Greetings. I have a question that I am not sure has been asked before. I couldn't find a related post. I have PMR and am on a slow taper of prednisone, now 7 mg and feel good. I have dupytren's contracture, another condition like PMR with a strong correlation to Northern European descent. Questionnable as to whether it is autoimmune, but certainly affects connective tissue. I am having xiaflex procedure on Tuesday. They inject collegenase into the thickened cords on your hand and then manipulate your fingers straight (sounds dreadful doesn't?) I asked the orthopedist who will be doing the procedure, if it was okay to be on prednisone and his reply was, "I don't see why not." I would have preferred, "no it will be fine." Have any of you had xiaflex for dupytren's while on prednisone?
Thanks to all of you for your many thoughtful replies to so many people.