Aunty Bees Advent Calendar. Dec 12. Another Nativ... - PMRGCAuk


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Aunty Bees Advent Calendar. Dec 12. Another Nativity ! Another Show! A bit of Fun and tips to help in your decision to go.

Blearyeyed profile image
β€’41 Replies

There's a big decision that we all need to vote upon across the Country tonight in the PMR , GCA and Chronic Pain Community.

No! I'm not talking about the 'E' word or even the 'B' word ( shudder!!) We have bigger mince pies to burn here , it's the decision as to whether we should go or not go to the Big School Show!

So , before I give you some tips to help make that choice a little easier , I thought I would offer a little light hearted fun with a page from the fictitious Manual called, ' The Primary Teachers School Play Handbook'. Just in case you have ever wondered how they chose to use certain children in particular roles , and keep the comic traditions of the School Nativity alive.....

How to put on a Nativity Play : Cast Considerations

Mary : must be blonde , sweet , and above all quiet , even when poked in the eye with an Angels wing . For some unknown reason you are required to choose the least Hebrew looking child in the class. Good balancing skills are also useful if she is required to ride a donkey.

Joseph: Tall , popular , good looking if possible. Try not to choose a boy with bad toilet control and Restless Leg Syndrome unless it is part of your Directorial Style. Strength required if he is needed to hold Mary up on a donkey.

Kings : The clever , well behaved kids that can pronounce frankincense and myrrh and won't be tempted to open the gifts or use their crowns as a Frisbee but can't be trusted to be on stage too long without trying to steal the Baby.

Shepherd's: Cute but Quiet children whom can be trusted to sit or stand without scratching or wiggling for the loo , preferably with a bigger head so they aren't blinded by a politically incorrect teatowel.

Sheep: Children with no known allergies ( do a costume test in advance) and excellent toilet control , you want kids that can look cute in wool but not scratch so much that they look like they have a bout of Fluke.

Angels / Cherubs : The Sweet Talented Athletes that can be trained to walk around the stage in sharp formation and not let the team down by running off to hug their Mum and in doing so poke a Shepherds eye out with a wing.

Innkeeper: Loud Voice and a particularly cheeky smirk with perfect comic timing. The Class Joker whom can carry off a scene with some classic improv. when Joseph forgets his only line.

Angel Gabriel / Narrator : The multitasker and likeable Class Swot capable of singing a bit and learning lines with panache. Responsible enough to guide Cherubs or Shepherds across the stage if they get lost without looking like they are throwing people with Godlike Fury into the Bowels of Hell. Capable of wearing unfeasibly large wings and a halo and not falling off a podium or impaling Mary.

Herod: The Future Oscar winner , World Leader or Sociopathic Criminal Genius ( only time will tell!) Perfect for the role of villain but , along with his soldiers , should not be trusted with any weaponry more dangerous than a blunt , rubber sword.

The Star: Each and every one of them . Big role or supporting part , dizzy chicken or aubergine . There's nothing that resounds in the memories of Christmas , no matter what religion or Culture you may lead , whether Actor to Audience , more than the Magic of the School Nativity.

Now , you are hopefully relaxed enough to reach your decision on attending the Big Show , Concert , Pantomime or Infamous Nativity.

Aunty Bees advice is this.


If you are only 50/50 now , or feel run down , Don't Go. There's nothing that brings on a Christmas Chest Infection or UTI quicker than sitting in a draughty room or hall on a purgatorial bony chair. This is especially true if you have more than one show to go to. Better to go to none , than have one child left out as you caught your Death attending the events of another one.

This choice can not only be Guilt and Stress Free but actually begin a lovely new Christmas Tradition. Just tell them as soon as possible with cheer that you won't be able to attend but you really hope that they will come to see you and put on a show just for You instead. You can get them to talk your through the photos that their parents will take of their big debut , hear the songs and actually help remind them that it was Fun too. Plus , many, many schools tape DVDs of the Show to raise extra funds , so you can buy one of those to give some support and enjoy with the Children or Grandchildren cuddled up together on the sofa instead. Perfect Compromise for All.


