Tuesday - pancake day: All this talk of waffles... - PMRGCAuk


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Tuesday - pancake day

Dorsetgirl17 profile image
57 Replies

All this talk of waffles, anyone got a good low carb pancake mix for next Tuesday please. Only one I can find is made with almond flour more like drop scones did a dummy run and we found them acceptable but gritty?

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Dorsetgirl17 profile image
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57 Replies

I have tried coconut flour ones which were the most disgusting things I have ever tried texture wise. I tried gram flour but the taste was savoury in my head, but acceptable as accompaniments to curry or chilli. I shall be keeping an eye out for suitable weekly or monthly ideas. But if I wanted them just t one day a year, I would just have a reduced portion of proper pancakes you may as well enjoy them!

This gets good reviews but not for me due to coconut flour.


scats profile image
scats in reply to

Have you tried using bean flours? Have a look at Hodmedods.co.uk.

in reply to scats

Thanks. I have considered making my own.... But you know the story of how good intentions turned out.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to scats

This a good article I thought


scats profile image
scats in reply to PMRpro

Yes, a good one, I bookmarked it. I tried various bean flours, with mixed results, mainly because I liked the idea of being able to grow my own. I also tried pea flour but found the pea taste was all pervasive, not nice.

tangocharlie profile image

I've heard of chaffles which is egg, cheese and a tiny bit of non-wheat flour. Done in a waffle iron or toasted sandwich maker. Can't find a recipe but I'm sure you can google it. EDIT just scrolled down and there is another post on chaffles


PMRpro profile image

I use spelt or kamut flour (both 15% protein compared to about 10% for ordinary flour) and use extra eggs - also increasing the protein % overall.

You aren't eating them all day every day - if I eat 2 pancakes it works out about 50g flour which is about 30g carb in total, plus a bit of sugar. If you are careful about the rest of the day's food that isn't too horrendous and the rest of the family won't notice.

I also found this


with some very interesting comments about the possible benefits of using European grown kamut.

scats profile image
scats in reply to PMRpro

I must try that. I was using spelt for years before going low carb and experimented with several flours but not kamut.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to scats

I can eat them where I can't eat ordinary wheat without itching - something in the structure of the starch. The local bakers all do 100% spelt/kamut breads. I have to look the other way at time - far too tempting!

Rose54 profile image

Needs a very good imagination

Play therapy

Take normal ingredients

Mix well and chill

cook as normal add toppings of your choice

Sugar and lemon juice


That's what my 4 year old Grandson made for me .

It was like a TV Programme with him explaining it all to me

I got into trouble looking at the bare plate and saying Blueberries my favourite

As he told me it was Blackberries as he forgot to buy Blueberries .

Eat up Nanny it will get cold and we still have to wash up .

0 Calories

Dorsetgirl17 profile image

Thank you everyone for replying about pancakes. Yes, I will use ordinary flour just that day and enjoy them. OH will be pleased and can eat the other four

in reply to Dorsetgirl17

Of course lovely whipped or other fresh cream slows down the release of glucose from the flour. I have made myself want them now. 😂🤣😂

diana1998 profile image
diana1998 in reply to Dorsetgirl17

My great friend who has had pmr for 8 years, always does a pancake brunch to make money for the church on the nearest Sunday. I think she does pancakes, bacon, and hash browns, maybe maple syrup. She has lots of help but she makes the pancakes but part cooks the bacon the night before. Texted me last night to say they made £231 (donations as folk came through the door). She's 80 with a bad drop foot and I thought "what a magnificent effort". We on the other hand went to Surrey to celebrate OH's 80th with close family friends. After late lunch out, he was presented with an amazing cake to do with his veg patch. The top was divided into 4 sections with tiny carrots, leeks, tomatoes, cabbages, potatos and a pumpkin all sitting on soil surrounded by grass!! No pancakes for us tomorrow as had our carbs for the week!! Would send a photo but don't know how to attach to a post!! Happy pancake 🥞 eating everyone!

Blearyeyed profile image

My annoying daughter has gone off with her friends with my written cookbook ( she will be beaten with a pancake pan when she returns , don't worry ) , imagine it , it would like being stealing the scraps of recipes stuffed at the bottom of your grandma's drawer!!!

Anyway , I do have a recipe which I can share before Tuesday . It is lower carb , it does use almond flour but the trick we used was to make the batter the night before and we push the almond flour through a sieve a couple of times both things help reduce the grittiness of the flour. It also uses some yoghurt as well as flour and some baking powder.

