The reality of Covid-19 - THIS is why you, and ev... - PMRGCAuk


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The reality of Covid-19 - THIS is why you, and everyone else, need to heed the social distancing recommendations

PMRpro profile image
62 Replies

WARNING: This video contains video of seriously ill patients receiving treatment. It is quite disturbing so if you think it may upset you, don't watch it. But it is the reason that lockdown is in place here so I make no apology for posting the link.

Tim Martin is now shouting it is OTT to shut pubs - but THIS is why it needs to be done. This hospital is the 6* hotel to the NHS's 2* guest house. That isn't to denigrate the NHS - but they have facilities and staff numbers the NHS doesn't anywhere. They have 100 intensive care specialists there alone.

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PMRpro profile image
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62 Replies

It is scary but is the reality.

scats profile image

You're right we need to see this.

I spoke to my son on Tuesday and warned him, he laughed it off and said he'd had it. I told him he hadn't and gave him the details I had learnt. from you here. He wasn't convinced but was surprised we were in isolation.

Today he is scared. He can't get food after work. He doesn't know what to do about sharing the children with their mother. Reality is hitting.

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to scats

Somebody needs to tell him that some 40% of those on ventilators in hospital are between 20-60 years of age.

scats profile image
scats in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

Someone has told him some very blunt facts.

Fran_Benson profile image
Fran_BensonPartner in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

Hi Good_Grief, please can I ask that you post a link to the report for this. I've seen different figures reported (based on numbers in the US) so it's good practice to include the link so that we know if it's location specific etc.

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to Fran_Benson

I would love to oblige but I got this statistic from a news program on MSNBC, a very reliable source not given to falsehood, rumors or exaggeration.

in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

Is in this lot? I have read/watched a bit of that channel.

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to

I saw this some time last night. It was a graphic on screen showing the percentages of US hospitalized CVID-19 patients broken down by age ranges.

in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

Interesting so whole USA? I suspect it's similar across the world.

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to

Edited a typo on that percentage. It's 40%.

Fran_Benson profile image
Fran_BensonPartner in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

Thank you Good_grief - that's more in line with figures that I have seen.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Fran_Benson

covers various countries.

seems more US-related but I can't read it unless I disable my adblocker - and that usually means I can't read something for the ads!! However it must be a new CDC report.

Highlandtiger profile image

Thank you. Personally I think people should watch this if they can do so without being too upset. And people like Tim Martin needs to watch it then take a long hard look at himself. But from past experience there will be no telling him, and others like him.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Highlandtiger

We'll see this afternoon - rumour has it pubs will be told to close ...

Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply to PMRpro

Interesting. So far number 10 has refused to correct or criticise what Martin said......

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to PMRpro

If anyone needs further proof that this is serious, they should note that Ireland closed its pubs.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

Before St Patrick's Day too wasn't it?

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to PMRpro

Yes although St Pat's in Ireland is more of a religious day than a pub day.

Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

Trust me it’s a pub day in Ireland too! 🇮🇪

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to Highlandtiger

I haven't seen that in the countryside.

Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

Fair enough - rural Ireland is still quite different to the cities....

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

😂😂😂😂 Things MUST be serious !

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to Constance13

Though Income Tax Due Day in the US is usually April 15, it has been moved to July 15.

Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

And Scotland cancelled school exams for the first time since 1888. They managed to continue throughout both WW1 and WW2. They were very proud of that. Trust me, the Scottish Government wouldn’t have taken this decision lightly.

Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply to PMRpro

Yep, looking like that in London anyway.... If people still don't get the message then.....🤷🏻‍♀️

Blearyeyed profile image

I'm just hoping that our members , being the fact finding , practical folks they are , won't have needed to watch a film like this to start doing the sensible thing .

It may be a good watch for some realities and friends though , many I know seem to be oblivious to the risks to everyone .

whitefishbay profile image


jinasc profile image

I sincerely hope that everyone sends this to their MP.

Yes it is harrowing, but we have to face facts............and face them fast.

I have just had a stormy conversation with two of Joan's long standing friends, for well over 60 years. One has come out of hospital after surgery 4 weeks ago, the other has multiple problems.

For the past three years, Joan has taken a taxi to spend two hours on a Saturday morning with them at one of their houses. I have a standing order with the Taxi firm and all the drivers know Joan well and ensure that she is taken from door to door.

I cancelled the taxi two weeks ago, much to her disgust, but Joan has dementia and although she is told why, 10 minutes later - that information has gone.

Today, they called and asked if Joan was coming. I told them 'no' and why once again. They are both well educated, but somehow this problem is just not getting through to them at all.

I am protecting us two, not specifically for us, we are old, but if by any chance, we pick up that virus and pass it on................I know I could not live with myself.