Here's some tips I have used over the years to make going to these performances PMR, GCA and Chronic Pain Friendly.

Get someone to reserve your seats because if your Health issues.

Reserved seats you can arrive just before the start and not have the agony of a half hour wait for things to get going.

Get them near the back and with an end of row seat. It may not be the best view , but allows you room to move in your seat and get up and go out without being seen if you need to.

Take a cushion and a small blanket and keep your coat on unless it's piping hot. Don't be embarrassed , in half an hour on those Chairs of Satan every Healthy Person in the place will wish they did the same.

Take a bottle of water , polos , these sipped and sucked throughout reduce nausea, palpitations and dizziness , and a small flask with a hot drink to hold off those infections or numb hands if you feel even a bit shivery . No body will see , you are sat on the end.

Take sunglasses if you suffer headaches and migraines . I wear mine all the time at shows when the lights get too bright and flashy.

Most importantly , do not hang around at the end to eat hard mince pies and drink bad mulled wine with people you have never met . Say a quick goodbye to your little star and get out of the Carpark without a queue to your comfy home.

So , now like any serious vote , it's up to you , not your Children , Grandchildren or anybody else whom wants to give an opinion. The only opinion that counts is Yours and the PMR or GCA of course.

Hope this helps you give the support you can to all the little ones on the road to Stardom , and , as I didn't want to put up a photo without asking permission of my poor children and their chums , so I have included a less festive photo of Merry Folk that I have named "When Nativity goes Bad!"

Hugs , and please Don't Break a Leg Folks , Aunty Bee De Mille ( Get it !!) πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‹πŸ˜πŸ˜˜

PS Please tell us all which part you played , your funniest audience moment or have a guess at what role you think was played by Aunty Bee! ( Keep it clean children are present!πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)

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Blearyeyed profile image
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41 Replies

I hope it does matter that I was Joseph on the day as I was the understudy to everyone. I didn't know I was the whole casts understudy until I was in my mid 40s. I just remember having a tea towel on my head. All mine in the UK are well beyond school age... Phew!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyedβ€’ in reply to

I think I should have asked everyone to say who they were in the school show and there funniest moment , or at least have a guess at which role was played by Aunty Bee.

I was imagining you as an Angel of course , or maybe a wise cracking Innkeeper!πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

β€’ in reply toBlearyeyed

πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ I used to be one of those.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyedβ€’ in reply to

As in you ran a pub?

β€’ in reply toBlearyeyed


Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyedβ€’ in reply to

I ran a few bars , perhaps we should start a fictitious PMR GCA watering hole and call it Polywobbles ?!!πŸ˜‹

β€’ in reply toBlearyeyed

Why not.... People can meet up like in the pub in soaps but I wNt it to be more like Acorn Antiques...

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyedβ€’ in reply to

Or Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy !

β€’ in reply toBlearyeyed

Confession never read or seen it.... I like scifi but never did hgttg or red dwarf ... More star trek stylee

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyedβ€’ in reply to

Or Star Wars .....

β€’ in reply toBlearyeyed

Nope. Never seen star wars as the radio show says.

β€’ in reply toBlearyeyed

I like a good disaster or invasion movie.... Zombies are my go to.... If they are not too jumpy.... My body doesn't like the shock. But have to have humour like z nation... I zombie....walking dead gets me angry as they act stupidly....

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyedβ€’ in reply to

I thought you were going to say you could relate to the characters as they also had bodies that keep falling apart . πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Get the BBC original version of Hitchhiker's on DVD if you can , just your sort of humour , and if you look up a clip off the Bar scene in Star Wars , A New Hope on YouTube you will see what I'm talking about. You could do Christmas viewing this year circa 1981!

β€’ in reply toBlearyeyed

I have tried but I get bored....

The bodies falling apart is part of the appeal... Looks like me walking on a bad day.

