Need advice about low carb diets.: After writing... - PMRGCAuk


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Need advice about low carb diets.

Jampad profile image
25 Replies

After writing that now I have steroid-induced high blood sugar and high blood pressure quite a few members have told me that a low carb diet will help. I am starting tomorrow and am trying to plan things in advance. Did members just decide to stop eating foods like white bread, white rice. pasta and similar foods, or did members count the gr of carbs they ate and had a specific goal of how many carbs they would eat each day? If members had a specific goal - what was it?

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Jampad profile image
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25 Replies

Hi jampad, I dumped all white processed foods and if I kept eating some it was wholewheat. I didn't miss pasta at all despite previously eating lots.

My view is to spend a week just eating what you normally would so you get an idea of the number of carbs you eat. Then I dropped the number by @25% for a week and then then 25% of the total again. Spend a couple of weeks there and see how you respond. I Usually have around 60g of carbs but some need as low as 20g... All wholewheat, nice butter on veg, olive oil on salads etc. The point if low carb in terms of diabetes is there has to be the high fat.. Its not cups full of oil but more than people think is OK. After all we are still trying not to eat too many calories. But the fat replaces the energy for your body to function on rather than the carbs. It also slows down the release of carbs too and satisfies your appetite. Eating that way I have lost well over 2 stones as I reduced from 15 to 7mg.

I will add a couple of links you may find useful. The ditch the carbs link is only there for the lists of carb contents. I am not recommending it for the other things advertised on the link.

I will add a link to diabetes UK that has a low carb forum and you can access the recipes for a week for free. But it may help you to have a look at the discussions about low carbing on there. There is a low carb program which is free for 7 days. Just have a look. There are many people who are newly diagnosed as well as long term members.

PMRpro profile image

I knew what foods have carbs anyway- I don't eat any processed carbs, limit veggies to mainly above ground ones (root veg are high in carbs) and rarely eat fruit (lots of fructose, healthier maybe but still carbs). I have no compunction about using butter and olive oil to cook them!

Poopadoops has given you a couple of links - this

has nice images to make it clear which foods are good on low carb and which not.

I changed my range of foods to still include some carbs - if I didn't lose weight I cut the carbs further. It is a simple way of going about it that doesn't require a scales and faffing about. Maybe use the scales at first to learn what size portion has how many carbs - say weigh a handful and work it out and remember that.

The main thing is to learn to recognise what is OK without having to do anything complicated. If you can resist and stick to a single scoop of icecream or a single piece of chocolate then don't restrict yourself too far - not being "allowed" is the quickest way to create a craving!

Mary63 profile image

I have mainly tried to stay under 20g carb on five days a week. The other two days I like to have some booze, so the carbs go up a bit. Sticking with this regime enables me not to gain much weight. ....7 lbs and counting over 4 years. ....

Cyclegirl54 profile image

There are good visual guides (along with text) at to help with a lower carb diet.

KinnearD profile image

Hi there. There are numbers of ways to start. Many people find the Diet Doctor website really useful starting out. I would encourage you to focus on the foods that you should eat on LCHF in your planning such as meat, eggs, cheese, cream, leafy vegetables, brassicas, avocados etc and plenty of water. Within a day or two you will have appetite control and it becomes easier. Buying ketosticks to measure being in ketosis is a great encouragement. Hope this helps.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply toKinnearD

Just a warning - when on pred the ketostix are unlikely to be much use. Pred causes the liver to release random spikes of sugar into the blood and it is almost impossible to achieve ketosis. Cutting your carbs isn't going to work perfectly for us but it will make the best of a difficult situation there is not much you can do about.

KinnearD profile image
KinnearD in reply toPMRpro

Interesting. Thanks.

Kinnear profile image
Kinnear in reply toPMRpro

Just curious thinking about this. Does that mean that although the Ketostik consistently shows moderate "ketosis" each morning and there has been other indicators like breath changes and appetite control that I'm not fat burning? I have eaten lower carb since diagnosis in August 18. I lost weigh and then regained that loss slowly ( and another 3kg in the past 3 months catering for international students tastes and eating their rice etc). I'm short so the extra matters though I'm not obese and I'm keen to not gain more. I have actually slowly dropped that 3kg in the past month on strict keto (well under 20g carbs). Not fast but better than a standard diet. Feel great in terms of more energy and clearer mind too. beyond that. Understand the water loss....just curious about the ketosis issue. Basically if LCHF needs to be modified for those of us on prednisone. Appreciate you passing on this information too.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply toKinnear

If it shows it and you have the "symptoms" then it is likely you are in ketosis. But some people may get quite discouraged when they don't get the evidence despite being really consistent with their diet.

