I fell off my e bike the other day, I cycle a lot and it’s the first time that has happened, and I think I have cracked a rib. I spoke to the surgery nurse but I haven’t seen anyone. It’s very painful and I was wondering if I should ask for a bone scan to see if I have developed osteoporosis? I have been on Pred for exactly a year and I’m not taking Alendronic Acid because it upset my stomach. I would be very grateful for some advice please.
? Osteoporosis : I fell off my e bike the other day... - PMRGCAuk
? Osteoporosis

If you hit the ground with a fair whack or got jabbed in the ribs, it sounds like the fracture probably occurred as a result of trauma that is in proportion to the injury, ie anybody could have got that without Pred. Have you ever had a DEXA though?
Thank you for your reply. No I haven’t ever had a scan.
And..... I did hit the ground with a whack and off a slippy boardwalk about 8 inches off the ground. Will I ever learn?????? 😂
So, a broken rib sounds like you got off lightly. Perhaps it also suggests you don’t have bones like matchsticks. It would be nice to have a baseline DEXA, though a before Pred would have been sensible but never too late.

My husband landed with a whack when ice skating at the age of 33 - resulting in a couple of broken ribs!
You should ask for a dexascan though - but you needed that irrespective of sore ribs!
I started PMR because of a bike accident. I got hit by a car and whacked ribs..didn't X-ray but think they were bruised..or cracked..in either case no lung puncture so they healed and left me with PMR. exactly a year later I fell in a volleyball game (stupid on my 72 birthday..)and bruised them again...and after that had costochrondritis..which hurt like crazy but went away after a month and PMR stayed the same. then just 2 weeks ago I tripped in a hole in the street under the leaves when I was walking the dog and wham really bashed my elbow into my ribs. so hurts now in the back but elbow and knee and cheek have healed right up.... but again can breath even though a deep breath hurts.. and tylenol takes most of the pain away. (LOCK ME IN MY ROOM haha. ) ANYWAY. I do have osteoporosis -2.7 dexa scan but it was that BEFORE prednisone and was that STILL after 2 years on prednisone...not sure what it is now.. But those falls happen and we are at least out DOING something active. so as my doc prescribed... keep living life!! Hope you feel better soon. Always good to have a DEXA base line so you can see where it goes. But I wouldn't take the AA. no matter what. just calcium d3 mag and K27 and weight bearing exercise!!! (do as I say not as I do! ) Good good luck. !
So sorry to hear of your tumble from your bike, cracked ribs can be so painful. I would definitely ask for a Dexa Scan ASAP.
I’ve been on Prednisolone for 4 years now, I’ve not managed to get below 10mg without GCA and PMR major flares. My last Dexa Scan was 16months ago and reported as normal for my age. However on the 1st August, my first day out from Shielding, my hubby took me shopping, I was just ambling in and out of a few dress shops when suddenly I experienced the worst pain ever in my groin. After many telephone appointments with my GP and Orthopaedic Consultants I had a scan of my pelvis and lower back which confirmed I had a spontaneous fracture of my pelvis in the pubic bone and several fractures of the Sacrum area of my back.
I’m now waiting for a new Dexa Scan before they decide which bone saving or strengthening drug I should take. I had been prescribed Adcal but i developed a lot of very large kidney stones last year which the urologist put down to taking calcium. Since February this year I have not been prescribed anything to protect my bones resulting in what the Orthopod said was probably due to the high dose of Prednisolone. I’ve been waiting over 4 weeks for an “Urgent “ Scan. Meanwhile, I’m struggling on crutches and in a lot of pain. Steroids are not a blunt tool!
I do hope you are soon on the mend. Chase that Dexa Scan. Good luck!
My goodness you have suffered a lot and my one cracked rib pales into insignificance!!! I am in a lot of pain but got very strong painkillers now from my GP. I have asked for a DEXA scan but who knows when that will be. Thank you for your reply and I do hope you are better soon, as if life isn't difficult enough just now!!?? x
I was diagnosed with osteoporosis almost the same time I was diagnosed with PMR. It is also about the time I hit menopause. Even with osteoporosis it would take quite a bit to fracture a bone. My DEXA has never shown increased problems, it has always remain mild, but I do take Fosamax