn over in bed and stiff when walking. It eased a little the day before the second shot - an hour later stiffness again in shoulder - another hour stiff in other shoulder and by the following morning back to stiffness everywhere. Contacted GP to report stiffness as a side effect - she organised blood test and inflammation present. Another blood test two weeks later - she suggested PMR and began steroid treatment last week. About 70% improvement in pain and stiffness has eased although have to pace myself. I was reasonably fit before this - no autoimmune disease in the family etc. I wonder ...

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