Chaffle: 1 medium egg 1tbs ground almonds A quarter... - PMRGCAuk


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scats profile image
93 Replies

1 medium egg

1tbs ground almonds

A quarter cup of finely grated cheddar

Cook in waffle maker, makes one. Serving suggestion only.

Appx150 calories 0 carbs

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scats profile image
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93 Replies
Yellowbluebell profile image

I haven't got a waffle maker!! Coming round yours!! YBB

scats profile image
scats in reply to Yellowbluebell

Bring some distroyed cheese, I'm running low.

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to scats

I was going to bring mollified cream cheese. I dont fancy a fight with the cheddar right nowxx

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to scats

Just mentioned the waffles to OH and got "oh god not another kitchen implement that won't get used".

scats profile image
scats in reply to Yellowbluebell

Must admit that's what I thought, but I've used it every day since I got it. They make a good replacement for bread and take no time to make.

scats profile image
scats in reply to Yellowbluebell

You could always cook them as pancakes, that's what I did first to see if I liked it

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to scats

Have you tried them with other sorts of cheese?

scats profile image
scats in reply to PMRpro

The book is aimed at the American market and stresses the need for a proper cheddar, so I assume it has to be a hard cheese, or any that leaves a nice crispy edge.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to scats

Well that's a conundrum then - real American cheddar is an oxymoron ...

scats profile image
scats in reply to PMRpro

Proper ENGLISH cheddar!

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to scats

No! I want a waffle maker. No! I need a waffle maker!!

scats profile image
scats in reply to Yellowbluebell

You could borrow it. Actually it wasn't expencive, on ebay it's cheaper than amazon.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Yellowbluebell

Just saw an image of mashed potato waffles - attractive spuds ...

scats profile image
scats in reply to PMRpro


Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to PMRpro

Waffle makers are purely for sweet food in my books. Zach likes potato waffles and it just isnt right!!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Yellowbluebell

We have sweet potato dishes - as in potato dishes that are sweet. Toasted mash is glorious - I often make mash for himself ahead of time and then put it in a individual non-stick pie dish reheats alongside my fish'n'veg in the oven.

But I have had potato scones with jam and cream ...

scats profile image
scats in reply to Yellowbluebell

Tell him you'll make him waffles and maple syrup!😊

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to scats

I'm blaming you today for my waistline instead of Pinterest , we are now busy grating cheese and making Chaffle like things in the sandwich toaster , topping it with some lovely smoked bacon , and of course a side of baby tomatoes 😋

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Blearyeyed

Send some over here!!!

Himself requested raclette again - don't care as long as he eats something! Now I wonder if that chaffle stuff would work on the raclette ...

scats profile image
scats in reply to PMRpro

It would have to be distroyed first!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to scats

Which would seem to make it all a bit pointless wouldn't it ... Just leaving the almonds and the egg ...

scats profile image
scats in reply to PMRpro

I'm referring to the low carb post, don't leave it out once it's destroyed.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to scats

No - knew what you meant. But if it's destroyed it can't be there can it???????? Or is this some complicated physics?

scats profile image
scats in reply to PMRpro

Quantum chaffles....Quaffles? They'd have fewer calories!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to PMRpro

You never know , it could just be a very unusual shape and thinner.

It's come out of the sandwich toaster with a squishier , melty middle , nice though , I've made potato waffles in them in the past like this.

My OH is very happy as it turned into a whole meal with bacon , a poached egg , and roasted Tom's and mushrooms. It might become a regular beakfast for dinner meal in our house.

It's such a pain when you can't find something to whet the appetite when your ill isn't it xxx

scats profile image
scats in reply to Blearyeyed

I'll send my bill

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Blearyeyed

Oooh - I was wondering if they'd work in a toasty maker!

I do like breakfast-for-any-other-meal meals ...

It would be easier if I didn't haveto prise it out of him! Especially since I can practically guarantee he won;t know long enough in advance for me to go and buy what I haven't got ...

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to PMRpro

I'm like you love breakfast anytime that's why I had the stuff in .

Guess what I've just seen that might make you giggle , not at all carb free I assume but Marks and Spencers have come up with a lemon , gin and tonic sauce as a gimmick for Shrove Tuesday for pancakes.

scats profile image
scats in reply to Blearyeyed

Sounds much nicer than the percy pig source that simon came home with from M&S the other day. Liquid sweets in a bottle.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to scats


scats profile image
scats in reply to Blearyeyed

It's day-glow pink!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Blearyeyed

Now there's a thought!

