Hi, does anyone have bipolar 2 and pmr and on steroids??? I have been on 15 mg prednisolone for 1month and esr and crp are now normal. I’m hoping my gp will start to reduce the level of steroids because I become very, very agitated especially in the afternoons😜. Does anyone else have this problem and if so what did you do about it? Also does a warm climate help the muscle cramps and pain?
Steroids and bipolar disease: Hi, does anyone have... - PMRGCAuk
Steroids and bipolar disease

Hello. There have been posts periodically from those with bipolar. If you put Bipolar in the search box top right, search and then chose My Communities from the list below, you should get the posts listed on any of your communities you belong to including this one. Good luck.
Thank you very much for that info.
Did it work?
I don’t have bipolar but I have experienced the restlessness of higher dose Pred . I would tell your doctor particularly because you have a diagnosed mental health condition.
I always feel better physically when I visit my family in Australia, even when it’s humid. As Snazzy says, we have had a number of contributors who have bipolar disorder and are understandably cautious about steroids.
Hi Bubble, Great Name!
Prednisolone can affect anyone causing them to become more hyper or agitated, so it’s especially important for you to be aware of that possibility.
Are you on Meds for your Bipolar? Do you have a close family member or friend who is aware of your medical condition who might spot any major differences in your mood or are you very aware of it yourself?
Your GP will be starting to decrease the Pred now & as you drop hopefully you’ll be less agitated in the afternoon.
If possible take a nap or rest in the afternoon & try to relax.
Welcome to the Forum
Kind Regards
Hi , Bubble ,
Could I ask are you diagnosed Bipolar Type 2 and do you take other medications?
Many people on doses of Pred over 10 mg get feelings of anxiety , Fatigue and mild agitation or insomnia. Things like thinking and other brain activities can also become more difficult at times and mood swings or emotional changes can occur.
Some sufferers of Bipolar , however , can have more complicated side effects with taking Steroids which need better checking and monitoring .
Some sufferers can have Mental Health episodes and may need to be put on Steroid Sparer Medications or have alternatives found to treat their PMR or other Chronic Conditions because they find they cannot use steroids long term.
A forum member called animalactivist is someone with ( Type 1??) Bipolar who has discussed her difficulties and treatment experience in posts. I , myself, left a reply in a post called,
' Thanks'.
If you press on the members tab at the top of the page and search the name , animalactivist
it should come up in the list of members on the first page . Press on the name , it will take you to the profile page and you will be able to read through the posts and replies which may also have answers that can advise you or tell you of other members that share a similar experience.
You Doctor will know you Mental Health History , but you should keep a Diary of how you are feeling and when during the day episodes occur. If you begin to suffer more episodes or feel that the Bipolar symptoms you are used to having are more frequent you should return to the GP or contact your Rheumy so that you can get together with them as soon as possible and discuss your options ( request an Emergency Appt if you need to ) .
Obviously , waiting and seeing is not appropriate in your position , prompt action is better when dealing with Mental Health that can change suddenly.
In the meantime , use any Cognitive Behaviour Therapy or Relaxation and Breathing or Distraction techniques you have learnt to try and keep you as calm as possible , especially if you feel an episode , and please do contact your GP / Therapist or Rheumy to discuss this , you could also contact animalactivist via Private Message and see if she can give you some specific advice or support , and I would be more than happy to have you contact me if you need help via PM too .
Take care and please keep us posted xx
Yes I was diagnosed as bipolar 2 thirty years ago and have had many spells in and out of hospital. I now have a fantastic psychiatrist who has changed my medication after 15 years of being on the same combination and I really don’t want the prednisolone to unbalance that. Pregabilin has changed everything and also , as David can’t swim ( love the name!) has suggested, I think a diazepam at lunch time is a good idea. I try to avoid taking too much “stuff” but I’m 63 and now life is too short to worry about it but it really helps to know that other people manage in the same way. Thank you.🙃
Good , as long as you are managing things and keeping an eye if for any symptoms or triggers you are taking a really positive approach to dealing with both illnesses.
As , you say , we don't want to rely on Medication , but accepting that we often need to is a good thing.
Glad you are finding some forum members that you can talk to with similar needs to yourself , you can keep each other going
Take care xx
Try on this... Bipolar only word.. David can't swim has discussed bipolar too. You can search members and find their posts and replies.
Hi Bubble, I am diagnosed Bipolar 2. I was officially diagnosed ten years ago and have struggled with mental health problems all my life (I am 68 years young now). I like to enjoy life and have had a lot of fun so far. In actual fact BP2 has been good to me in many ways as I have moved from good situations to great situations with some dodgy bits thrown in.
Anyway, I take 200mg of Seroquel at bedtime which keeps me asleep for nine hours. Also Venlalic in the morning. I do have one Diazepam mid-day but have now upped that (GP said) as I am tapering Prednisolone which is really giving me grief now. I have gone from 80mg of Pred to 13mg and am struggling. I had to see my GP for an emergency visit yesterday and had a full bloods job done as I am feeling crapola.
I was a professional, full time DJ/MC/Event Host for decades and what with social anxiety I got through it all OK.
Any questions? Do ask...
Yes- I also have Bipolar Disorder and I am a 64 yr old, retired preschool teacher, a wife and “happy to be” grandmother of four beautiful grandchildren. I also have a 16 yr old , wonderful “fur child” Dachshund named Barney 🙂
In addition to years of fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome I was just recently diagnosed by my doctor with PMR in September, however my first appointment with a rheumatologist is December 12th and I assume I will be put on steroids, which I am worried about of course. I would appreciate any information or tips anyone else has concerning PMR treatment combined with Bipolar Disorder.
I was a bit hyperactive at first but OK after a few days
Forgot to mention that I also get agitated in the afternoons and, so, pop a Diazepam. Sometimes I pop one before noon .... pre-emptive strike if you will. As my family and friends in the USA say "...better life through drugs" (they mean legal ones)

“ better living through pharmaceuticals ”😇
I too have bi polar and because of that couldn't take steroids for my pmr
I tried methotrexate but ended up sectioned on that! So just got by on lots of alternative treatments.
Obviously not a like of the circumstances... More thanks for replying! 🌻