The crowd scenes on St Patrick's Day with students (Newcastle is a University City) were disgusting and we really need to shut down pubs and if necessary Marshall Law. We in the UK, are no different from other people.

We in the UK are not special at all

Our current leaders and one in particular,needs to have the guts to face up to the seriousness of this situation.

I have only seen one women in this daily bulletins. Where are they? I have a sneaking suspicion they are being blanked.

I trust hope that all who use this site are self-protecting and isolating themselves. It is hard, but essential.

PS: I hope that Sky News puts it out on every news bulletin till sense is seen.

Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply to jinasc

All agreed. Unfortunately the concept of British exceptionalism has become too prevalent over the last few years and people (some people) just don't seem to understand that we in the UK are indeed not special at all....

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to jinasc

They are - but Hancock only got shown the first bit and then came out with the usual "we can beat this in 12 weeks" drivel. Can you imagine an NHS hospital with that many oxygen mask supplies in a single room?

Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply to PMRpro

The 12 weeks drivel really annoyed me yesterday. Plucked out the air, as usual. Why on earth would the UK be able to do it when demonstrably other countries have failed?

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to Highlandtiger

Better than our guy, whose ignorance on every subject you can name is astounding.

Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

Well yes. Ours seems a bit bored of it all already (after a reasonably ok start - taking expert advice again) - asking journos if they really wanted to have the press conferences any more and were they really useful because "there had been quite a lot already".

As one (serious) journalist said "with the death rate set to soar in the UK, and with our medical staff putting themselves in mortal danger every day, now seems exactly the wrong time for the PM to lapse back into his ‘call-and-response/put a smile on their faces’ approach to politics."

And I think the "12 week drivel" mentioned by PMRpro was just that.

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to Highlandtiger

Even countries coping with it better than Britain could under the present conditions of the NHS!

Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply to Constance13


jinasc profile image
jinasc in reply to PMRpro

Someone save me from the Hancocks of this country and soon.

Up here we don't have the space, they would have to use the car parks with marquees............and then they just don't have the ventilators necessary.

Formula one, have said they will produce some more and fast, hope they can do it.

Two years ago I spent 5 hours on a I would be lucky to get a trolley.

Where are our engineering factories, do we have any left? If we needed to produce arms etc . that would have happened yesterday.

I PROMISE not to rant any more................. it was just this morning when I was so frustrated and just got rid of it all.


PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to jinasc

I'm less concerned about the ventilators - more about the protective clothing for the few staff they do have.

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to jinasc

Rant away! We're all doing it. xxx

nuigini profile image
nuigini in reply to jinasc

You are so right in all that you say and have done.

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to jinasc

Jinasc, there are STILL those who will ignore all advice. Mostly the young/middle aged "it usually only affects old and ill people" they believe. "If we stick with our peers we will be alright". "Anyway, even if we did get it it is just like a mild flu"!!!! They forget they could leave the pubs, parties, other gatherings and someone would sneeze all over them. They may not suffer themselves but most certainly could pass it on to the vulnerable.

Sorry for the rant! Heaven help us!

in reply to Constance13

And didn't it say it's a millionth the size of human cell or have I dreamt that. It doesn't take a sneeze or cough for that to be floating around. It does seem to be a persistent little, very pretty lurgy.

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to

You should have stopped at "persistent little .........".😂😂

in reply to Constance13

That was the clean version 🤣🤪🤣

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to

Someone on the lupus forum has knitted one

in reply to PMRpro

I did join and have a's great!

Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply to jinasc

First British arrest for breaking quarantine....(in Isle of Man). Maybe people will begin to get it.....?

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Highlandtiger

Yes - it was breaking news on Sky - excellent. Had the all done that from the start it would have helped. Been happening here too - people with +ve CV tests or quarantined as contacts caught out and about. Selfish pigs ...

jinasc profile image
jinasc in reply to Highlandtiger


The 3 legged Manx man has spoken.

Bird-67 profile image

A real eye opener, thank you PMRpro.

Constance13 profile image

PMRpro. What are conditions like in your immediate area? Are you still allowed to go food shopping and to the Chemist?

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Constance13

Yes - though since there are now 2 cases plus contacts in the immediate village I'm trying to cut that as much as possible too. Called the butcher for meat in individual vacuum packs that I will pick up later. Then I don't HAVE to freeze them and that'll do until next week now. Irritatingly I will need milk before Monday so will have to go somewhere on Saturday. Will get up extra early again ...

5lupins profile image
5lupins in reply to PMRpro

Thankyou so much for your help.

Thinking about you Jen.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Constance13

PS - got milk today - hallelujah, don't have to get up early!

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to PMRpro

Just been for a "push" in the wheelchair through the park. Very few people around - keeping a distant is no trouble at all.

Police car patrolling slowly - checking no groups are forming I suppose.