I honestly don't think it could be modified - it is a source of sugar that is out of our control. But it is still possible to lose weight for most people providing the carbs intake is low enough. Just it is harder. And we have had people bemoaning they aren't losing weight. Some are eating things that do have simple carbs in them - fruit is a common sin so to speak. But others still struggle despite sticking to it - and that is so demoralising when you don't know why it may be a problem.

Koalajane profile image

Remember the high fat as well so always buy full fat yoghurt and full fat cream.

It does become easy and when shopping always look at how many carbs are in each item. I am lucky that I love food and seafood.

I was diagnosed with type 2 about 4 months after my PMR diagnosis. I was prescribed gliclazide and went straight on to the LCHF diet. At my first 6 monthly check my hba1c had gone down to 39 so was taken off gliclazide. My hba1c has hovered around 40 but my last one was 35. This may well be due to not eating lunch. I probably eat around 20g of carbs a day.if I am peckish between meals I eat some cheese.

Good luck

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply toKoalajane

Have you been able to reduce your pred in the meantime too?

Koalajane profile image
Koalajane in reply toPMRpro

Hi, I am doing a very slow taper from 5mg to 4.5mg. The hba1c was probably whilst on 4.5mg and 4mg but I upped it to 5mg after a flare so about the last 5 weeks before hba1c was on 5mg.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply toKoalajane

It's always slower to fall than the reduction because it relates to an average over the past 3 months. You have done really well though.

Koalajane profile image
Koalajane in reply toPMRpro

Thank you. I had wondered if it was going to fall as my finger pricks were mainly in the 4s and low 5s but thought I had a good pot of test strips!

Odosmum profile image

I keep bread to 2 slices per day. I have cut out pasta, rice and potatoes. I will occasionally (2 x per month) eat lasagna. If I want potaoes, I eat chips or roast (fat slows carb release). No biscuits, cakes or chocolate.

Mashed cauliflower, or swede or carrot is a good potato substitute.

Sweet cravings fed with fresh fruit or stewed apples + custard made fresh with sucralose. I also make a trifle using fresh or tinned in juice fruit, no sugar jelly and fresh custard made with sucralose.

Others have talked about cream, full fat yoghurt and cheese - you have to maintain energy intake.

Not scientific low carb, I know but I am still losing weight and my hba1c level around 40. It is a regime that is easy to follow, doesn't have me hungry or craving all the time - it works for me.

Blearyeyed profile image

Not everybody can do the Low Carb / High Fat diet either because they find very few Carbs too restrictive , or have other health issues that mean the High Fat option is not good for them too.

There isn't really one diet regime that works for everybody , all our bodies are different and so diet choices do need a bit of trial and error for what fits you.

You are looking for still feeding your Soul with your diet not just feeding your Face , your diet needs to be something that you can stick too each day , has variety , the odd little treat here and there , a Diet for Life , rather than a Diet for Now. It gives you more success.

I do eat Carbs but a lower amount and I'm careful about the types I eat . I cut out all processed high sugar and salt " quick fix " foods.

I don't eat white bread ( rarely eat flour based foods) white pasta , white rice or noodles ( except occasionally at a party or having a treat of a meal ) but I will eat some wholemeal or sourdough products , and the odd small portion of potatoes with skins , or sweet potato.

I have been known to indulge in a portion of chips !!

I would say I probably eat half the daily recommended carbs for someone of my height and weight a day , but that is twice the Carbs that most people on the LC/ HF diet eat , I could reduce it more , but I like and benefit from my fruit.

I eat the sort of carbs that burn slowly , and don't cause sudden sugar spikes , Low G.I carbs in small portion sizes . Seeded or Wholemeal or skin on . Pulses , Beans , Vegetables etc .

I try to eat some carbs separate to my more protein and vitamin full meals , to help get the benefit of the serotonin that it helps to increase .