Most lower carb pancake recipes are more like Scotch Pancakes or American dollars pancakes than the standard British Crepe to be honest because the ingredients are heavier and have more fat content.

If you want a traditional pancake you can just choose the "less is more, a little of what you fancy does you good" approach and have one good proper pancake rather than a lot or class it as a treat day and have a few but be sensible with your toppings.

Dorsetgirl17 profile image
Dorsetgirl17 in reply to Blearyeyed

Like your suggestion of putting flour through the sieve couple of times will try that for the scotch pancakes, thanks

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Dorsetgirl17

If it is a bit coarse you might find a few minutes blitzing in a food processor with the metal blade might fine it down

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to PMRpro

I have to do it on a low level and not too long though , or it starts to turn into almond butter.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Blearyeyed

Should have said - pulsing action!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to PMRpro

Does your OH like a pancake , another nice breakfast food?

At least you only have to feed yourself today and won't have to wait about for him to make a decision on what he fancies. I hope things go well for your both at the hospital tomorrow.

I completely agree with you , it's one of the most annoying things my family does as well . I particularly hate the conversations that start with , ' you decide' then, when you do , they say , ' oh no , I don't want that is there anything else'.

My wish to use a cleaver on a head other than a cabbage has reduced somewhat since I went into revolt and started telling them to make their own flipping dinner if they didn't want what I was making when I wanted to make it.

The OH has got quite good at cooking basic stuff for both of us now , usually Breakfast for dinner!

And I occasionally get my own back and let him know how it feels by saying , " you decide" when he asks what I want 😋😂😂😂

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Blearyeyed

He does like pancakes - and it is an option I don't mind providing as it often means one batch does an evening meal and a couple of lunches for him, has a reasonable proportion of protein and takes about 5 mins to make. I have an utterly foolproof pancake pan ;) I knew last week what I'd be making on Tuesday!

I just get so fed up with deciding what to make - it was simpler in the UK as he was very partial to a pie and there are excellent individual ones to buy. Here that would mean I had to make them. Um, not enthusiastic about making a pie about the size of a large mince pie! AND - even better - even he could manage to cook/reheat a pie and make a portion of chips!!!! OTOH - nothing would induce me to allow him to choose what I eat! When I was ill and he was supposed to be feeding me it was a pretty poor diet :( I buy much the same things for salad every week - he hasn't a clue!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to PMRpro

I am quite lucky that Grandma is still here , she can make nice meals but she is also not backwards in coming forwards in criticising her father's efforts and sending him back to the kitchen or supervising him.

I loved a particular day when he came in about to offer a puny NHS style salad , she tutted and said , " That is not a salad!, Try again !" Got up and put him under intensive instruction before my dinner was brought back. Perhaps I should send her to everybody's houses to train other OHs in her Paul Hollywood style to improve their kitchen efforts.

Plus , we now know you also need small pies as well as Swedes and diet tonic water in your red cross food parcels !😋😂😂😂

in reply to Blearyeyed

Oh I hate the you decide mode.

in reply to

I ask myself everyday and I say you decide.... Grrrrr

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to


Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to

My Mum has a habit of ringing me to ask what she should have when she can't decide. Which would be fine , if I had any idea of what she has in her cupboards , but if she hasn't kept to the shopping recommendations I give her it can be half an hour of , " ooh , I haven't got that" or her finally admitting that she's been naughty and the only food in her cupboards is tinned meat or beans and frozen vegetables and chips.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Blearyeyed

Hardly a difficult choice then?

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to PMRpro

Or difficult to decide between because you wouldn't really fancy any of them😋

in reply to Blearyeyed


PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to

Especially when you know the person saying it won't like anything you suggest!!!

in reply to PMRpro

That is just the pits. It does happen often with me and at my sisters we all end up with individuAl meals... Self made.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to

We do occasionally eat the same meat :) But me with roast veg or salad and him with chips ... But I have to make it all ;)

in reply to PMRpro

At least it's not a complicated menu for him!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to

This is true - but it is boring catering for it!

Purplecrow profile image

In my cooking experiments, I discovered Sorghum flour. Good addition to mixture of flours.

Finally settled on commercially available gluten free mixes from the market.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Purplecrow

In the UK the gluten-free mix from Dove's Farm makes cakes that can't be differentiated from "real" flour. In fact, one friend reckons it makes a better Victoria sponge.