Have a ....... weekend! What can one say?😂

SheffieldJane profile image


I was advised by my Rheumatologist to observe sick day rules if I become ill and if I contract Covid 19. This is to ensure that my body has enough Cortisol to deal with disease. This means I have to double my steroid dose. I am currently on 5 mgs of Prednisalone and this would mean I go straight to 10 mgs. I have been on steroid treatment for 4 years. Please check with your own medical practitioner. My Adrenal function is normal, as far as I know. The advice is because of long term steroid use.

Daisyfield profile image

Hmm. I understand why this is posted. And this situation is serious. But the media sensationalise the stories and this can lead to heightened panic and then more people panic buying.

We need politicians following the science. Being calm, realistic and rational.

(Just Like our NHS staff and all key workers)

The recent rise in populism across the world... eg UK first, America first etc is nasty shortsighted selfish greed that actually translates to ‘me first,me first, me first above all else, as exemplified by people stockpiling.

If this situation can teach us anything it should be that we need to look out for each other across the garden fence, across counties and across countries. We need leaders with true leadership. And most importantly we have to change our lives to protect the natural world. Because without the natural world we are stuffed.

We have seen people come together in amazing ways and resurgence of the wild.

I hope we learn that lesson and work to a better future.

Stay safe everyone. Follow the guidelines. Look out for each other.

Much love.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Daisyfield

Do you also consider reports from war front lines to be sensationalised?

I live here and we have no sensationalised reporting of this. It is too serious for that. I have close friends who work in the healthcare system further south who are desperately worried - even my GP admits she is scared. My region is relatively well off for hospitals and staff although there are shortages. As yet we "only" have 172 confirmed cases, 60 suspected. 30 of those are on the CV ICUs in the local hospitals. All non-emergency appointments have been postponed already - because even our system is almost full. Local doctors have told me how concerned they are. There is a shortage of protective clothing - because 2 HGVs of deliveries were stolen on their way here. They are running out of oxygen. A relatively large proportion of the cases in Lombardy are medical staff and the ones still working are putting in immensely long hours.

You think what you like - but this is not sensationalised and it is very likely to be coming to a hospital near you.

And as a PS - many of my friends and both daughters work in the NHS. They are expecting similar to happen in the UK.

Daisyfield profile image
Daisyfield in reply to PMRpro

I have many friends in the NHS. My husband is also a key worker, so we cannot truly isolate completely as a family. I might need to help him if other staff are sick. I understand the reality of the situation. Like all on here I am higher risk.

And I am obviously very worried.

I think you and I may have a different definition of sensationalism.

I want accurate facts and figures but we need reporting to be calm, rational and realistic, without doom-mongering, headless chicken headlines of WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE.

I say this because I know young people with mental health issues who are quite frankly terrified. For whom suicide seems an better option than waiting for the virus peak. Doom laden hysteria is so detrimental for mental health on top of the actual grim reality of the situation. And people whip it up.

If we see the reality (and we need to know it) it can't just be left there, like a siren blaring.

It immediately needs to be followed by showing how much difference social isolation will have.

To show a problem, needs to show a route to a solution so that people don't panic. So that we have some control over this situation.

The route to the solution is to minimise the damage.

in reply to Daisyfield

I am sorry but it's just cliches. I really hope everyone on here and beyond is okay. But we need to know what it looks like for thousands of people to be struggling for life in hospital while the people who should be working for them, politicians etc, sit wilfully , yes wilfully paralysed. At the moment the leaders are the staff in that and other hospitals who see first hand what the virus can do, while their research colleagues search for answers. Please realise we are trying to give balanced information and showing people struggling for life is part of that. Just as much as trying to help people struggling with isolation. You chose to look at the post, you could have heeded the warning and just scrolled past.

Daisyfield profile image
Daisyfield in reply to

Thank you Poopadoopy... I have had seen this already on social media so I did scroll past in this instance. But I have seen what some media reporting can do to mental health with vulnerable people and chose to offer my opinion.

My criticism, isn't that this post is put here on this forum, but that there are a lot of posts out there showing the reality without offering a solution.

in reply to Daisyfield

What else can people do...looking for and testing for vaccine...ongoing yes ...increasing construction and innovative use of existing medical equipment ..yes.. conversion of factories etc from everyday goods to medical and hygiene priducts...yes .request upon request for social distancing, and now social isolation...yes..but being routinely ignored. Threat of lockdown...yes...arrest for breaking it ..yes...subsequent, though tardy, and scaled shutdown of schools...yes...sports arenas closed...yes. 🤪

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to Daisyfield

Give people good, accurate and current information, and they'll make sound decisions.

Give them a coherent and sound government response, and they'll know what to expect, understand what's being asked of them, and can plan their own response.

Keep feeding them lies and half truths, and they know they aren't being given good information.

That's when they panic.

Not what you're looking for?

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