I actually have just had an all day breakfast - himself announced just as I was about to turn the raclette on that he didn't want anything due to adverse effects of an antibiotic. I was not amused - he just doesn't get that you have to think in advance what you are cooking, food just happens and appears on the table. So I ate up some leftovers - boiled bacon done like bacon, fried egg, mushrooms and oven baked cherry toms! Yum!!! Just as well I'll eat most things! Same tomorrow night as he has a "procedure" on Monday so can't have dinner.

scats profile image
scats in reply to PMRpro

I get that most nights, I have to have dinner cooked by 6pm for OH. Then most days our son comes home too tired to eat, the fact was that I was too tired to cook most nights and every day the left overs accumulate in the fridge. Very annoying as you say.

It can't be helping your OH to recover if he doesn't eat.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to scats

He has supplements and has been eating the last few days - this is(I hope) a one off. But it is the fact he wants me to absorb unspoken info by telepathy. If they ever cooked they might have some idea ...

scats profile image
scats in reply to PMRpro

Now that would be nice, them cooking!

My main moan is that I'm only cooking for them, not me, so if they are not going to eat it I wouldn't have to bother.

Telepathy, now that would be useful.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to scats

BTW - I'm not interested in a recipe that takes more than 20 min prep and cooking time!!! Don't care if that sort of meat costs more!

scats profile image
scats in reply to PMRpro

About every 4th day I throw all the leftovers in a pot and that's their dinner!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to scats


MamaBeagle profile image
MamaBeagle in reply to scats

My hairdresser (male by the way!!!) does that, puts all the leftovers together - but then he makes a pie - top only pie! He tells me it's a family favourite. I'm assuming he doesn't mix sweet and savoury leftovers 🤔

scats profile image
scats in reply to MamaBeagle

I find as long as one is highly flavoured, like curry, that dominates. Then I'm not eating it, they are and it often is in a pie so they don't recognise what they are eating.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to MamaBeagle

Why not? International cookery has a lot of sweet and sour/savoury mixes ...

So many men seem to have no taste buds - mine doesn't. But is inordinately fussy ...

MamaBeagle profile image
MamaBeagle in reply to PMRpro

Mine eats anything -except tinned tuna !

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to MamaBeagle

Mine eats fish - deep fried in batter. No other form will be even considered. Except fish fingers. Very toddler like in his food preferences!!!!

scats profile image
scats in reply to PMRpro

What is it about fish. Mine won't eat any fish since dissecting a dog fish at school and seeing all the parasites.

in reply to scats

Yuk. That's why sport fishing is bad to me. Hands can damage fish mucous membrane that protect the fish from yukky parasites. If you are going to catch fish at least eat them....and cook them properly!

scats profile image
scats in reply to

I agree. Luckily OH isn't into fishing. I don't see how it can be considered a sport either but I think we may be in a minority, it's very popular

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to scats

Not sure it is the "sport" as such - it's the excuse to get further away than the shed. Few women in their right mind want to join them in either!!

The fish thing seems to me to be particularly UK thing - loads and loads of fish eaten here and through the Germanic countries, fish farms everywhere. And they tend to get them served whole, freshly killed before cooking. Love most options - except carp. That just tastes of mud, even from the restaurant with the best reputation!

scats profile image
scats in reply to PMRpro

I love fish and wouldn't mind him catching some to eat. Instead he has a huge shed with every tool under the sun. Over the years he's got quite good at using them too! Very useful.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to scats

Can't say that of mine - can't even hammer a nail in straight ...

in reply to scats

My dad came from a famy of fishermen and I used to go as a kid. I had a few issues with it when I went vegan in the 80s but made my peace as he only fished with one rod and was prepared to kill them and eat them. My brother does it ow but not had convo with him about whether him and kids eat or not. My neice got a rod for Xmas and was very excited.

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to Yellowbluebell

Have had one in the cupboard for 15 years! Why I don't throw it away I don't know!

Smokygirl profile image
Smokygirl in reply to Yellowbluebell


Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to scats

WHAT is "distroyed" cheese??

scats profile image
scats in reply to Constance13

See my post about low carb. It's some very bad translation.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to scats

I wonder if they meant distraught ;)

It looks good, thought it was a raspberry at first and thought strange with tommy 😂🤣😂

Taste okay? Can you taste almond?

scats profile image
scats in reply to

It's a tiny tom, my granddaughters fave. I can't tast almond , you can always add more cheese, it makes them crispier.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to scats

Nuts are used to make vegan cheeses anyway so I didn't notice anything but the taste of destroyed cheese!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to scats

One recipe is just cheese and egg ...

