There have been repeated queries about how being on pred fits into the "at risk" category - this is one top rheumatologist's opinion and I imagine that is what she emailed me this morning to say that she is telling her patients:
"I am very concerned for my patients on 20mg pred or more. I think they should all without exception fall into “stay at home 12 weeks” category. Some of them have trouble accepting this.
I also have significant concern for anyone on over 5mg Pred. I personally think that’s as least as risky as being on a DMARD and so should also “stay at home 12 weeks”.
NHS patients on long term steroids (5mg pred or more) should all carry the new steroid card in case they become suddenly ill. Print off from this website.
I know it is a bit scary - but you need to know and you need to take notice. Reacting to this virus isn't a game - it is deadly serious. Staying at home for a few months, not even being in the same room as your extended family, may well be the thing that will mean you have many years more of enjoying them.
We are in the 21st century, everyone who reads this forum is, by definition, able to use the internet. If you don't already have Skype or Facebook, whatever you think of them, sign up. Facebook in particular is excellent for keeping in touch with the younger generation because most of them use it. My daughters, my brother and his two children, some of my cousins, all use FB and I am better able to keep in touch with all of them than ever before.
PS - they are urgently seeking an opinion from Public Health England.