Seems many on this blog have Thyroid conditions as well as PMR. I have both and wonder if I should see an Endocrinologist......I also have small benign tumors in my Adrenal glands. There seems to be a connection. Has anyone gotten an opinion from an Endocrinologist?
Thyroid and PMR: Seems many on this blog have... - PMRGCAuk
Thyroid and PMR

I'm not sure you could say "many" - not relative to the total numbers using the forum at least. But yes, if you have signs of thyroid problems then that needs to be investigated - and should have been at time of diagnosis.
Thank you, I have seen an Endocrinologist many time before PMR diagnosis, had half Thyroid removed 20 yrs ago. I wondered about the connection to PMR.
I am one of the people with a Thyroid condition ( Graves) and PMR. I have seen Rheumatologist’s an Endocrinologist and GPs. None of them have offered an opinion as to a link. It is just another autoimmune disease. My instinct is that there will be a link but the research hasn’t been done yet. It seems to be up to us to remind doctors that we have something else that maybe impacting on the condition they are currently looking at.
~Hi SheffieldJane - I popped up the details of a book I am presently reading written by a variety of Dr's but the Editor being a Dr/M.Ed. herself who has battled hypothyroidism 20 years - a great & interesting read.
We can't wait for "the powers that be" to come up with the research as funding is in short supply as is often the case in most countries.
This book will answer many questions posted here & is called: -
Janie A. Bowthorpe Editor + 14 other Dr's adding a chapter on the subject.
I could add much more but think it worthwhile trying to obtain a copy of this book. She has a newer edition which I am waiting for our local library to obtain.
Good luck ~
I will track it down. The radio- Iodine treatment plunged me into an early, hard menopause, I don’t think I have been right since. Everything is treated in isolation.
~Thyroid issues very complex.
Vitally important having a Dr/Endoc/Rheumie all singing from the same song sheet.
This book has been a real eye opener. She (Dr Janie A Bowthorpe) extremely passionate about this topic & has written similar books plus a F/B page.
All based around her own hypothyroid mismanaged 20 years.
I have had an underactive thyroid for many years, since pre-menopause and I am now 71, so nearly 20 years. I started on 25mg thyroxine, now take 50mg daily. Not a high dose, and it seems to keep my weight stable and my energy levels up to scratch. (The general lethargy I had in my early 50's is a thing of the past.) I don't think there has been any connection for me between this and my PMR which was diagnosed just 7 months ago. But, and it is a significant but, since my PMR diagnosis, I have asked for my TSH and T4 levels to be checked more often than just once a year and, at the initial, higher doses of Pred, these levels did fluctuate a lot. I am still a bit "hyper" at times, and sleeping poorly. Don't know whether that is Thyroid or Pred !!
Hi there. I have thyroid hoo function, Hashimoto disease and pmr from 2.5 years. As far as I know, when one has one auto immune disease one is more likely to get another one....starting to get a few psoriasis patches here and there. To be honest... I rather sort my meds out between my GP and me, than see a endocrinologist. Managing just fine between the GP who I seldom see, myself and the forum.😉😊🌞
~Hi Kaaswinkel - please tell me what your psoriasis patches look like?
I would be most interest to know?
Small scaly patch , whitish on top. Some, not mine, are bigger like on elbows and knees. If u google it they probably provide u with a picture on line. And then of course one might also have psoriatic arthritis...with the patches...
~Interesting - had gradual increase of whitish scaley patches where I want to pick off skin - most lower legs/arms evident & appears I am losing my melanin or pigment not sure which, maybe one in the same. I do know I will need to be careful in sun this summer.
Haven't shown areas to Rheumy - not causing me grief. Have googled in past but didn't look like my scales - maybe I will grow fins next ...
When my underactive thyroid was diagnosed 15 years ago I was told it was auto immune problem and I might develop others eg lupus - I was diagnosed PMR Oct 2018 - it is auto immune problem eg immune system attacking your body
Thank you, I was never told of the possibility. Seems Endocrinologists and Rheumatologists need to work together to identify the potential in patients.
I have both PMR and GCA and had bilateral Thyroid Cancer
~Very sorry to read this CRW-68.
Sending as always to my PMR + friends here abundant hugs on your journey.
Blessings from NZ ~
In my humble opinion, there seems to be a link.