You get crispy crisp-like things here made with just grated Parmesan

scats profile image
scats in reply to PMRpro

I've made those, they'd probably work as a waffle too, and fewer calories. I must try that.

in reply to scats

Your granddaughter ought to meet my neice. When she was little and staying with me she asked if she could have a cherry tomato. When I turned round she had munched through the whole punnet in a few mins. I couldnt help laughing at her fast technique.

scats profile image
scats in reply to

Beth eats them like sweets, but they have to be red. I grew her some yellow ones last year and she wouldn't touch them.

in reply to scats

That it exactly like a bag of crisps or sweets. I suppose we shouldn't complain at least they are more healthy!

My dog was stealing the delicious orange ones I grew but not the red.

scats profile image
scats in reply to

We should introduce them. As you say at least they're healthy

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to scats

I do too!

But I like orange ones ...

Blearyeyed profile image

Love the serving suggestion , a baby tomatoe that survived the hacking !😋😂😂😂

scats profile image
scats in reply to Blearyeyed

You know I wouldn't hurt a baby. Now thanks to you I have to eat another one.😏

SheffieldJane profile image


Longtimer profile image

Looks lovely, would never have thought of almonds an d cheese together.....might try as a wafflemaker either.....

Koalajane profile image

At times like this I wish I had a waffle maker

Mstiles profile image

Is ground almonds the same as almond flour?

scats profile image
scats in reply to Mstiles

Yes, I think so

Koalajane profile image
Koalajane in reply to Mstiles


PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Mstiles

I suppose the colour is the key

Koalajane profile image

I make Keto bread that uses ground almonds, baking powder, olive oil, and grated cheese and an egg. Done in the microwave for 90 seconds. I let it cool and then toast it

Theziggy profile image
Theziggy in reply to Koalajane


Koalajane profile image
Koalajane in reply to Theziggy

3 tablespoons of almond flour

1 egg

1/2 teaspoon of baking Powder

Pinch of salt

1 tablespoon butter or olive oil

(I add some grated cheese)

Pour into small bowl and whisk together

Cook in microwave for 90 seconds and cool

scats profile image
scats in reply to Koalajane

Very similar. I've toasted the waffles too.

Koalajane profile image
Koalajane in reply to scats

Yes I thought it was similar. I find the cheese helps with the flavour and I usually miss out on the salt

scats profile image
scats in reply to Koalajane

I find the best way to manage low carb is to find something simple and quick that you like enough to replace your regular version, not always easy. Chaffles and flax crackers have helped me a lot.

Bridge31 profile image
Bridge31 in reply to Koalajane

I’ve just tried it with coconut flour. It didn’t work. 🤣😥🤣😥

Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply to Koalajane

I just tried this - it worked well. Thanks for posting.

scats profile image
scats in reply to Koalajane

All the keto bread I've seen involves psyllum husk which I don't get on with so well. I must try this, thanks.

Bridge31 profile image

I’ve just tried it with coconut flour. It didn’t work 🤣😥🤣😥

scats profile image

Coconut flour is far more absorbant and reacts quite differently. I find it quite difficult to work with, shame.

nuigini profile image

Cloud bread is my favorite go-to for gluten free/keto bread. Lots of recipes for it on the internet. It's basically whipped egg whites folded with whipped yolks and cream cheese. You can also add Italian herbs, garlic, etc.

scats profile image
scats in reply to nuigini

I've tried all sorts, but when it comes to bread it has to be real, preferably sourdough, so it's an occasional treat at the moment.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to scats

It's the crust that matters ...

scats profile image
scats in reply to PMRpro


nuigini profile image

Unfortunately, I'm celiac so no wheat, rye or barley permitted and all the gluten free bread I've tried is terrible. I've learned to live without bread (very sadly) but every once in a while you need something to hold that juicy beef patty or ham and Swiss you're craving.

scats profile image
scats in reply to nuigini

That's tough. You've found cloud bread, that you like and I found chaffles!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to scats

Quite similar in some ways I suspect

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to nuigini

I have to be fair to Germany - I have had some excellent gluten-free bread in restaurants there! But usually it isn't worth it. The hospital here sends the bread automatically - they could bake the rolls they send packaged it might be worth it but the sliced bread they send is disgusting! They make up for it with their made in-house ravioli-style pasta.

Not what you're looking for?