White meats , lots if fish the occasional steak but not much red meat. Many days are either vegetarian and the odd vegan day , a variety .

I do eat a variety of vegetables and fruit but as part of a healthy combo in meals for it's nutrient content , but I have a number of Chronic Health Issues so I find helping to improve various symptoms with food and lots of good hydration is more beneficial to me , a Lower Carb version of a Mediterranean or higher protein Okinawan Diet I suppose.

I am wheat free for my own health needs , and I eat healthy fats like olive oil , nuts , dairy especially yoghurt . I use natural butter not margarine , but everything in moderation.

You do also need to consider how much you are eating in comparison to activity , it's not all carbs or fat or sugar , no matter what diet you choose , if you eat more calorie energy than you can use each day it will have an impact on losing or maintaining weight no matter what you put on your plate in the long run.

I drink very rarely ( possibly 14 units a year rather than a week ) but do like the odd of slice of bread or cake.

I go by my Aunties rule , a healthy diet most of the week , with a couple of " little naughties" and a Day off a week ( that's not Christmas Day once a week just if that's the one you were choosing !😋) .

Above all , it needs to be healthy but needs to work for you or a diet change doesn't last for Life , and that's what you need rather than a quick fix.

I call it a , ' Let them eat Kale with the occasional slice of cake ' philosophy .

Lafete profile image

Hi. I've decided to eat ketogenically after lots of thought and desperate, like everyone, to reduce inflammation as much as possible.

I used the app Carb manager, free version, to try and get an accurate view of what carbs are on food. It's a bit picky to start off with but fascinating and really helpful.

I love cheese so that helps as I have ditched all grains essentially and all fruit bar a few berries. I don't crave carbs now at all.

I even love baking and can make 'normal' food for my family without wanting to eat it.

There are loads of ideas on Pinterest if you want to make keto - friendly versions of baked goods but they've not really worked for me.

I just eat cheese.

Good luck.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply toLafete

What would life be without cheese??????????????

Lafete profile image
Lafete in reply toPMRpro

Ha ha ha! Unthinkable.

Pixix profile image

I ditched as many carbs as possible as had diabetes diagnosed at same time, so it wasn’t Pred causing it. Desperate to reduce my weight & reverse I am following the keto diet & using recipes I find on Pinterest. There are many many pins telling you what foods to avoid, recipes for cloud bread (not really like bread, but better than nothing!), lots of good tips. Good lists of what you can and can’t eat. I have lost three quarters of a stone in two weeks, but have another 2 stone to go due to steroids for chest infections 2 years ago!! I love cheese, fortunately, but not keen on eggs, which it encourages you to eat! Good luck...I’m a newbie for PMR (4 weeks) and diabetes (3 weeks), so understand the new battle you face!

Pixix profile image

Not trying to take over your post, but does anybody know what happens if you cheat on a ketogenic diet! I’m not sure if you cheat a little you lose the ketogenic ‘state’ your body needs to be in to fight the fat in your body! The way I see it is that it’s a very high fat diet, so if you cheat at all with the carbs then you could put weight on really fast. Sorry, but think this will help Jampad to know this, too, please?

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply toPixix

Yes - even a relatively small amount of carbohydrate will take you out of ketosis - but that is almost certainly going to happen for anyone on pred anyway if it is triggering the liver to release spikes of glucose into the bloodstream. I don't know if that release of glucose is inevitable or whether it doesn't happen for some people.

Some people can lose weight without being totally in ketosis though - taking out all the unnecessary carbs will make a massive difference.

Pixix profile image
Pixix in reply toPMRpro

Thanks...confirms my thoughts. (I wasn’t going to weaken, but I crave one lovely meal of pasta, or a baked potato in this cold spell!). My thoughts were based on Christmas, tbh. I think I will go onto 5:2 over 2 weeks of Christmas, then pick up the Keto diet on 2 January. I’ve changed the time of taking my Pred to 3am & so far...just two days...I’m not feeling so achy & ‘flu like symptoms. Thanks for your help!

welovespinach profile image

hi jampad, have you checked out carbs and cals? Fab books, recipe ideas and even an app with pictures!! Pictorial portion sizes really helps 😊

in reply towelovespinach

I started with the pictures. Found it really helpful.

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