β€’ in reply toBlearyeyed

I will YouTube it and what h bar scene.... With an open mind.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyedβ€’ in reply to

You can give us all parts , and you will love the band , it's only five minutes or so you hopefully won't be bored.

β€’ in reply toBlearyeyed

I won't be watching the full thing I am afraid. I was 16years old and a punk when this came out so I don't think I have the history for it lodged in me. I was more attract to ceottk. I do love flight of the navigator and other 80s movies. I think I just fall wrong for star wars.

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebellβ€’ in reply to

Me too. Dr who and star trek is my limit

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJaneβ€’ in reply to

My eldest was Mary, incredibly and my middle girl was a shepherd ( she took her lamb back from baby Jesus when she left the stage).

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyedβ€’ in reply toSheffieldJane

Grandma played the English speaking Mary in their Bilingual Nativity , goodness knows why , neither Mary said a line , perhaps the thought that the way you sat on a chair holding a doll was different in England and Wales . Nadolig Llanwen!

Freshmimt profile image

Oh I’ve been stressing about this very topic all day, oh the rotten decision, to go or not to go.

Beautiful 5 year old grandson his nativity play tomorrow, it’s a year 1 and year 2 production, so nearly 60 potentially bug bearing beauties, and their parents and baby siblings.

Last years was so wonderful.but that was before diagnosis and pred, and low immune, and oh I don’t think I can do it, bloody PMR.

Thanks Blearyeyed really enjoying these posts.

β€’ in reply toFreshmimt

Just think of the joy he will have telling you about it... Especially if there's an official video.

Freshmimt profile image
Freshmimtβ€’ in reply to

Yes, they will do a video, and little one is a sensible boy and will understand, but !!!! Oh well,I will pull up big girl knickers and just enjoy the video and the proud parents telling me all about it, thanks all xxx

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyedβ€’ in reply toFreshmimt

Seriously , don't go if you aren't up to it either Physically or Mentally and use the cuddly tips I gave above instead. Nobody will blame you even if they huff a bit at first and it's better than sitting in agony and waking up in three days with a stinking cold that ruins the whole of Christmas. Share the photos and songs on the sofa with them instead , take care x

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebellβ€’ in reply toFreshmimt

I have endured a few bug filled occasions since my diagnosis last Oct but thankfully havnt caught anything. Even the christmas fair and my grandson in the choir has not brought on any bugs

(Yet!). Your decision needs to be for you only. Our grandsons school video the play and charge a fiver which is a nice record anyway!!

SheffieldJane profile image

I’d crawl on my hands and knees to get to my grandchildren’s events and cry hormone filled, health giving tears all the way through. The events are all in Australia, so I get little films of their concerts and it dawns on me that I have been dressing them for some time now.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyedβ€’ in reply toSheffieldJane

Yes , if you are far away and you feel well enough it does make you miss your little entertainers more than usual. But at least you have the film's , they will last forever xx

β€’ in reply toSheffieldJane

And when they are adults the vide is are evidence that they were once a cute kid and they will hate it until they have theirs. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ŠπŸ€£

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyedβ€’ in reply to

I know I was just watching ours earlier , the first full performance one we watch and humiliate Eric with every year . She played a reindeer in a poo brown catsuit and antlers with flashing nose. She keeps saying she reminds herself of Eric Morecambe when she watches it , as her glasses keep being shoved sideways by the headband when she moved!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

More unnerving was the gratefully unfilmed Home School Club Multi Denominational , Gender Neutral , Politically Correct Winter Festival Show she was in , she played a Fundamentalist Elf Terrorist paid to kidnap Santa for banning Boy Fairies from Trees.

No, really I am not making this Up , and it was over 2 hours long !!!!!!!!!

β€’ in reply toBlearyeyed


If it all at all Eric Morecombe like I would have been in stitches... I laugh at his statue.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyedβ€’ in reply to

I'll send you a clip copy , it's hilarious , she looks like a stick with DDT!

