Hi guys long time no speak, been pref free 26months doing good ,used to get sweats all the time on pred, problem I have know is 6 out of 7 nights I get very bad sweats between midnight and 4am any one experience the same. Tried new/washed pillows, same with mattress proctecter, always had cotton bedding no softener in wash, cotton PJs. No matter what time I go to sleep it happens. Was watching a very late night tv programme just gone midnight sweats came on. Help
Night sweats: Hi guys long time no speak, been pref... - PMRGCAuk
Night sweats

You could try Evening Primrose Oil. Check it out.............you can just put E P O in your search engine but here is a starter for 10.

Is this new? No other symptoms? Have you checked with your GP? Night sweats can be a symptom of all sorts of things.
The is the one thing that is still here from pred , had lots of tests this time last year , OA seems to have taken over my body. BP, bloods, all ok last bone scan ok. Have a sensitivity to processed food and white flour so cut them out years ago doctors can't work it out last comment just one of those things .
Just a thought, is your mattress memory foam? If so, it absorbs your body heat and can heat up through the night. Thats all I got.
Congratulations on your success though, getting off prednisone is a huge accomplishment 👍.
No memory foam , plus the night I was up late downstairs .
Was on pred 42months it was hard the side effects !!!!never quite the same again . The OA and the fatigue that comes with it got me like a ton of bricks still trying to get my head round it .
Forgive my ignorance- is OA osteoarthritis?
I know what you mean about fatigue-I’m trying to get under 4mg and the fatigue is awful!!
YES! Dreadful. Plus it doesn’t matter whether it’s hot or cold, window open or closed! Wake up (if I manage to sleep much at all) soaked. Worse time is from 11pm to 4am. Then a bit between 5 and 7am, but not as bad. I sleep with a beach towel handy to out over me and spare top (wearing old T-shirt’s now!) salt marks show how much I’m losing. During the day I get head sweats really badly...before lunch, around noon! Water leaks, & pours off, goes into eyes, drips off nose, like tap turned on! Doctor mystified but thinking! I wasn’t a ‘sweaty’ type before this & weirdly my armpits don’t sweat (good anti perspirant perhaps?) I suffered from dehydration last week & drank 7 pints of water one afternoon when I realised...ended up with tonsil stones because of that, too! Sorry to have no solutions for you, but hope you don’t feel so alone! I was diagnosed last December, tapered from 16mg to 10mg by beginning of June, & take my Pred daily in one dose at 3am-ish. I had a very early hysterectomy & am well over the menopause!!
Like you early menopause, on hrt at 38 but no surgery ,it's something that runs in family. When on pred my head would be very cold had to use turban indoors. Been suggested I try evenings primrose oil I have read about some menopause symptoms coming back to some ladies in there 70's I am 67 and as I don't do thing by half I have one of these body's that if the last side effect on the list that takes a magnifying glass to read ie "can cause skin itching" I got eczema. Take it you have pmr by your dose don't rush tell doctor to go to help if they try to push you to much, Kate Gilbert's book is great made my family read all the bits on GCA helped a lot
I was on evening primrose oil for years & years! During the menopause I was in permanent PMT mode & ready to kill & snarl at times! It helped that, but didn’t help when I got fibromyalgia & since then (diagnosed Polymyalgia in December last year) I haven’t tried again! Please let me know if you try it & it helps the night sweats! If it’s cool I wake up very cold where the sweat has cooled, which shows it comes & goes in ‘waves’ during the night. Take care, S x