Morning all ! Had my Covid jab yesterday Oxford version and when I told the pharmacist who delivered the injection about my PMR and that I’d been on prednisolone since last March she said it was fine to have the vaccine but just to be aware that I might not get the full coverage it offers to others because of my reduced immune system and to carry on with all precautions even when vaccinated . Presume this firmly puts us in the vulnerable category ? Am presently on 6mgs and managing to reduce by 1mg monthly so far .
Maybe not as covered by Covid jab as others ☹️! - PMRGCAuk
Maybe not as covered by Covid jab as others ☹️!

6mg isn’t a big dose and when you look at guidelines categorising whether people are considered immunosuppressed for things generally the dose is usually 15mg and up. In any case, nobody knows how good their response is, even a healthy person, which is why the message has been not to change behaviour or try to go back to normal yet before there is more data on the effect in the population as a whole which is much more of a mixed bag than the trial subjects.

They are unsure about the protection afforded by a single dose - or even how much it will be even after the 2nd after 12 weeks. And at best it is 95% for the Pfizer vaccine - there are no vaccines that get to 100% for any disease.
Nothing should change in behaviour until the infection rates are down to the few hundreds per day - not at the current levels. Or maybe I should even suggest compliance with measures should improve ...
I feel like I should like this a100 times !! A lot of people seem to think it’s a get out of jail free and I am concerned this could see yet another increase in cases
Even worse are the lateral flow tests - they MIGHT be correct you don't have Covid today (but given their success rate I doubt it) but you could have it tomorrow or the day after. Sky had a panel yesterday and a PH professor was saying that they are about 50% correct - the plumber insisted they were really good and accurate because they'd been using them for staff!!! Know who I believe!They have done loads of testing here - they are catching a lot of assymptomatic cases as a result but the numbers haven't been going down because the youths think it is clever to get together for parties or have the usual carnival celebrations in crowds ...
I was told the same when getting my first jab - but had read about it "here" first, just have to stay shielding as much as I can with a disabled OH and need to shop, GPs, chemists etc
Tell me about it! And no online shopping options for me!!
Online shopping has kept me going 👍 and my bank account empty 😂 - safe at home tho 👏
Oh no - I hate shopping anyway but supermarkets aren't an option here for the things I need although they have started online shopping in the last month or two for some things.
Let’s hope it takes off and you dint have to go out to shop. I hate shopping but did my first online shop when down with covid. Very easy.
Mmmm - but I've lived here long enough to be very Italian about my fresh shopping! And since I cook everything from scratch and eat loads of salads and veggies I'm not enthusiastic about someone else choosing it for me ...
I wasn’t either as like to pick my shopping but as we were self isolating and not able to get out of bed then online was our only option. I used the Co-op as I like their ethics and for £1.99 delivery within 2 hours I was impressed. Xx
Have you no help at all with shopping, looking after your husband, etc etc?
Surely you should be covered for home help of some sort!
Only if I seek and pay for it myself. Which comes with the risks of not isolating as well as we can. He rejected the idea of a rearranged footcare appointment on those grounds. An application was put in and turned down because he is still independednt in terms of dressing/showering and so on - that I have to do everything doesn't attract much of a score on the assessment because it is assumed that is normal household duties. During the first lockdown they did have charities offering shopping assistance but that was mainly in towns. To be fair - almost everything I need can be bought within a 10 minute walk of the house. And I could now order takeaway food to be delivered - that's a novelty! I don't spend long close to anyone else in a very large supermarket I'm sure the butcher would make up an order and hand it over for cash at the back door. Though all the staff at the butcher got Covid a few weeks ago - and have no idea where they picked it up from which is a little bit scary - though they are now safe!
I think it's a little easier here. As you know I have Pflege 1 and it's a great help - they would even shop, do light housework, for OH if I was incapacitated. My Pflegedienst feels I should put in for Grad 2, but as I can shower/dress etc I don't think it would be fair atm. The home helps/ nurses have the covid checks every three days.
PS. Actually going out to shop is probably the best thing you can do - exercise, freedom for a few minutes per day.
Had the jab three weeks ago and OH booked in for tomorrow, but no one in this household is planning any change in present habits or behaviour for the foreseeable future.
I think most people have been told this while on Pred , it did not put me off, just means to me that we have to be extra vigilant .
Yes , good advice 👍
Hi AllI am issuing an invite to move to Scotland - my husband is an amputee with dementia and has to be hoisted for any dressing, transfer etc - we have had carers in all the time - 2 at a time 3 times a day - most of this is paid for!
I have no problem with online shopping and when I was shielding to start with a nurse was coming to me to do blood tests.
I consider myself very fortunate - the dog walker still comes!!
I agree about the vaccine and still being very careful
I am now allowing my 2 year old granddaughter into the house - no cuddles though and mummy and I are wearing masks and distancing - she is a health worker so is self testing twice a week.
This is a FANTASTIC forum!!!
I will put a query about my GCA on a separate post
IF (and I hope it doesn't happen) I have to return to the UK, it will have to be to Scotland I think, despite the weather! One daughter lives near Edinburgh, my brother and his family are outside Dundee, the other daughter is in Yorkshire but I can't live close to her, it is 45min on blue lights to any hospital. Her weather isn't much better! I know lots of people in the south - but it's a long way from the girls and I doubt I could afford to live there even if I really wanted to.
Yes we are lucky in Scotland - England does not get free home care and great seeing the granddaughter - since I am in my late 70's and have missed a lot
My husband got his shot this past Weds. right after a huge snow storm crossed the U.S. causing vaccine supplies to be delayed or not sent, which sent a ripple affect on availability. Thus, my brother was due to get his the very next day and also a number of friends but all were cancelled. So we were very grateful my husband got his just in time! Sadly, my brother who had his cancelled is the only one of us still working who has a lot of contact with people and of all of us, he is the one who needed it the most! So I am still on the lookout for him - almost a full time job finding appointments for the vaccine here since it is such a mismash of who has it and who doesn't based on which county or state you live in. Kind of a mess and very unorganized. I like playing "detective" so I won't give up till I can find it for him (or he can just wait till his rescheduled shot 3 weeks from now).