The best sponge cake recipe I have ever made used potato flour - a traditional (northern?) Italian recipe - Torta Paradiso from Anna del Conte was the best recipe.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to PMRpro

I like making those Italian cakes with a mix of polenta and almonds. They make a nice pud as a little slice and you can reheat individual portions in the microwave and have it with a bit of creme fraiche . Oh blimey , I'm getting cravings again now for cake and pancakes , the forum is becoming as bad as Pinterest for sending me down the path of temptation!😋😂😂😂😂

Might go and snaffle another Chaffle instead xx

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Blearyeyed

By never having the requirements in the cupboard I'm fine - just remember the taste. Like remembering the joy of skiing down a favourite run. Not the same but it's OK

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to PMRpro

I'm trying ..... I hope that works as I do have the ingredients in the cupboard and it's time to start making the dinner .... Sometimes Fatigue can be an advantage to curbing the naughtier appetites. The Spirit might be willing but the body is weak!

Dorsetgirl17 profile image

Not heard of that one, will look it up

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Dorsetgirl17


Skysey profile image

Hi there. I use mashed banana, eggs and a small amount of baking powder. No flour. The mixture can be runny and they take longer to cook but they taste good. Not the same though as normal pancakes. May be worth a try.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Skysey

But bananas have a load of carbs!

Skysey profile image
Skysey in reply to PMRpro

I know PMR pro. But in small amounts as a treat may be ok.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Skysey

My point being you might as well have proper ones with flour!!!

Dorsetgirl17 profile image
Dorsetgirl17 in reply to PMRpro

Oh I intend to!

mcbouchon profile image

Hi Dorsetgirl17, I've not tried this recipe, but it doesn't contain flour (cream cheese and eggs, basically), good for keto diet and has lots of positive reviews.

I'm currently at 10.5mg pred and find keeping to a low carb diet difficult (so hungry all the time!), so I bought a Magic Bullet to see if I could make healthy smoothies etc. This recipe came up when I was browsing.



Dorsetgirl17 profile image
Dorsetgirl17 in reply to mcbouchon

I have a fruit smoothie for breakfast, but add protein powder and chia seeds which keeps me going till lunchtime.

in reply to Dorsetgirl17

What fruits do you put in it? You do have to be careful with fruit ones. I did a test with a banana, strawberry, blueberry with Greek yoghurt, semi skim milk and a q10 mixed nut and seed protein powder. My blood sugar zoomed up to 18.9 from 6.7 within an hour then dropped steeply over the next two hours. I was upset because it was delicious 🙄😭

I love carrot with apple, celery and ginger but that zooms up too. Smoothies better than juices in terms of having the whole fibre but I suspect the fibre doesn't work so well chopped if my bloods anything to go by. I use myself as a Guinea pig quite often. 😊🐖

Dorsetgirl17 profile image
Dorsetgirl17 in reply to

Never banana, usually raspberries blueberries fresh, or a mixed bag of frozen fruit. Almond milk, tablespoon of Provamel organic bio it’s a bit like cream, it’s soya based, plus the Pure Protein powder, don’t get flavoured ones, smell and taste foul.

in reply to Dorsetgirl17

Sounds lovely. I hate artificial flavouring

Dorsetgirl17 profile image

Thank McB for looking out this recipe, I will have proper one tomorrow, but try this one too, good excuse to have any time!

Scrappy62 profile image

This is my favorite pancake recipe from Practical Paleo. It’s for pumpkin pancakes, and a small amount of coconut flour is optional. I make it without and the pancakes are more like crepes. Delicious!


Dorsetgirl17 profile image

Opened a can of worms, thanks everybody for your alternative option to pancake mixture.

Purpleprimrose profile image


3.1/2 oz cream cheese. Low or medium fat


1 tablespoon soya protein powder

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

Pinch salt

1teaspoon vanilla or almond extract ( optional)

Blend the cream cheese & eggs till smooth

Sprinkle soya , baking powder and salt over top

Whisk till smooth . add vanilla if using

Makes about 4 pancakes

Dorsetgirl17 profile image

Got all the ingredients so will give it a go, thank you

PMRpro profile image

I found a recipe for Italian pancakes, crespelle, in the Guardian yesterday: 4 eggs, 300ml milk and 80g of flour. English pancakes are 1 egg, 300ml milk and 100g flour.

That is a lot more non-carb content and less carb from flour than traditional English pancakes - those adaptations do make a big difference.

Dorsetgirl17 profile image

I’m going to be as big as a house with all these different options for pancakes, will be sensible really and like Pred have them gradually.......

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