β€’ in reply toBlearyeyed


Yellowbluebell profile image

Grandson has been an angel, king and joseph. I left grandad the job of making angel wings whilst i did the outfit. My OH being a complete idiot made wings bigger than pegasus had and everytime zach turned around he knocked a star off the stage!! We were asked to "alter" them "slightly". when he was one of the kings one delightful child from his class sat behind him during the nativity and bit him during rehearsal!! They stop doing nativity in year 2 thank god!!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyedβ€’ in reply toYellowbluebell

Grandma was a lamb and a biter when very tiny , she was the most vicious 3 year old sheep you have ever seen in a Preschool Butterflies Club Nativity , that will teach my Mum to be deceived and push her out on stage too soon . She is far more well behaved on Stage now though.

Did you have any dizzy chickens or an ironmonger this year , or hasn't it been on yet?

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebellβ€’ in reply toBlearyeyed

Last year was my last and they have had all sorts of stupid animals in it but fuzzy chickens do ring a bell

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyedβ€’ in reply toYellowbluebell

Or if you remember we called them Headless Chickens because they didn't know where to go ..... " where's Jesus....... where's Jesus, oh forget it, let's go to Jerusalem instead!"

Pixix profile image

Wonderful,made me giggle! I was a very unlikely angel! But my memory is sad. About 9 years old I did one of the readings...perfectly... but then forgot to say β€˜thanks be to God’ at the end. Even all these years later I still recall the shame. We have cancelled going to everything this year. I had three dreadfully sick Christmases only 4, 5 and 6 years ago. Bugs caught at parties, in shops, etc etc. Sick for 6-8 weeks each time. Chest infections. Antibiotics and steroids. Tips for today...Professor said some of the easiest to catch bugs are on shopping trolleys and basket handles. When you pick one up its still warm from last user. Bugs live for four hours sometimes. In America this year they had bottles of antiseptic wipe & wet wipes by the trolleys so you can clean the handles before use! We keep gloves in the car. Keep gloves on at all times in shops. Strip them off inside out inside car, as soon as home scrub hands. Leave gloves in car for bugs to die there. Sadly now I have PMR on top of all else we get all food delivered, except meat from a farm where I can stand outside and pick our meat...locals understand!...again the consultant insisted. We also use First Defence before and after going anywhere public, like the dentist the other day. Postponed drinks with neighbours until after Christmas just last night...they have four young grandchildren. It’s not worth it! IMHO! But oh so so so tempting. Sorry for long reply but hope it’s useful info.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyedβ€’ in reply toPixix

It is worth trying to keep away from the bugs , especially at this time of year when the cold weather affecting the burden . My family fend off small snot nosed children at the pass , they have literally been grabbed up in the air twirled and sent running in the opposite direction by my luckily cautious Close Family to prevent the two month chest infection and double UTI of 2016!!! Ahh the thoughtful gifts are Friends and their runny nosed offspring give us at this time of year. Could you ask Santa to put a hanky in every child's stocking this year?πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Good tip about those shopping trollies .

It's the communal nuts on bars or at parties I keep away from .

I can see you as an Angel , you've certainly been doing many good deeds this year , although as Mrs Claus you may like todays Christmas Jumper post , especially as you are named on it !

Hugs xxx

Pixix profile image
Pixixβ€’ in reply toBlearyeyed

Off to find the Christmas jumper post! Ah, I’d forgotten the communal bowls of nuts, but then I’m nutty enough without them! Love the vision of snot filled children flying through the air, wonderful comments, thanks! x x

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassadorβ€’ in reply toPixix

A whole new version of The Snowman ...

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyedβ€’ in reply toPMRpro

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ A ditty , to the music of 'Walking in the Air' ....

🎼🎡🎢 I'm flying through the air , so Aunty Bee won't catch my cold ,

If I'd wanted a hug , I should have blown my nose!🎢🎡🎼

Could be Aled Joneses new Christmas hit next year!πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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