Hello. I am new to this website having recently been given a diagnosis of Giant Cell Vasculitis after 3 months of investigations. I perhaps should apologise first this is so long, but it has taken me a while to process exactly what on earth is going on, and Covid has delayed/prevented me from having any reasonable conversation with a Rheumatologist.
It seems after two ultrasounds, two MRIs, two CT’s and finally a PET scan I was finally given a diagnosis.
I am 62 but did not have all the classic signs of Temporal Arteritis, top of my head was fine, brushing my hair fine, no jaw issues. What I had was months of neck problems going down under my clavicle, major headaches and stabbing down the back of my neck. Back and shoulder issues, and most of all stomach issues. 3 months of fever and night sweats unable to do anything to the point of making a cup of tea was a chore. ESR and CRP were high but other than my liver, nothing on my bloods were particularly remarkable. Several organs though were shown to have issues with scans. Tonsils, lungs, liver, parathyroid and colon.
What was reported on the PET was extensive (their words not mine) inflammation from the aorta to all of the major branches down legs, arms. Intense uptake throughout the wall of the entire aorta, plus subclavian common carotid, and common iliac and femoral arteries bilaterally. Most intense in the subclavian with liver also shown to have inflammation.
I understand Takayasu is in younger people, but it seems I have some of those symptoms ie the aorta and its main branches as well as TA
I was given 3 days of 1gram steroid I/V followed by 40mg tablets. These will be reduced and I have been told to expect to be on these drugs for a minimum of a year.
I have established osteoporosis and an underactive thyroid. I was given zalendronic acid IV (where up to now I have avoided medication for) due to the steroids affecting your bones. I was also subscribed Omeprazole to take first thing, food and then prednisolone. Again something I would have avoided.
The side effects are stopping me now rather than the condition. Heart pounding (not fast) and a feeling like I am permanently standing on a mild power plate. Little energy, lack of sleep – 2-4 hrs per night at the moment, but I am nervous to take anything for that as I am a lightweight when it comes to medication at the best of times. So I am really hoping when they start to reduce this dose they will start to subside. I have started some light exercise but if I overdo it one day I definitely pay for it the next.
I only speak with the Rheumatologist on the phone due to Covid and she is always in a hurry as I am a ‘double booking’ apparently, so that is extremely frustrating.
Everything I read gives me Temporal Arteritis, which I definitely can tick a lot of boxes - headaches and pain down neck etc, but the stomach issues were just as bad which are more Takayasu, with legs and arms hurting and the whole of my stomach.
I am now wondering, even though I am responding to the prednisolone and my symptoms have subsided, whether I should ask for a referral somewhere where they are more knowledgeable in this field, however my doctor says she can only refer me to a general rheumatology department and not the two specialists I have found. One namely Prof. Dasgupta in Southend, which is not far from me as I live on the London Essex borders, or Prof. Justin Mason in Hammersmith hospital. Has anyone had success in a referral like this?
Really really sorry this is so long, I wonder if I am overthinking, and over researching at the moment, as now my mind is complete mush.
Thank you in advance